Is it worth moving from Canada to Arizona, for the gun laws, assuming I get a job in the state?

Is it worth moving from Canada to Arizona, for the gun laws, assuming I get a job in the state?

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Snowbirds come here all the time for winter, then move back up north for summer because they have a hard time dealing with the heat. Take a visit here first and think about what you want before making big decisions like that. I have family in western Canada that comes down just for winter because they love it here in winter, but as soon as April and May comes by it gets hotter than the hottest temps recorded in Canada and just keeps getting hotter. Unless you live in the mountains higher than 6,000ft (1800m) the temps will always reach 40C (104F) or higher in AZ, occasionally 50C (120F).

Canadian ex-pat here. Do you have any idea how fucking hot AZ is? You will fucking die, brother. Lots of states have good gun laws and aren't a billion fuckyou degrees.

I suggest West Virginia. Frankly I prefer (good) Shall Issue CC states simply because there's less poorfags and groids CCing hi points. Also keep in mind, hot temperatures = hot tempers.

Fuck off we're full. Take your slow, left lane camping ass to another state.

Have you checked the climate in Arizona? You'd avoid spontaneously combusting in Wyoming or New Hampshire.

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I have considered that the heat may be an issue. Is it that bad, as long as you have a brick, or non wood house, and a decent AC in your house/car?

Listen snownigger, it's officially 43C here right now. With the heat island effect it's more like 45C

I'm sitting in my cool 80F (27C) house with my AC on right now , while it's currently 108F (42C) outside as soon as I step out my door. Lived here almost my whole life and doesn't bother me at all, I go hiking as long as the temps aren't over 105F (41C) and carry several gallons of water in the deserts. When I go to the White Mountains (6,000-11,000ft/1800-3350m ASL) the temps are around 80F (27-30C) at the max most days in summer and the climate is alpine continental. Everyone lives in the hot deserts though and that's where all the jobs are.


>want to shoot
>it's so hot out you can't wear your gear
>you are hotter than the brass your gun is spitting out
>vultures are waiting

actually, that part is nice, Shooting last year at 110-115f. Get brass on me, "Eh, not so bad"

>sweating at 10c
fucking me

Based on where I live, I feel comfortable at around 25-30 °C (77-87 °f)

-20°C isnt even that cold.

Well buddy l highly recommend flagstaff its up north and snows

Shithole two-road small town with no in n out or Costco. Also full of Indians, ones actually from the reservations which you do not want to be around.

AZ sucks, it's just a low standard state with the worst labor laws imaginable. Move to Alaska if you're already up in Canada.

Flagstaff is one of the comfiest places I've ever lived at in AZ. The thing with the natives is that whenever they get their welfare checks they flood walmart and all the stores, then go back to the res. The ones that live in cities are cool in my experience, I used to go shooting with one.

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>cool 80F with my AC on
Glad I'm not the only AZfag too cheap to set it any lower.

I'm gonna be honest with you, OP. Arizona is fucking boring unless all you're interested in is shooting and hiking.

This, Great if you love the outdoors and guns. Boring if you like anythign else...except for maybe boating Lake Havasu is pretty lit

It takes a certain kind of person to enjoy it there. Moved from AZ to South Texas where the heat is roughly the same and the humidity is higher. But, I miss AZ and the desert and the rim.

>worst labor laws imaginable
Racist AND communist? It's more likely than you think

What do you do at NAU?

I go to college there. Mech engineering.

Attached: NAU_Flagstaff.jpg (1600x1066, 235K)

Huge Canadian expat community in Arizona.
Lots of Brits and Russian/ComBloc there as well. Kind of neat.

We collectively laugh whenever some dumbfuck canadian dies from heat exhaustion while walking the trails of Camelback. Happens annually.


*SHHHH* You'll chase off the snowbirds and their 'tirement bux!


like 50

Fuck the retirees, fuck the snowbirds, and fuck the blight that is senior living communities taking up real-estate that could be used for the benefit of everyone with a meaningful existence. They belong in Florida

I've actually met 4 Russian ex pats here, and Canadian snowbirds flood all the mobile home and retirement parks in winter, especially in the east valley they stick together in flocks lol.

Hahaha, most of the phoenix Metro area is a dying spot for seniors.
Means for great gun shopping.

Fuck electricity bills in the summer time. 80F is cool enough.

What retirement bucks, heatbirds in my area only spend money on food and RV hook-ups. They induce a living economic death that reflects their own in the areas they go to.

>labor laws imaginable
Communist. If you don't like our right to work laws, you can fuck off back to your liberal hell hole.

Fucking indians are a trip. When I lived up there we'd find them passed out in the gutters.

All the good stuff gets pillaged by their boomer friends right after they die. They show up and tell the wife they're real sorry her husband died and that if she needs anything he'll be here for here, and oh btw he'll go ahead and help her with funeral costs by buying some dead husband's guns. Not like the mourning widow know what they're worth anyway. Hams do the same shit with radio equipment, like fucking vultures. It what we get to look forward to if we live to that age.

Hello fellow lumberjack

The elderly cost the local economy untold millions by delaying flow of traffic and inducing late starts to shifts for working people. Fuck them.

I keep mine at 78 in the summer, and turn it off completely in fall-winter. I live in a small condo though, so the electricity bill doesn't get as out of hand as a house would.

I hope you like heroin, fentanyl, and meth

It's fine with an a/c. Just know basic shit like hmm drink water, wear sunglasses, consider a hat, don't do a big hike when it's fucking 120F. Everyone says it is a dry heat so it isn't that bad. This is true, and as a result you sweat a lot which keeps you alive.

Don't fall for the swamp cooler meme. They suck. Get a real a/c.

Yeah the right to work laws suck depending on your job field and yes there is no Costco or in-n-out but the Grand canyon and lots of awesome outdoor shit is there. The hippies are kind of annoying though.

Flagstaff is quaint but it is such a little tiny fucking college town that I am unsure I could live there. I would much rather be in based Phoenix area. After that, I'm not sure. Definitely would be between Tucson or Flagstaff but they're both college towns. Tucson less so but the outdoors shit there is not as nice as Flagstaff.

U of A > your little hippie kumbaya drum circle in the mountains

Damn, Canadians would probably die if they set foot in the South US

Go to like Montana or Wyoming instead. I really don't think you appreciate how fucking hot Arizona gets in summer. Montana and Wyoming are basically just Central Canada but in America, and Wyoming in particular is notably libertarian leaning and gun friendly.

I'm a New York fag and Wyoming is my destination of choice when I just cant take this shithole anymore and no longer have stuff tying me here like family.

Get out of Havasu.

Nah they just burst into a bright, maple scented flame, and leave a pile of slightly devalued money and funny bacon...

>should I move from the frozen north to the scorching desert so I can buy some guns

No. You'll explode. Also, we're full so fuck off.


It is a ticking time bomb here. This state is going to elect a Democrat Senator later this year, the first true sign of the coming downward spiral.

Jesus christ how do people live there? I'm a leaf and I start to suffer if it gets hotter than 20C

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>Shooting in Az
>Brass lands on my arm
>It feels cold in comparison

Move to Alaska OP you dumb faggot, its literally just Canada without faggot nanny state rules, and theres no income tax, plus its illegal for cops to enforce federal gun laws, and the state has zero gun laws of its own. Literally the best state for guns, cause youre far the fuck away from GayTF and also theres billions of trillions of empty space, and finally its not disgustingly fucking hot like some filthy shitskin climate, but perfectly boreal and cold as is befitting a white man.

all these desert fags only know dry heat. 80-99 degrees with 100% humidity feels a lot worse than 100-110 degrees of dry heat

source: lived in south my whole life w/ family in nm

This, AZfag, I've been to Florida in summer and it was miserable. But during a wet monsoon storm we do get high humidity out here and it feels almost just as miserable until the storm dissipates, and we only get a few of these storms per year anyway. Humidity make heat worse no matter where you are.

I have lived in Arizona my whole life and i can honestly say that it is a reallly nice state. The cost of living is cheap and the roadways are very good. there are lots of good places to visit and eat and many nice golf courses. the only shit thing is the snowbirds. but its only when you drive that they're a problem. It's hot but you wont die if you drink water. its barable. And the winter fall months are amazing.

Lmfao fucking faggot stay out of my state and go back to your pussy coastal cities.

How would you know AZ is nice place it live if you never lived anywhere else? Before you say something dumb like you went on vacations to other states, spending a week in Oregon or wherever is not the same as living there. You are living in a literal 110F armpit ran psychopaths and don't even realize the extent of your Stockholm syndrome. Probably because the education system here is such trash that you can barely read.

Fuck off we're full

I can't wait to move there from cali, hope they have a large varitie of bars.

God damn I have when people sit in the left lane

I know that feeling of 100% humidity, it was called Summer in Iowa/Illinois. Though I'll take 110+ degree weather with no humidity over 90-100 summers with humidity that feels like breathing soup.

btw if you have anyone have questions about the best gun state in the union, ask the freaks on the Arizona Jow Forums discord.

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>Means for great gun shopping.
This, if anyone hasn't checked it out already look up "Legendary Guns of The West" they have a great selection. Even have 50 bmg and a not for sale 1876 gatling gun.

No, go somewhere that's white.

Idaho, West Virginia, and Maine are all better choices.

West Virginia is constitutional carry you statist faggot.

>Heroin, fentanyl, and met

That's completely untrue and baseless. It's heroin, opanna, and oxycontin.

Thank you, North Carolina here.
Fentanyl and meth are a home cooked staple in addition to our heroin aficionados.
Pic related, it's my area code. We're number one in the nation for opiate abuse per capita.

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Moco representing

Arizona is a great place. We’d love to have you move here.

i think alaska would vibe with you better

a friend of mine went to that school and came back a liberal faggot

Not really. Canadian gun laws aren't that bad compared to the UK or Australia. Put it into perspective

For real though get out
And those left lane camping geezers need to die already , Leisure world should shut the gate and set the whole facility on for

Unfortunately it's very difficult to move to the US legally. Your best option is to woo an American woman

At least you couldn't vote blue and fuck up the place.

First civilization was the Sumerians, who lived in what is modern day Iraq. Hottest temp in Iraq was 129.0 degrees (53.9 Celsius). So I mean shit, they managed and created some cool shit. Just drink your salt and water.

There are a lot here I'll admit, but I can assure you that I'm not a liberal faggot. I might only own bubba and fudd guns right now but I am as pro gun as it gets. Whenever I finish college and can finally start saving my money more, my gun collection will grow.

Kek are you retarded?

kek you know me too well

I have a close friend here who moved from Canada about a year ago, and he seems to be enjoying himself. He hasn't quite gotten used to the heat, but other than that it's been good for him.

The guns laws here are about as good as you can get in the US, which (besides a couple of total cuck states) are better than anything in Canada. If you specifically want to move because of guns, then this would be the place.

Fuck off, we're full.

Not gonna lie, I switched to their online campus because I got sick of living in the southwest version of west hollywood

I use to live in Washington and Oregon my whole life, Arizona is WAY better living wise. Literally nothing happens here in Phoenix and it isn’t a liberal hell hole like Portland and Seattle. Anyone who can’t take the dry heat is a pussy and should go back to the Bay Area where they belong. Plus we have the best gun rights next to Alaska and all the boomers here are selling their old guns to the local shops so we have awesome selections.

Canuck here. Don't do it unless you can handle heat. -20 is comfy as fuck and I fucking die when the temperature is over 25 here. I miss winter.

Honestly unless you like heat and can get citizenship or perminant residency in America. Don't.
There are other states that are cooler and friendly. Some even border Canada.
>North Dakota
>Vermont (for now)
>New Hampshire
Most of these border or nearly border Canada and have very friendly gun laws

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Right now yeah, but C-71 is likely passing soon and we don't have anything in our constitution to protect gun rights

Get the fuck out of my state you retarded left lane camping northern fuck.

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Are western Canadians really that bad of drivers?

The ones I see on I79 are generally better than Ohioans, New Yorkers, and Marylanders.

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speed limit out here is 75mph on some roads
Naturally people drive 15 mph over speed limit
Then we have the speeders! 95-135 mph.

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It rained pretty hard today in Tucson.
Stay out of the left lane.

the trick is to just treat it like a slice of ham. Fry it up with some eggs and it's a ok

That region used to be the fertile crescent before the plains-chinks came in and salted everything and turned it into the physically, socially, and ideologically oppressive hellhole it is now.

You're probably one of those old faggots in the left lane. You need to go faster or get the flying nigger fucker out of the left lane because there are way too many old farts shitting dust and cramping it going 50.

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>no u

Fucking amazing. Go back to Oregon, Washington, or wherever the fuck you're from and stay there. Tell your friends you got bullied out of AZ and we're all assholes.

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AZ is full, stay out hockeyfag

Same question byt from Belgium to Alaska.
Any chance to get a job in IT in particular?

Fuck off leaf, we're full

If you can deal with 100+ degrees F in the summer then it is not so bad.
Great laws, hot conservative women, comfy winters. Very few nogs outside of central Phoenix.
Downsides are hot summers and tons of spics.

Naw fuck off I'm here to stay.

>He thinks there's brick houses to buy.
If you buy in the oldest, shittiest parts of the city, I guess. But honestly, we're full. Fuck off.

Poor baby hates right to work because he's dead weight everywhere he goes.

hopefully the heat does you in this summer and your body gets sent back to whatever shithole state you came from so it doesn't stink up my nice state anymore

Pfffft. Just like Az was going to turn blue in 2016, and every election before since 2000. The last Democrat literally didn't mention she was a dem when she lost to McCain.