How can i make chrolinne gas?

How can i make chrolinne gas?

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No idea. But I can tell you how to make chlorine gas.

is that like the chinese copy of a good product made at 10% cost and with high probability of death from use?

How would we know? You just made it up.

What the fuck is up with all these gas threads? We’ve had like four in the last two days.

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Stick your cock in a bleach bottle.

nvm my school will have it

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and how many improv weapons threads have we had lately? I think the ATF is searching for some user.

does anyone have a screencap of that thread where user gasses himself?

Ive got some of the soviet rebreather thread if you want that.

Summerfags who fell for the gas mask user screencap. He showed you the bottles of vinegar and bleach, but not the liquid latex and food coloring.

put lemons up your butt

schools out though. go outside and play instead.

ATF covers chemical weapons now?

explosives are chemicals

Mix Chlorine tablets (usually used for pools) and pure alcohol. This will dissolve the tablets and produce O2, Cl2, and HCl gasses. Cl2 is chlorine gas. I believe some user tricked a lot of newfags to make "glowlights" in bottles from this. It just made the bottles explode because of the gas instead.

they cover WMDs of which chemical weapons fall under

Depending on the mixture, I guess. I wonder where they draw the line.

Also, who the hell wants chlorine gas? Mustard gas is more effective and easier to make.

>Go in your bathroom
>lock the door
>piss in a bottle of bleach
>strip naked

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Now, I know that's not true. The US government wouldn't trust the ATF to seize a known WMD.

unless it falls under a dod incident, they do... now they are notorious for loosing those kinds of things

“Given that the ATF has over 275 offices, the number of unaccounted ammunition rounds is likely much higher,” said Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General, in remarks accompanying the report. “When inventories are inaccurate, there is increased risk that ammunition may be lost, stolen, or misplaced without detection.”

In the same vein, the quantities of some explosive materials ATF had on hand did not match inventory records or vendors’ invoices. Also, the ATF did not have strong physical controls over “less lethal munitions” such as flash-bang grenades and chemical agents, making them susceptible to disappearing without notice.

The ATF referred a request for comment to its response included in the report, an appendix where it said it concurred with the office’s nine recommendations for changes and was already working to correct how it stores ammunition and better monitor workers’ access to weapons.

Horowitz’s office found ATF personnel in some cases had easy access to seized firearms and other evidence, creating a risk “that the evidence may be lost, misplaced, stolen, or otherwise compromised.”

The ATF is infamous for the “Fast and Furious” scandal beginning in 2009 when Mexican drug cartels were allowed to obtain guns. The bureau seizes around 23,000 weapons each year and also has more than 35,000 firearms, Tasers and silencers in its own inventory, according to the report.

The ATF has greatly improved controls over its own weapon stocks in the last 10 years, the report said. Between 2014 and 2017, the bureau reported 26 instances of lost, stolen or missing firearms, cutting its monthly loss rate by more than half since a similar audit in 2008.