Texas Border Volunteers

Ive been playing around with the idea of starting a border recon group much like Arizona Border Recon, except in Texas. The idea is similar in nature to AZBR in the manner that they are not a militia, not an anti-government group, and quite professionally managed as an organization (legal documents to sign, background checks to join, and legally registered as an NGO.)

The goal of the group would be to provide additional intel to BP in areas that are thinly patrolled and where man power is at a low.

Funding would come from donations mainly, and all volunteers would need a specific gear list to be maintained on their own.

Where in southern Texas could we do this? Big Bend has been known to have trafficking going on and right outside of Presidio across from Ojinaga as well.

Any Texas anons want to chime in? Anyone interested in forming an actual Jow Forums group that doesn’t just sit around shit posting about gear?

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I don't think you can. I think the key to being able to operate is being on public land, which there's little to no public land in Texas. You're run the risk of trespassing while armed.

Right, there lies the biggest issue. Finding ranchers who are being affected by the activities down on the border and allowing us to patrol their land temporarily would be a decent idea. This would be difficult though.

If intel is the name of the game, then I think boots on the ground is the wrong approach. Swarm of low cost drones patrolling with NV. Contact land owners and provide it as a free (to them) anti-trespassing service. Once you have all your ducks in a row, you can set up a crowdfunding source. Maybe a patreon, since it can handle monthly donations?

We should do this in every state.

Arizona has a group, I know New Mexico is trying to form a legitimate group, and Id like to start one in Texas.

BLM lands??

That is a good idea. People who have their own drones would be a massive help.

I was thinking you could automate a lot of it. Fewer people, more drones. Have the volunteers focus on maintenance of the equipment and communication with local law enforcement.

Its just hard to find enough people with enough drones to accomplish that. A few drones as well as boots on the ground is easier just by the fact that its easier to get people who want to carry a gun

>its easier to get people who want to carry a gun
That sounds more like a problem than a benefit. It's pretty hard to have a professionally-managed non-militia when your sales pitch is "come hunt beaners in the desert, you get to carry a gun."

Thats far from the sales pitch. Re read the OP

user, you're not thinking with portals. Open source drone design, use as many standardized components as possible, have them follow a path using GPS, computer vision to detect people/vehicles. Instead of trying to do it all yourself, you create the toolset for people to do it in their particular area.

Get an actual site up and running, with proof of an operating NGO, and I'll sign up for my shift camping at the border. So will hundreds of other Texans who hear about the program. Until then you've got jack and shit and jack left town.

t. pic related

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I like the drone idea. Now, how to reach ranchers to allow a group to do either is the question.

Get in the news. Start by having an NGO ready to go. They'll call you.

Give it some time and I will be posting back here. Im moving soon so I have to put this off, but I will be starting some form of a group in Texas. Im a volunteer for AZBR already but traveling to AZ is a bitch sometimes. Id rather create one in my own state.

Find some land out in West Texas to film at. Go on a trip to Big Bend and submit some footage to television news studios across the state. Ideally you'll have some actual Mexicans crossing, but standing around with rifles and body armor should suffice.

This. Get on radio, on TV, newspapers, billboards.

Even if you can't get 100% coverage, every time a stretch of the border becomes too dangerous for them to try traversing it, you're forcing them into a smaller and smaller bottleneck, making it easier for law enforcement to get them.

Im honestly surprised at the lack of responses. Jow Forums likes to act like they want to do cool stuff and instead most people just post pics of themselves in their back yards in their unused gear.

The drone idea is nice, and something I had been thinking about utililizing for some time. Having drone operators and people out on patrol simultaneously is what im thinking. Have drone operators sit back at camp with a radio operator to update those on patrol as to what theyre seeing, etc. 12hr rotations out on patrol, NVG’s needed for night time.

Exactly. BP is many times too thinned out to patrol the more dangerous areas. Manpower in those spots is needed to force routes to change and, as you say, get pushed further toward a higher concentration of LE.

You're gonna get your head chopped off senpai.

Just because your wife fucked a brown man and loved it, doesn't mean you need to kill Mexicans, OP.

Lol... no x 2

As mentioned above, beware the tresspassing. Big bend is a goldmine of opportunity. Used to sneak into Mexico regularly in that area and throw rocks across the border. No longer living there, but if you get something going, sign me up

Not only should the group support BP operations but also ICE.
Having a chapter in each state, even mainland, will help us rid the brown animals.

>Montana Border Patrol
>Leafs get out reee

I like that idea too. Its unspoken because BP isnt technically supposed to work with civilian groups, but they greatly appreciate the intel and help

Sign yourself up. I will have a website layed out much like AZBR has.

Even if they don’t accept help, support groups could narrow down areas/residences with illegal alien activity. Getting those places on the radar will thin the herd and open up authorities eyes. Makes it all the easier to separate them from their little bean children and ship ‘em off to the shithole they came from.

>tfw we will never get the wall

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So patrol.

That problem isn't going to emerge from the sales pitch you're right, it's going to come from people who see the sales pitch, and tell their friends about it in a way that makes it sound like you're solely hunting beaners

>Actually wanting to fuck with the Cartels

most of you are "good ol' boy" unironic racists anyway so youll get whats coming to you

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>Come and Take it
>Don't Tread on me
>Rember the Alamo
>other bs phrases
Yeah, no.
Fuck this state and Greg "wheelsman" About.
We can legally carry a fucking sword now since he said "ok you can carry a big knife because muh Bowie" but we will never ever fucking have constitutional carry. This state is purple turning fucking blue and the next big vote that matters it will be fucking blue.
This is possibly the only way. And as much as I hate to say it it would be under a U.N. mandate like the Suidlanders do. However Militias are so fucking demonized and miss represented in the media and to law enforcement due to their demographics that it can never happen. Hell the BP's and that Huey Newton gun club in Austin DFW & Houston are just one chimpout away from scaring every senile old white boomer into voting for gun control, just like what happened in California with Regan btw, that they will gladly ask and allow every antigun Chief of Police/Sheriff to take their shit and let mayors outlaw scary hicap wtfever they choose to call them that day.

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Thats an awesome sales pitch, wtf are you talking about?
You some kinda wetback spic boy?
Gtfo my country.

do you have a death wish? if you patrol near a cartel smuggling route, you're dead

Anyone who slightly disagrees with this user is a fucking cuck or a blind faggot.
Fuck this state, Ive lived here for 16 years and it fucking sucks dick.
>cali tier laws
>"b-but were the most f-free state in the US"
Texas is literally a Republican version of California.
Just swap weed laws and gun laws and they are literally the same thing.

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Its an absolute fact that oddballs and hotheads will make their way past the initial background check. They will simply be asked to leave if theyre too open about their racist opinions no matter how much I may agree, or, will not be invited to the next event. All it takes is one idiot to talk on camera about some whacky shit, true or not, to put a bruise on the image of the group. Id like to hold a range training day for every group of new volunteers as well in order to phase out the idiots. People like that JT Ready character are as poisonous as the shit bags flooding the border.

Id rather get out and do potentially deadly shit than do nothing.

You sound like a pussy.


>This state is purple turning fucking blue and the next big vote that matters it will be fucking blue.

This exact line was used endlessly during the last election.

You'd probably get really disappointing returns. Most undocumented immigrants in the US enter the country legally, and smuggling is largely by submarine now

>implying a bunch of vets with ARs wouldnt L-shaped ambush a bunch of stupid drugged out spics and turn them into fertilizer
>w-were tuff cuz we chop up villagers
Gtfo spic, your people are weak stupid bugmen.
Bow to your overlords, the European races.

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The first 5 people I have waiting are all combat vets.

>implying a bunch of vets
Then you go to prison for pre-meditated murder, hate crimes and all your other friends and family get rolled up and hauled off on RICO charges as a "racist supremacist gang".

>Id rather get out and do potentially deadly shit than do nothing.


not even being edgy, but you will wish you were dead if you were every unfortunate enough to be interrogated by a cartel


Dios mío, el demonio del desierto...

Yeah and now there has been two years of people turning 18 getting ready to vote blue.

Kek, that wouldnt happen you absolute retarded faggot.
>drug cartels fags spotted
>unload a few of their weapons at your teams former position
>"yeah we came under fire from a group of cartel fags and had to engage in self defense"

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You faggots larpers could stop 100% of the beans, birthrates alone will turn Texas blue in several years.

The lack of responses is due to the thin line between being political and forming a militia. All of which is heavily avoided on here. Though I regularly go to the desert here in southern Gaylifornia I myself can provide recon to certain areas and know exactly where to look if I formed a group (spotted a few illegals before during rugged trips and spotted plenty of backpacks,socks,old drinks and signs of illegals) however I'm not entirely convinced border patrol themselves won't shit themselves at the idea of groups of people looking for brown people. Not including border patrol have their own intel operations and likely have set themselves up at key positions to choke point where illegals will try to enter. Imagine hunting a flock of animals and you're trying to corner them into a spot and here comes this whole other group suddenly making a show of force trying to redirect the entire herd. You destabilize the area. Meaning normal means of capturing illegals changes, becomes more unpredictable and suddenly border patrol has to redirect it's entire operations if the illegals find another secure route away from normal areas and (you).
>tldr you're fucking with government operation at the expense of playing cowboy and likely making things worse

You also have to consider the real threat that coyotes are going to be armed. If they see gringos armed they will either change course or shoot you if you're by yourself. These guys are ruthless and only want to make money. I've heard of stories that these guys kill "missing hikers" in the desert and I've encountered one young coyote before I realized what he was doing. I was friendly and didn't care so neither did he. But if I was literally hunting them they will fight me to survive. Don't kid yourself, you're fucking with people who spent all of their money to get here or people who have such disregard for life that they enslave people.

These people move at night and sleep during the day.

On top of this if you're successful and a noticeable pattern arises that a group of gringos is fucking up your coyote/cartel operation then you better get the fuck ready for a real fight of dominance. Meaning they will find you in your place of home and fuck your shit up (eventually). How do you think border patrol agents are protected right now?

So if you do this, do this anonymously. Don't show your name. Don't show your face. Gather a small group of people. If you find someone call border patrol and tell them what you saw and where they went. You're recon, not an enforcer. Don't forget you're fighting an enterprise while not being backed up by the federal government.
If this isn't the ultimate stalker challenge I don't know what is. You know what? fuck it I'm going to go stalker now this sounds fun as fuck. Anyone in SoCal want to do this with me? I know all the key areas to scope out.

1.) BP doesn’t have active teams patrolling areas as you say in the fashion a volunteer group would. Also, communicating to BP and keeping out of the places they may be, as well as updating them with our position is exactly how AZBR works and they do quite well.

2.) As for getting shot at, don’t stray from your team and find yourself alone. If under fire, our job is #1, not get shot, #2 not shoot some innocent illegal, #3 defend ourselves as a final measure.

4.) How you deacribe the effort as a recon, not an enforcement effort is exactly what I have in mind. We cannot arrest or detain anyone, but, presence alone essentially makes those we find in the deserts cooperate and wait with us until BP shows up to process them.

>Innocent illegal
Can't have it both ways.

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Shoot an unarmed mexican on US soil and let me know how it works out for you, dumbass

You can do that
T. Az resident

>16 years
You must be 18 to post on this board

Seems reasonable. I'm going Jow Forumsommando next Saturday, there are "water drops" that I'm going to conveniently poke holes at. Going in as a "hiker" and naturalist first to recon certain areas of interest. Meaning, no guns on initial entry. Don't want to get stopped early by open carrying. Seems more likely that going solo is a good way to start to scout out the areas. I have desert experience already under my belt so the interesting part of all of this is not getting detected by both border patrol, sympathizers and coyotes. Considering the current state of Cali, this is pretty fucking Jow Forums thing to try out. Will post pics and whatnot. Might be going to go to the LGS and embarrassingly buy the hipoint c9 that they have jic I have to throw it out I won't miss it.
>destroy water drops
>write down gps entry points of interest.

>mfw I realize US Border Patrol agents are being led by politicians and bureaucrats who never served in combat
>mfw lone agents are sent to secure whole areas by them fucking selves
>mfw I actually considered working for CBP after discharging from Army
fuck that whole agency's leadership tbhwydesu. the boots on the ground need us.

honestly i'm amazed more of them don't end up executed in the fucking desert. there's probably lots of missing we don't know about, and many more who take bribes. all because the brass doesn't know how to operate a ground force. yes i fucking mad.

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open carrying long arms is perfectly legal in texas

How would you change or fix the situation if you took control? Seems like it is disorganized

woops i see now you are in commiefornia. sorry for your troubles mate. take pictures on your walk.

Why have a swarm of low cost drones when you can literally patrol the whole border with big drones equiped with FLIR.

We could easily secure the border tomorrow if we actually wanted to.

>muh borders
>while you let white liberals strip you of your rights
I cannot imagine being so delusional that you think beamers coming into this country is more damaging to your liberties than the violent Marxist takeover of education and media.

Volunteer positions can be filled by anyone who can legally carry a gun and pass a background check, as well as prove to me at the range that theyre not a fuckin idiot. Idc if youre from Cali, NY, MA, come help out once I get this thing rolling. Will post website in the coming months. I just need land to patrol, approval from ranchers, and ideas of where to head to Recon

i would triple the force and send men out in teams, always. their turnover is fucking huge, and hiring process way way WAY too fucking long and strict. i realize they are sworn federal law enforcement agents, not military, and erring on the side of caution in hiring is the name of the game, but this is absurd. morale is in the shitter from agents i've talked to, and entry level duties are years-long committments with no way to change your post. once you're assigned to a sector that's it. screw you if you don't like it. incidentally you're in the shittiest part of the country, surrounded by cartels and cartel sympathizers.

equip them with ARs as standard duty weapons when operating in remote locations. pistols are for cities, not innawoods. give them body armor and smoke grenades for concealment.

BP agents are always going to be outnumbered by any force they encounter. fucking always. most of the time it will be a lone agent on a shift by himself. Army doctrine is do not engage unless we have a 3:1 numbers advantage. CBP brass are fucking idiots to not correct this.

words are wind white man

Yeah but not for Cali. Already have 3 areas of interest in mind.

>polls showing the democrats are likely to have no electoral surge this November and that the house, and senate will remain republican

God bless you

This deserves its own thread once you commence.

Would you be willing to come to Texas and help once we’re up and running? I like your style.

I’m surprised people don’t use illegals as a target shooting practice. Seems like a fun thing to do, victimless crime basically. It’s not illegal to an illegal

Youre dumb.

yeah cause i want to play border patrol for no money while also risking the chance of being kidnapped and skinned alive on camera.

>be refugees walking north
>be killed by white male oppressors
>refugee sympathizers kill oppressors in retaliation

This is EXACTLY how the Civil War started.

most illegals don't come in via fence hopping.

fake and gay

you sir, are fucked in the head. please leave.

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It is mine too now
I have American citizenship :')

Do you realize you're on Jow Forums, faggot?

I am curious as to how you see this as 'your' group after the first guy has signed up. Or the second really because that is enough to have a majority against you. I'll accept the theory that you are Mr Charisma but what do you have to offer as a leader? Anyone signing up is going to be a gun-totin' firm-minded conservative with a militaristic spirit just like you. They won't follow anyone just because he has a newly sewed badge.

>Not really...As this is standard practice in alot of nations... You just don't enter some countries illegally, and honestly we would benefot from keeping the illegals out... I can honestly see the end justifying the means in this case.... There is absolutely no vetting process when they are illegal... We don't need more MS13 and cartels setting up shop more then they already have!

And what do we do if we actually have to kill illegals? You can't count on the legal system to be on our side. Is there even a precedent for a citizen killing border jumpers?
I'm honestly really depressed about our current situation. Illegal beaners pour in through the border decreasing the quality of our nation, giving birth to more beanlets and we'll get put in prison forever if we try and fight back. It feels like we're slowly sinking in quicksand, the more you struggle, the worse your situation becomes. I don't know what to do anymore.

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>implying is it a bunch of mulas you should be worried for, not the tunnels where tons of drugs are smuggled in everyday

>ignoring the fact that the Cartel leaders would just bribe some shitty ass cop to burn your house down.

Every liberal judge in the US is foaming at the mouth at the thought of a case against a militia.

I think the future is going to lie in gated communities. Not just city blocks but whole towns owned by organizations that can decide who does and who doesn't move in. Some entity that assures that the local control isn't left in the hands of politicians.

You have to wait until a critical mass is formed. Trump is our plutonium, we just have to reach criticality. Once the chain reaction starts going, there won’t be turning back and we will retake the country back with very minimal violence. Everything happening on the border is good for our cause at the moment, wait and listen. And prepare

Sounds like a great way to get raped in jail.

I believe I’ve used the words “we” and “us” many times. Don’t want a part of it, don’t join. Clearly you’ve got napoleonic syndrome or some shit already so stay out.

If you are fired upon there are rules of engagement and a system of appropriatr self defense. The goal is not to get in engagements, it is solely to collect intel in somewhat potentially hostile areas. Its better to try and do something if we can as a group than continue to bitch that little is getting done. Do you want to do NOTHING? Or try and do SOMETHING?

Anonimity for volunteers except me. Idc. Tim Foley from AZBR puts his face out there and he’s fine.

Or start something with good intentions yourself.

>the country is almost majority muds
>take it back with minimal violence
Uhhhh how, based magapede?

I could come and volunteer, I'll make a new thread towards the end of Saturday. I'm going to prepare my routes in the mean time. First I'm going to physically touch the border fence with a time stamp and do business with every water container out there. I'll have a basic load out with nothing suspicious to test the waters so to speak. I figured others have done this and might have look outs so I'll try to stay low and move slow if I know where some people are camped at. I saw via google maps there might be small camps of sympathizers which I might be able to go around as long as I get there before they do. Going to print a list of rocks in case anyone catches me and I need to explain why I'm crawling or crouching. What I would want to accomplish is settle an area of interest, study the environment and online. I am considering the AR7 for compact reasons now.

Dont go train, the feds will put you on a list!
Dont join a militia, the ATF will get you!
Dont go larping in the woods, the state police will get you!
Dont go investigate pedo-sites, the FBI will arrest you!
Dont shoot your AR’s at public ranges the sherrifs will arrest you!
Dont go have fun larping on the border and using your gear and skills, the cartel will kill you!
Dont form a professionally maintained intel group, liberals will send you to jail!

Anything else you retards wanna use as excuses of why your gear is still clean?

Good ideas. I like the clandestine approach of pretending to be a geologist or the likes

Im still lookin for areas of interest in the southern/western El Paso-Border of Juarez area where patrols could happen.

Make an agreement with a buddy to call in a couple of times per day, at set times. That way someone will have a fix on you if shit really should happen. If it takes three days before someone starts missing you it's probably two days too late, and it will be a way to find you as well.

And southern Texas as a whole

my dad always had this idea of having tethered balloons or small zeppelin like things with lots of cameras on them spaced out along the border with small guard stations next to them. so basically the balloons do the spotting and the guards do the removal. even if they're shot out by some vatos, you know there is an armed person coming in to do bad things somewhere relatively close.