Right handed

>right handed
>left eye dominant

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Just close your left eye when looking down rifle sights

>Mfw I don't know that feel

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When shooting use your dominate eye, regardless of your dominate hand.

Shooting rifles/shotguns from the left shoulder is piss easy. You also get faster transitions to sidearm, faster reloads and if you do bench shooting, using the "wrong" sided bolt for you is actually better since you can cycle the action without breaking your grip with your trigger hand.

fuck that

you also get gassed like a kike by a lot of guns if you shoot them cross-handed from their design
also you tend to catch a lot of brass in the face and down the shirt

Same, shoot long guns lefty, handguns righty
A little more gas, brass has never been a problem

Wear eyepro. Problem solved.

Seriously this. Don't be afraid to shoot left handed. It seems weird but it's not that bad at all. I get hit by brass less too shooting lefty with the bolt ejection on the right than I do right handed.

Wear an eyepatch for a few days over your left eye.
Stop browsing Jow Forums so much or move it to a monitor to your right.
Lefties leave.

Ignore this person.

Just use your other eye dude. I don't get why retards are "lefties", just use your right hand. Shooting offhand isn't that bad and I don't even train my offhand.

>also you tend to catch a lot of brass in the face and down the shirt

What guns are these? Every long gun I've shot has said "fuck your left forearm" but I've never had anything come back at my face.

If you buy an ar or similar gun that doesnt have a shell deflector, your gonna take some brass to the teeth.

Why the hell would you get an upper without a deflector?

I've never seen an AR without one. Eyes>hands boyos.

Retro and a e s t h e t i c comes to mind.

Because you are cheap. Usually on cheap ars made by the manufacturer. I doubt anyone building their own is doing that. Also, i know guns like the aug are ambi, but if you dont switch it im going to guess its not a good day.

This is probably a retarded question, but if I am with one eye closed, fire, and then aim with my other eye closed, I'm still going to have the same point of aim/impact, yeah?

I have. Real cheap pre made ars. Like 600 max.

Should be the same. It is just akward to shoot with the opposite eye to your dominant hand.

Ignore these people,
Is correct

With a rifle, it is not easy to shoot with the opposite eye because of the dimensions of your head. It pushes the eye away from the sight, and will be really uncomfortable to actually line up a shot. Basically learn to shoot with other hand or eye. With a handgun, it is more doable, but moving your head to align opposite eye and hand reduces your peripheral vision on the dominant eye side. If thats not a problem for you, by all means do it.

You can train eye and hand dominance.

It's a pain in the arse, though. For eye dominance, you need to cover your left eye for a while.

I assumed it was clear that you switch shoulders. I shoot off my left shoulder and bought a lefty bolt rifle. Marked improvement.

You just said use dominant eye regardless of hand, you never said switch hand.

Just shoot left handed. It's not hard.

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This tbdesu, I was born without half of my right hand, had to become left handed

Try both, I’m left eye right hand but I shoot better right handed, at least only in off hand

>Lefties leave.
I'm not a lefty, I'm from a right handed culture that will slap you around for being left handed. I had to force myself to try shooting left handed since I'm left eye dominant. I'm better with my right hand but not to the point that I don't have an easier time shooting left sometimes. It feels completely weird and unnatural to me to do stuff with my left and I expect to get hollered at by someone every time I do but shooting left with a rifle isn't that bad, it's really nothing to be worried about. Besides, what would you do if your right arm was fucked up and you had to shoot with your left?

Train yourself to shoot left handed. Its not hard, only annoying at first. Youd be surprised how quick your body adapts to a new situation when forced to do so.

I mean i could shoot lefty. It just feels wrong. Like when i pick up a football with my left hand, even trying to mirror everything, it feels wrong regardless of what i do. Guess it just goes with experience.

>right handed
>right eye dominant
tfw I can shoot almost every gun out there comfortably

This problem can be corrected.

forgot pic

Attached: dominanteye.png (640x352, 232K)

My gf has this, and she is really bad at closing one eye so it sucks to take her shooting :(

Maybe stick with right then. Shooting left for me just made me more anxious anticipating doing it, than actually doing it. Some of it is what position I'm in or what gun I'm using. I got warned a lot about hot brass shooting left but I've only got that ejection hitting me right handed but I also have trouble keeping my "off hand" off the ejection port shooting left so there is more stuff in the way to deflect it.

>I had to force myself to try shooting left handed since I'm left eye dominant.
Really, just wear an eye patch for a few days. It's not hard but you might look a bit silly.
>what would you do if your right arm was fucked up and you had to shoot with your left?
Shoot with my left hand.

>left handed
>left eye dominant
>shoot rifles left handed
>shoot handguns right handed

good plan, y or n?

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>right handed
>right eye dominant


Same. It doesn't cause any problems. Just use non dominant eye for long gun. It doesn't matter which eye you use for handguns as long as you land on target . just use whatever is comfortable

Same problem. I just close my left eye and shoot right-handed; works fine. Shooting with my left hand feels wrong, although it feels tolerable with my levergun.

Well i dont have the eye hand problem. I was referring to if my right hand got fucked up.

I'm cross dominant. It's not hard with pistols, but I just don't have the same dexterity with rifles when it comes to operating the controls and reloading, doesn't feel natural yet.

Glad i dont have that issue. Would make shooting a pain in the ass.

I don't know about training eye dominance. I suppose it depends on what you're shooting with, I know I can force right to work but I like the better sight with the left. I think it just takes more practice since I spent more time forcing myself to compensate with the right with a worse picture to be consistent that way. Even though left feels weird I was a little more consistent without any practice just from switching eyes.
Don't wait to practice with your off hand then. You don't want to have a schedule that I'll do left hand in a few weeks or months and something happens before then and you got to do it in the mean time for the first try.

Fuck. Me too. Everything is blurry with my right eye. This year, including the previous were a clusterfuck. The pain will never end.

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Im about to start making some more money, and ill be able to afford shooting more often. Then ill probably set aside a mag or two every time for lefty.

That sounds like a bad plan, just nab 3 rounds or so out of the bottom of each mag, or if you forget to switch from safe to fire, throw them in a spare mag and try left with that. You might even like it enough you want to shoot more that way than righty sometimes and start splitting ammunition different.

Only if you can't get a lefty-friendly handgun.

How the fuck has no one posted this yet:


Yeah, guns suck for me, my left hand has a particularly bad tremble, but I have very bad sight in my right eye. Also, I have to get ambidextrous/left handed things, so it's harder to get what I want sometimes.

Shoot your handguns in your dominant hand, just turn your head so your left eye can focus on the front sight.

As for rifle shooting, you can still shoot from the right side. A lot of guys like shooting from left hand if they have left eye dominance.

Try both and see how it works. It's not fucking rocket science.

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It’s blurry as shit dude

fear not!

what a cute cat girl

sweet summer child

forgot the image

>Same, shoot long guns lefty, handguns righty
the correct answer