Not sure how many actual knife collectors there are on here but what's the most expensive knife you own?

Not sure how many actual knife collectors there are on here but what's the most expensive knife you own?

Mine is pic related, usually around $500-$600

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Benchmade infidel. Like $400ish.

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Nice! I have a single edge Ultratech which I like, but the blade's a little too thick for me. I want to get a dual edge Ultratech or to try out an infidel at some point.

I've got a custom benchmade crooked river that cost around $300

Nice, I'd like to try out a crooked river at some point as well. The only benchmades I have is a regular $90 griptilian and a ~$240 Bedlam automatic

Zero Tolerance's Ken Onion line is great.
From opening boxes to skinning animals, great knife, holds a great edge. Even used it to open up electrical wiring for splicing and cook dinner in the field.

Attached: ZT_350_S30V_Ken_Onion.jpg (400x247, 21K)

Expensive knives are a massive waste of money.

Serrations are great for skinning the outter rubber insulation from the wire

Ah shit, I just realized I posted the wrong knife. I have the entirely straight edge, but now that I look at those serrations, I kind of covet that one. It would've been easier than the "wooden spearmaking" technique I had to use on that 16 gauge wire.

> Expensive knives are a massive waste of money.
> buys $3000 Daniel Defense AR

So is that expensive gun you have or that expensive wedding ring on your wife's finger. Why bother buying nice quality expensive things when I could just go to a garage sale and pick me up a $2 used Walmart knife right?

Expensive ARs are also a waste of money.
A $50 knife will do literally everything a $500 knife would. It's just a sharp piece of hardened steel.

I have one of these. I bring it when I camp, holds an edge very well.

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I'm not him, but I agree with your assessment about ARs.

I disagree about knives. Some steels have better edge holding properties and happen to be expensive. I honestly would never pay more than $100 bucks for one, though, because in the 100-200 mark is where you start to see either diminishing returns, or magical fairy dust steel you will probably never need.

You know there is such thing as quality control, blade steel, materials used, fit and finish, etc.

No shit it'll do the same task, but it's about how well it does that task and for how long. Also, in my first post I mentioned knife collectors. Obviously we're talking beyond how well something will cut.

You like it? I was considering one. I currently have an EESE 6 and 4 so it would pretty much cover the same job profile.

To be fair, some of it is more intrinsic or craftsmanship value than necessarily practical value in a day to day sense.

EG. I love my ~$300 Gransfors Burks but my ~$30 Fiskers is going to do most of the same jobs just as well. I love my Benchmade 940 but beyond flipped the axis lock open and closed, most of the stuff it's going to do can be done with a Kershaw or Buck.

Hell, I love my DDM4 but my beater cheap ass AR build punches paper pretty much just as well.

That's not to say the others aren't better and they're certainly more valuable but from an average usage profile daily use practicality standpoint? You're not going to see the payoff most of the time.

Just some doubles advocate here.

Benchmade infidel. Got it for 300. Best knife I have amazing action

Attached: 202A8D78-64B3-443B-9D19-4E6A48FCA07D.jpg (434x516, 20K)

the only knife I'd spend a few hundred on

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I love my Crooked River, though I would recommend hitting the action with a bit of lube so it's easier to deploy one handed.

I actually own a Sebbie, but that's not my most expensive knife.
I have a Microtech Scarab in OD that I think I might have about as much or even money tied up in.