Is there a modern handgun in existence that meets these specifications?

Is there a modern handgun in existence that meets these specifications?

>metal frame
>double stack
>combination safety decocker (like on a makarov)
>hammer fired

At this point, I don't even care about the caliber. I've been searching for a modern handgun with these specs and it doesn't seem to exist. I don't want to rely on the trigger as a safety and I don't feel good carrying locked and cocked. Is the makarov the epitome of handgun design? I'm not even trolling. Every handgun I've held has been boxy Tupperware garbage with a total lack of inherent safety built in. I just want a handgun that feels quality and is capable of a physical sear blocking the firing pin while incapable of pulling the trigger.

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Pretty sure Beretta and the Jericho both have all of that shit, fagboy.

a shit load of 3rd gen s&w autos you retard

>I've been searching for a modern handgun with these specs and it doesn't seem to exist
must not have been an intensive search

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I am new to modern handguns. I just got my handgun license and have shot nothing but antiques until now.

Please name a specific model. The m&p gen 2? That's the only pistol I know from them

youre a foreigner so way worse than a retard

sorry you arent american

I'm not foriegn. I'm from Maryland. Which may as well be a foreign country with how illogical our gun laws are. Thank you for the link

92FS sounds like exactly what you want

this is a blue board you cant show nards OP

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cz has several models that meet these criteria, as does Beretta (92, 94 etc), as well as the IMI Jericho/Magnum Research Baby Eagle.

>handgun license

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Why do you want a safety? The only thing a safety is good for is a single action pistol cocked and locked.

God damn is that roflcakes?

He probably wants it for extra safety.

Sounds about as gay as OP's pic.

Oh god yes thank you. The first 3 minutes was all I needed. I knew of the 92 before but did not know of that feature

Thank you. It's what I know and am comfortable with. I love the makarov and wanted a similar safety system. Not that I can carry in this state anyway but maybe one day

Just buy a mak and fuck off then.

Get the 92 you sounded like you were describing one perfectly in the op.
Also if you are coming from only shooting Maks you will realize that handguns can actually be pleasant to shoot.




narrow that shit down to 10mm auto or .357 sig and you got yourself a challenge.

now make it a long slide 6" full stainless and you've got my unicorn

Is that admiral roflcakes? OP how old are you, do you have dentures?

taurus pt92

Lol I'm 24 and I do not have dentures. My teeth are actually well aligned minus malformation of my molars

BRNO field pistol is the closest I can imagine

Hope you have 8k

Yes I have fired nothing but slavshit. 9x18 and 7.62x25. I have a mak, p64, tokarev, and cz82.

>not stainless
>not in the specified caliber

EAA made something close in 2011 but discontinued it.

also I absolutely refuse to spend more than $1200 on a gun.

don't get me wrong the BRNO looks great but is way overpriced for its performance.

hell I'd take a fucking non stainless 6" .357 steyr over that any day, but they were never made.

beretta 92g. fag.

What do you mean by modern handgun? Polymer framed guns are all the rage now but metal framed, hammer fired, double stack guns with all the specs you want have been around for a while. the Bretta 92/M9, is the first one off the top of my head.

Beretta M9/92FS, duh. If you already know to look for the decock/safety mechanism, how haven't you stumbled upon one of the most common handguns with it?

Bersa thunder 9 UC pro

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