Im looking for a good training / home defense / shtf round. been looking at the AR15 chambered in 556, but the debate rages over 556 v 762. is 556 a meme round ? or good round?
What does Jow Forums think about 5.56?
Its fine.
It's a lot better than a handgun
Yep. Its an ice picking piece of shit.
Dont use it. Its a liability
This thread gives me a headache just looking at it.
YES 5.56 is a good round. It's perfectly fine ballistically and more importantly it's plentiful.
Jesus christ, you fucking faggots and "is x a meme"
Stop being poor and get both, then you don't have to worry about it.
lel, am poor fag...... do you guys think it would work also as a hunting rifle. lets say shtf and need to find aditional food sources. do you think i could take down some small deer for
It would tear them in half, user.
It's excellent for small deer
is memeing.
55gr 5.56 is fine for whitetail and under
With decent bonded softpoints (which aren't very expensive) it's a legit deer round.
thanks anons, im looking into getting a rifle for a bit but have been teetering in between calibers. i think im gonna get the 556 as my first riffle cheaper rounds and can still hunt if shtf. does it in your opinion also rank well with personal defense?
7.62x39 stronge boolit
Great for HD
thanks anons. ive always loved Jow Forums already got handgun and shotty but ar will feel much more complete thanks guys.
Yes, and there's a ton of cross-compatibility between hunting and SD ammo. Bonded softpoints are pretty great at just about everything.
You can usually buy either Speer Gold Dot 64gr or Federal LE Barrier Blind 62gr on PSA's website for at or under 60cpr, they're both fucking fantastic (the Federal is basically Fed Fusion remarketed towards law enforcement).
Or if you're being a cheap fuck, any brass-cased M193-clone (55gr FMJ) will do okay out to around 100 yards through just about everything. Not as good as a softpoint, but better than cheapshit 7.62x39 or .308.
xd xd
use your critical thinking skills and make up your own mind based on the facts
you were saying?
this guy gets it
>more importantly it's plentiful.
its ubiquity and inexpensiveness far outweigh its drawbacks, especially if you're anticipating a limited supply in the future.
Jow Forums just has a weird fixation for anything military and writes off anything else as meme-teir. if i were going to get a new rifle, i'd get a .308. if i were going to get another handgun, i'd get a 9mm. just because it's useful to exploit economics of scale doesn't mean there aren't better options from a technical or performance standpoint.
>i'd get a .308. if i were going to get another handgun, i'd get a 9mm
what i'm saying is, go with 5.56 if you want. if i were going to buy an AR, i'd get it in 5.56. it's more economical and easier to shoot.
I use it for practice and fun shooting and chamber it in my cuckpliant guns in case I ever have to fly or drive through the no-go states or cities because then I can use 5.56 Rubber bullets and claim less lethal force if the gommunists try to detain me.
I do the same with 9mm
But for any other practical using lethal force, I don't use it or 9mm. Why? Because there's a 1 in a million chance you're ever gonna need to use a gun for self defense as legally stated "in fear for your life" unless you live in Syria, Afghanistan, or Somalia; if you're not gonna use guns to be the surgical tools of effective self defense they were invented to be on a daily basis, why not chamber ones meant for your once in a blue moon encounters in a caliber that's ACTUALLY good?
>inb4 m-m-muh poopoo hits the fan situa-
Is never gonna happen in your lifetime. And if it does, guns will be the last of your concern if you're at risk of being vaporized, crushed, melted, drowned, asphixiated, or infected by forces that weren't meant to be defeated by rooty tooty point-and-shooties
why not both?
x39 uppers exist for ar
It's a poodle shooting caliber.
Yeah, it’s fine. We regularly use it to kill downed cows that can’t get up. If you can hit something vital with it, it’ll kill whatever you’re aiming at.
They suck so much that even 300 blackout is preferable at that point.
5.56 is really nice if you consider that there's cheap practice ammo and then you can get mk262 to push it if you get the range bug.
>M193-clone (55gr FMJ) will do okay out to around 100 yards through just about everything. Not as good as a softpoint, but better than cheapshit 7.62x39 or .308.
I don't really think the last part about 308 stands any criticism. 308 is more expensive, but it's a heavier bullet at same speed. It will always bring more hurt with it.
Use 72 grain hunting loads at least. Anything smaller is a meme not worth picking up.
Personally, I like a shotgun for hd. Mostly because I don't have to aim well at ten feet in the dark; I can spray and pray with buckshot and still hit someone.
Having said that, 5.56 in an ar still gets the job done of 86ing whatever fuck head decides your shit is worth taking.
762 is the. 40 short and weak of the rifle world
No reason to own it over 556
Honestly, you could take down just about anything in the world with a .22. Ivory poachers in Africa would use 22's to take down elephants, they'd pour 4 or five rounds right behind their ears. It would be extremely unethical and challenging, but if laws go out the window, so does sportsmanship and class.
This is a talking point I don't understand. Anyone who doesn't think you need a semi auto to hunt has never hunted predators, like Coyotes, wolves, wild hogs, feral goats, mountain lions, etc. Things that hunt you back, and usually travel quickly in packs. Plus, so what if i'm to a good shot? All the more reason for a larger mag and quicker follow ups.
>ice picking piece of shit
You'll want to make a 7.62x39 thread to discuss that.
Your cheap .308 uses an M80-spec bullet, which will neither reliably tumble nor fragment at any reasonably-achieved .308 velocity. Note I specified cheapshit.
Yes, once you start comparing good bonded softpoints .308 wins, but the cheapest "good" bonded softpoint is approaching 90cpr.
Do you know how close a buckshot grouping is at 3 yards? You've played too much vidya
>never gonna happen in your lifetime
While that’s true for 99% of larpy SHTF scenarios out there, the notion that the US could be a pretty bad place to be within our lifetimes is starting to become obvious even to normies
Absolutely nothing wrong with the 5.56. Honestly, anything bigger would be an over penetration liability if you miss. 5.56 actually goes through less drywall than most handgun rounds.
That being said I prefer 30-30. . .