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Is there a more aesthetic Scar 17 handguard setup than the top one in pic related? Shape reminds me of a Surefire 628 MP5 handguard sans light
Does anyone here like anything else besides AR? Who here has AKs and FALs and shit. I know a few guys on here have AUGs
A2 an FA bls, I want to keep PWS lower.
Go to bed or /akg/ if you're going to do that.
Fuck that actually looks dope. I miss shooting our SCAR. I want one again but I'd rather not buy more rifles instead of taking some classes or making my existing stuff better to shoot
What, a beretta ain't an AR so who cares, what's wrong with discussing guns? So how much is a good deal anyway? They are like 860 new now, what you gonna do, trade your lower and a few hundred on top?
Both of those hand guards are the same
I only swallowed the red pill on ARs a few months ago, before that I stuck to the AK platform on the theory that it's a more reliable and maintainable rifle with a harder-hitting cartridge.
100% glad I made the switch. AKs and Russian calibers make increasingly little sense due to import bans, but I've also found the AR to be MUCH easier to work on than AKs, and the ergos/manual of arms on the AR platform is really second to none.
>implying /arg/ wouldn’t go full autism if there was a possibility could refer to the keymod on bottom
Yeah I haven't been into them long either but they've grown on me. I'm still more comfortable behind an AK for some reason. I'm a lot more particular about ARs that I like, but I have fun shooting a beat ass SAR-1 or a nice AK-74 all the same. I miss shooting different stuff like Garands and M1 Carbines and basically focused down to these two rifles the past few years.
Just placed a pretty solid order for ammo for the DMR. Got a few boxes of match ammo to test groups with. I'm hoping for the best with the FGMM 175 SMK. I'll be happy so long as it is 1.5 MOA or less.
Also got a bunch of M80 to plink with.
AKs belong in /akg/
FALs belong in /brg/
The ARx similarly to the scAR are just fine in /ARg/
Does that make sense?
Would be trading the lower plus a few hundred, and the ARX in question comes with a bunch of shit.
>AK platform on the theory that it's a more reliable and maintainable rifle with a harder-hitting cartridge.
This is literally how I used to think when I was a teenager. I'm glad to have grown up, at least a little bit.
Handload that shit
I think it's partly a lego gun thing. Because there is so much variation in AR part combinations, its way easier to find one that is tuned for (or against) your preferences. With an AK, they all pretty much feel the same, maybe a little more rattle, or maybe a gucci milled receiver, but it's all basically one size fits all. Whereas the AR is less of a peasant gun: there's more room to make it nice, but more freedom also makes fuckups more possible.
>I'm glad to have grown up, at least a little bit.
That's something only you young people say. Lol. :D
Selling PWS complete pistol lower.
PWS Mk1 Mod 2 ambi lower with mag well flare and anderson LPK installed. CMMG 2 stage trigger. Radian Selector. Geissele maritime bolt catch/release. Odinworks extended mag release Vltor end plate. BCM carbine buffer. Carbine buffer spring. SB tactical carbine buffer tube. SB Tactical SBA3 FDE pistol brace with upgraded velcro strap. Magpul K2 grip FDE.
Asking $500 shipped. Will ship to FFL. Everything is in great shape. Picture related.
user did me the favor of totaling everything up:
>PWS Mk1 Mod 2 stripped lower (includes proprietary parts): MSRP $234.95 (available through Rainier for $199.95)
>Anderson LPK MSRP: $49.99 (available through PA for $49.95)
>CMMG 2-stage trigger MSRP: Discontinued/had been $129.99, available on PSA or Red Barn Armory for $109.99
>Radian selector MSRP $49.95 (available through Brownells $42.82)
>geissele maritime bolt catch MSRP: $29.99 (available multiple places for $24.95)
>Odin Works extended mag release MSRP: $22.00 (available multiple places for $19.99)
>Vltor end plate MSRP: I don't fucking know, Vltor makes like 9 of them and his pic's got the receiver on the wrong side to tell which he has. Anyway, MSRP ranges from $19.99 to $23.99 (available multiple places from between $13.99 to $18.95 depending on which)
>BCM carbine buffer MSRP: $11.00 (can't find anyone other than BCM that sells it, so $11)
>SBA3 MSRP: $169.99 (includes buffer tube) (available through PA for $99.99)
>Magpul K2 MSRP: $20.95 (available through Brownell's for $13.99)
Buying everything new and separate at MSRP would cost $742.80.
Nice 3/4" group. I'll be sad if I'm more than 2 MOA. No space or time to do load development these days.
I was all about AKs growing up. Hated ARs. Thought the caliber was puny and that the guns themselves were ugly. Times change.
installed a light (3lbs) drop-in trigger in a 300memeout build, went to function test it a few days ago. I would sporadically get moments where the gun would fire on the trigger reset or just quick dump 3-5 rounds despite consciously holding the trigger down for a deliberate reset. I was able to repeat it with both sub and supersonic ammo. are there any remedies to fix this?
Eh, I'd agree with you except arx and scar bring in ARG. They share about the same in common with an AR as any of the other rifles mentioned, so if the others dont belong then neither do they, but desu I don't know why AK guys seem to be more "gun guys" while a lot of AR guys are more like larpers with the AR just being the main tool. I just see them all as fun to shoot and talk about. I think a lot of basic bitch people into the AK as a curiosity is kinda lame because the 7.62x39 AKM are just one aspect of the design and then people walk away without going in depth of what makes the AK such a great rifle.
Are you interested in the ARX because of the deal or because you want to try something new? Are you in the market for something else?
>I was all about AKs growing up. Hated ARs. Thought the caliber was puny and that the guns themselves were ugly. Times change.
Yep, same. I blame my older brother for indoctrinating me with "overgrown .22lr", but in any event, I've definitely got the enthusiasm of a convert lol. Like "ayy I can mount an optic easily wow welcome to the 1970s BG".
>I was all about AKs growing up. Hated ARs. Thought the caliber was puny and that the guns themselves were ugly. Times change.
I dont know why anyone could dislike the AR based primarily on the .223/5.56 cartridge alone. Funny enough the AKs I've shot the most and learned I liked the most right off were the 5.56 and 5.45 caliber rifles. I'm much more a fan of the 74 than the AKM. The main thing that turned me off to ARs were most of the ones I'd shot were cheap and never had good glass or good parts, nor were they cool like A1 or a2 style clone stuff, so it just seemed like a bunch of cheap junk with no heart. But idk, I think anything that is useful and a good tool is badass.
Hopefully my new stock is nice.
haha pp lmao
hahahahahahahahahaha bb
I actually am enjoying fucking around with ARs lately though and I'm having fun fucking around with them. After I finish my current AR I think I'd like to take some of the things I like about shooting my AR and apply them to my AMD-65 by finding suitable solution to mount a good optic, while not making the rifle too heavy.
i don't really care for black people
What's shaking tonight /arg/?
my pp lmao
R8. Also what are the best spare parts to keep on hand?
>Also what are the best spare parts to keep on hand?
just buy the same guns twice
this way you'll always have all of the spare parts
>1x on a longboi
no thanks
lpk and a spare bcg would cover a lot
am I sick for wanting to get a 90's paintball finish on an AR?
Only if you fail to name it Pregnant Lisa Frank Shitting In My Mouth
I just need to find someone who has even less class than me to do it.
Well, you're in the right place at least
Fuck whoever reported me last week
>fluffy buys more climbing gear he will never use
Anyone have a bcm coupon code?
jesus christ you should not be allowed near tools
you damage everything you touch with a tool
you are a fucking hack
You are completely welcome
Is this a good deal?
I can't believe how much better my poverty PSA AR shoots after replacing the carbine buffer with a Spikes T3. That 2.4oz is amazing.
>pa scope
Should I get a cvlife?
Welcome to ARs. Now build an ultralight 4.5 lb rifle with an adjustable gas block.
Is that Ash?
Not fat enough
I've had the rifle like 4 years with the buffer it came with. Sad I didn't change it earlier.
I dont have any need for an ultralight rifle, but I'm building a fairly light rifle for general use / SHTF. It'll be in the realm of 7lbs locked and loaded with 1-4x optic.
Ash clone.
It 30 year old boomer wojak
30 Year-old Boomer refers to a character spread on Jow Forums mocking older millennials who enjoy things deemed out of touch with younger millennials, particularly in regards to video games. The phrase generally appears in a greentext snowclone reading "that 30 year old boomer who X" and is accompanied by a specific Brainlet Wojak variation (pictured)
I want this build.
Best AR in /arg/
maybe with NX8
And a tape switch for the m300
I definitely want to get my hands on a NX8
morning arg
Good morning psi
Wondering if the NX8 is one of those love it or hate it type optics. Or maybe only idiots like it. Who knows. I don't think it's a K16i killer though. That's for sure.
The narrow eyebox at 8x aside, .1 mil turrets instead of .2 mil and it would be more popular
What's the consensus on Geissele MK14 and MK18 rails and why are they not as popular as the mk4/mk8?
Morning dude
Right now the K16i is on top of my want list if I sell the ECOS
You got a holster for the USP?
I had a first gen PA1-6x wirh the ACSS reticle. I enjoyed it, but wound up selling it with the gun it was on.
I loved the scope while I had it though.
Wait, are you getting an ARX?
There's a $10 off coupon on Brownells that can be used multiple times.
I'm tempted to break up the glock order and use it.
That fluffy clone. Yikes.
Mk13* and 14. I don't remember if they're more expensive, but that's part of it. Also, they don't have the 2, 4, 8, and 10 o'clock mounting positions.
First AR after I got out of college. Put a few k through it, sold it and built anew. Unlike you.
>I don't remember if they're more expensive
They arent
I have a couple other things.
>that 'i wish my G3 was an FAL" Namibian stock
Not as aesthetic
why, youd never shoot it
post fudd enjoying pews again
I do like the increased length of pull on it.
People don't want to buy the mk14 right now in case the mk16 is released as a standalone rail and people don't want to have to buy a complete upper to get a mk16.
Also the mk8 and mk4 are more aesthetic.
Get the ARX. I want one.
Why is no one having 4th sales?
True. I think I'm going to buy the mk4 today.
>not mk8
Just kys
Because it's not 4th of July yet freind
Ok fuck I'll get the mk8. What could I unload the home depot rail for realistically?
Ill give you $30
I like mine. Mk8 is fine too if you don't need the pic rails on the end
Geissele had a father's day sale before it was father's day
Should I do the Dirty Dessert color?
Yes unless there is a green version
>green version
Man you really are a retard
When de sales?
Fuck you guys are making me think I should wait for the "sale" to get it.
But the RIS back on
Now you're making me feel like I should get a RISII fuck man idk what to do
Pat dog, flip a coin