Why do they think they're so special? Why do they need their own fucking F-35 variant (which is so far a failure and the only variant no in service)? Why can't they just use the Navy version? Why do they even have their own squadrons at all? Why are they even a separate BRANCH at all? Seems like a needless bureaucratic inflation, they should just be part of the Navy. Makes sense, no? Infantry landed on shore by amphibious assault from Navy ships and covered by Navy planes should probably be in the Navy, no?
Are the Marines Autistic?
The F-35B was the first one in service, retard.
This is true, but I'm with OP. Why do they need their own variant?
The USMC is America’s premier expeditionary force. Capable of sending an entire self contained combined arms force from a battalion to an entire division that has its own logistics allowing it to self sustain itself in combat conditions from 15 to 30 days to indefinitely. Not only does this allow for rapid deployment for small scale engagements and flashpoint operations. This also allows for an entire force that isn’t limited to the umbilical cord that is logistics. Allowing the Marine corps the capability of opening new fronts or operating as a shock force in a large scale conflict. Like breaking through enemy lines and continuing into hostile territory without securing their rear. Kind of like paratroopers, but unlike them. Which are nothing more than light infantry that can only self sustain for a couple of days on there own. The Marines could send the full ground combat element and logistics with them.
Like them or not they are a very important and very distinct branch of the armed forces of the United States. Capable of doing a job that nobody else can do. At the scale that they can do it.
Keep crying armyfaghots.
We bestbranch nao.
Not that I disagree with muh reens being retards, but the X-35 was built to be a stealth STOVL platform. The USAF and USN are retards for adapting a STOVL platform for conventional and CATOBAR use. The F-35B is the literal purpose of it's development.
Ok but, why can't they just be the Navy's infantry? That would cut down on the bureaucratic overhead and prevent shit like, well, them always having to have their own special shit all the time.
the USMC has around 30,000 active infantry. in any real conflict theyre going to be sending in draftees after a few weeks. the entire us military needs to be restructured.
>Why do they need their own fucking F-35 variant (which is so far a failure and the only variant no in service)? Why can't they just use the Navy version?
So how else are they supposed to take off from a LHA?
You mongoloid. They ARE managed under the secretary of the Navy. Jesus christ if you were any stupider i would have you pinned for being a real leatherneck.
You can consider that as peace time numbers. Take Korea for example. The entire military was downsized a lot before Korea. But as the war kicked up, numbers went up very quickly. I wouldn’t doubt that the Marine corps could swell its numbers by at least 10,000 before considering drafting.
That is the way most militaries operate. We are in peacetime for now. Marine infantry have always been used as shock troopers to take ground control. No big offenses need to be made. I am curious though, what "restructuring" do you think needs to take place?
But they're not under direct Navy Command. The Secretary of the Navy has ultimate authority over both the Navy and Marine Corps, but the Navy doesn't have direct control of the Marine Corps unless, on deployment, they are officially subordinated to Navy command.
SVTOL aircraft always sacrifce air performance to be able to land in small spaces. I'm convinced it's a meme and they'd be better off packing LHAs with gunships and just sending another CV if they want more fixed wing support.
>just sending another CV
>Just send a whole other carrier battle group instead of using what we have
This is why it doesn't make sense to you.
You're actually completely backwards, the ability of the LHA's to surge into aircraft carriers has been one of their greatest strengths
You expected anything else?
Reminder that those faggots are the reason why F-35 is a flying piece of shit.
Why use some carrier planes and some shittier SVTOL planes instead of just using all carrier planes (which are better) and using more gunships?
After all, what the Marines' planes are really there to do is CAS. Why spend billions on a half-assed SVTOL fixed wing plane to do that when you could just use some helos?
I'm sure that if a large war seems imminent the reserves will be called up.
>Like breaking through enemy lines and continuing into hostile territory without securing their rear.
Sure, and that would be ok because - just as you say - they got their logistics with them so they don‘t need no supply and have no problemo with e.g. being encircled, right?
>being encircled
>stopping and holding a position while attacking
>not just thunder running through that bitch
I shiggydiggy
Wasn’t there a study into the feasibility of equipping the LHDs with ramps? I talked to a Marine Harrier pilot a while back who said he crossdecked with the Spanish Navy and got to fly off of their carrier, and all the Marines who did so came back with glowing praise over how much easier the takeoff was as opposed to their own ships.
To ensure that they have close air support independent of carrier battle groups, amphibious battle groups need to be capable of independent operations.
Failure of political leadership. Any organization will want to exist and grow if you let them.
>Why use what you have instead of what you wish you had
Ramp gives big advantage in payload and/or safety margins of takeoff for STOVL aircraft. Adding ramp would require removing couple helicopter landing spots from deck.
You realize that when war is declared it doesn't start full-scale right away right?
The Romans taught the world that a well trained, disciplined, professional military is worth the money and time. Every nation is going to have to call for valunteers and draftees only to spend half a year training them before actually going to war.
Having a standing large military is a huge bonus if any war breaks out. It allowed the germans a heavy advantage when invading france in WW2 and the brits a large advantage because of their professional colonial forces.
The next war is going to be strange. The tech we have today takes a very, VERY long time to build and they are extremely expensive when compared to 1942. What you start with is pretty much all you're going to get for the majority of the war. The kind of high-tech raw materials needed for something like a b-2 or f-35 require a world-wide effort to acquire. In war time, it just might not be possible to get what you need. It's hard to tell until it actually happens.
Why are you so autistic? You have nothing better to do than rant on a forum for slow children about something you'll never change.
Why do you speak in so many short questions? Annyoing isn't it? No?
God it's no wonder you're single you cringe basket.
>Why spend billions on a half-assed SVTOL fixed wing plane to do that when you could just use some helos?
Tangential, but that line of thought is why I’m okay with the bizarrely archaic weaponry in the Fallout universe. With the world already running short of oil for polymers and other rare materials, and a drawn out conflict with a near peer adversary, the return to simplistic steel weapons with wood furniture makes sense.
If the Marines need CAS they don't want to go through fucking bullshit to get air strikes from the army or navy
radio time is really important