I want one. Bad.
The Winchester 1897 was copies by a few other companies as well like IAW and Cinmaron. Are these “clone” guns as good as the Winchester? I don’t want to buy the nineteenth century version of a KelTec
Street sweepers
>street sweeper
Thats not even close to a street sweeper you dumbfuck
Bullshit. Yes they are. Plenty of people use repros in cas
Real street sweeper has arrived to kill OP’s gay thread.
how does one fuck up so bad as to make this thread?
Norinco 1897
Great materials, chrome plated barrel, there would be some issues at the beggining probably. Chinese machining is not the best, but it shouldn't be nothing critical, you need to clean the gun, fire couple of shells, after that you'll see where the wear is, polish it and you've got yourself a great old time shotgun.
For what I know they manufacturing both versions, riot and trench gun.
They are not as well made as Winchesters, but one costs 400 dollars and one costs 2000 dollars
The 400 dollar clones are in most cases, good enough quality as a range toy or display piece
>Remington mosin parts kit for $1200
Wtf are these prices
Yup, they are good to go. Only thing I wish they did was produce the takedown version.
Pic is what I really wishI could have. Would pay up to 2k for one if I knew someone who could make it for me.
Forgot to say, but in takedown version.
>Price: $1,199.99
You can buy a legit street sweeper AND the tax stamp for less than that.
>They are not as well made as Winchesters, but one costs 400 dollars and one costs 2000 dollars
you can get an 1897 for like $300-500. Riot model maybe tack on another hundred or two. the only 1897s that sell for good money are real trench guns.
>nb4 bubba no
Could you just add a bayonetmount and heat shroud for the 600$ difference?
I wouldn't consider buying a cheap 1897 and making it a cool trench gun anywhere close to bubbaing
A bubba is any permanent modification not done by the factory. There are plenty of tasteful bubbas, but it's still a bubba at the end of the day.
wtf it has M-LOCK!!!
Let me rephrase: can you get the bayonet mount and heat shield anywhere and will it fit?
The NFA ruling on these is fucking retarded as shit and I wish they would repeal it. No reason I should have to pay an arm and a leg to own a shotgun that isn't even automatic