Jow Forumsommando paradise

Roanapur isn't real. But there has to be somewhere that comes close in its level of lawlessness and constant conflict.

What real life city/island/town is closest to being a Jow Forumsommando paradise?

Attached: Roanapur in Thailand.jpg (640x362, 27K)

Sri Lanka

If a truly lawless gun owners paradise existed, would you really be happy? A lot of people find splice in either breaking the rules, or chasing something down, as in, the thrill is in trying to get the item, and it becomes bland once you receive it. People like what they can’t have

Failed states with low standards of living


Chicago and Baltimore? Both are orders of magnitude uglier than Roanapur.

unironically this

>mfw no Balalaika commanding officer crimelord to subjugate a city with

Attached: Balalaika.jpg (576x816, 54K)

Texas, second only to Texas. But you have to muster the strength to put up with the people, the way of life, and just how generally dirty Alabama is. Sure, there are nice parts, but you sacrifice a lot for the best gun laws.

I’d say a good compromise is Montana. Plenty of innawoods action, good gun laws, nice people, lots of room to play.

I meant second only to Alabama*

Excuse my ignorance.

>nice people
That's the exact opposite of Roanapur. What OP wants is an active, never ending war zone to try out weapons in.

who the fuck wants to live there?

What's dirty about alabama?

Than disregard everything I spoke of, full retard this morning, I’ve never actually seen Black Lagoon, sorry fellas.

You didn't actually give a reason Texas is bad.

Guess you’ve never seen Glacier. Shame.

Attached: image.jpg (184x246, 29K)

I can name 15. But the real answer is probably New Orleans. I mean the cops are all this guy.

Attached: seagull.png (738x807, 273K)

Because Texas isn’t bad. IMO.


People who want to be left alone.

Go back to wherever you came from cityfag