Jow Forums Survival & Camping Recipes

What do you like to make while innawoods? For survival? Any good cast iron recipes? Let’s hear ‘em.

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For goat, theres bush curry. Pic related

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Or smoked

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But i dont feel like packing a live goat and smoker several miles innawoods everytime so i usually just fry up potatoes.

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Agreed. Potatoes, corn beef hash, onions.

Or Perogies, but they dont keep very long, 2 days at most.

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I wouldn't worry about it.

Bring along powdered cheese and powdered butter. Just awesome. Taco bell fire sauce if you want to add a slight kick and a little flavor. Or just get favorite hot sauce of choice.

I could go for some of those right about now. My grandma makes the best.

You leave the basement to go and eat like you’re still in the basement?

Naw, more I dont like wasting. I'll raid a tacobell once a month and steal packets and toss in fridge for meals. Ramen, Eggs, Fried rice, etc. I still have a bottle of Louisiana, but out with no fridge in warm weather wont be good once it has been opened. Either way gotta toss it in the end even if I dont use it all. Tacobell packets are perfect for me, use once, fold up, toss in garbage ziplock till I get back.

Just kidding. I get where you’re coming from. I’m one of those people that always throw rows extras from restaurants/take out/etc in the fridge or drawers.

>The Bay Leaf

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Some of those I go with often ask where I acquire my items.
Hot Sauce
>Taco Bell
>Burger King

Does anyone have any legitimate recipes for a cast iron skillet they wouldn’t mind sharing? Looking to break one in this week over a fire.

Easiest way to break a skillet in is to cook bacon (or sidepork, if you're a boss) repeatedly and scrape it out with a metal spatula.

This leads into my favorite breakfast, chila quiles. Fry up bacon/sidepork, remove. Add triangles of corn tortilla (like a skillet full), fry until beginning to brown, remove. Plate up the tortilla strips, fry up some eggs sunny side up, douse tortillas with salsa, top with eggs, slide bacon in beside.

Additional things to try at home:
- pan-roast things like pork chops or chicken thighs (brining ahead of time is your friend)
- southern skillet cornbread
- frittata (also good while camping)

Sounds amazing, thank you. Will scraping it with metal damage it at all? All I know is to not use soap, dishwasher, etc

Here I thought I was cool just for not poisoning myself after fire-roasting brats at the cabin a month ago.

Clearly I need to get me a fucking skillet.

>Will scraping it with metal damage it at all?
It's not teflon-coated so not really.

No, that's one of the main benefits of cast iron. Metal implements are no problem. You're scraping off the high-points of the crud and letting the rest of the crud bake on to eventually form a non-stick surface.

You may want to avoid cooking acidic things (e.g. tomato sauce) in there, I'm pretty sure I've ruined the seasoning of a pan once or twice like that. Also maybe leach a bunch of iron into your food, who knows if that is real or if it matters.

I have done a process where I stripped the existing (shitty factory seasoning) using the oven's self-clean function, then over the course of hours applied very small amounts of low-smoke point oil (e.g. sesame, unrefined safflower) with a paper towel and returned it to a somewhat hot oven. The idea being that the oils polymerize and season the pan (while making your house smell like ass).

I'm not sure that's any more effective than just using the damn thing for whatever until it's nonstick.
CAPTCHA is trolling the fuck out of me today.

Macaroni and cheese with chorizo sausage.
>Cook pasta in lightly salted water, set aside
>Fry chorizo in pan
>Mix pasta with salt, pepper, oregano, and a small amount of chili powder in the skillet and stir in shredded cheddar cheese
>Cook to your personal taste, add chorizo

If you have used it yet take a grinder to the cooking surface and polish it, then fill it with 1/2 cup olive oil and heat till its just about smoking, then let sit, and reaheat again a few times before cooking meats like bacon


>No Whataburger Spicy Ketchup
How plebeian

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>chila quiles
I had a Mexican roommate that used to fry this up on the weekend for breakfast.

>I have done a process where I stripped the existing (shitty factory seasoning) using the oven's self-clean function, then over the course of hours applied very small amounts of low-smoke point oil (e.g. sesame, unrefined safflower) with a paper towel and returned it to a somewhat hot oven.
Do you want cancer? because this is how you get cancer.

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Big ass jar of creamy peanut butter
Dried fruit of your choice
Dark cocoa powder

- mix all that shit up
- put in airtight container

BAM! Enough calories for a weekend in one container. No heating required.

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It's "Pierogi" not "Pierogies" as "Pierogi" is already in plurar my dude.

>Survival & Camping
carries around a fucking smoker

>powdered butter
Wut in tarnation ?
I cook almost anything in my cast irons, pizza burgers stews paella risotto they say you shouldn't cook anything too acidic but seemed fine when I made beef stout stew with plenty of tomatoes, not tried commies yet but there should be plenty left over once shtf, not much meat on 'em mind you.

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Damn that’s a good diagram. Only revision I’d say is, a pan-seared ribeye can be delicious as well.

Oh wait, I suppose that falls under skillet. Didn’t catch that, forget what I said.

Anyway, bone in ribeye > ribeye > all other cuts

Pls explain

cornbread and chili is the way to go for simple skillet campfire recipe.

Trout Recipe for those that havent tried it
>stick of butter
>box of stove top stuffing
>gut trout, pack in stuffing and tab of butter in cavity
>grill howerver you want really
Im telling you it is the best way youre ever gonna eat trout

>people outside of California will never know the joys of grilling a tri tip
I feel sorry for every single midwesterner that will never find a tri tip in their local meat department or butcher store

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Pan seared is the ONLY way to cook ribeye

I’d way it’s the best, but I’ve never done it myself, someone was gracious enough to make it for me before, or at restaurants. How do you like to do it? Or anyone that wants to chime in, for that matter.

No one wants sub primal bottom sirloin, user. Leave it in California with the rest of the fuck shit you have.

Put a heaping helping of butter in a skillet on medium high heat (I know this is a innawoods camping thread but yeah), wait till it gets hot and throw the steak on and start basting it with the butter, just constantly pouring it over the meat. The famous chefs also put rosemary and garlic in the pan, I've never tried it but I'm sure that's good.

Some of them also do reverse searing which involves putting it in the oven before searing but I've also never tried that.

>bay leaf

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In the commie's defense, a nice marinated tri-tip is pretty damn good.

Salt and pepper each side then leave your steak out for about an hour til its room temp. Use tongs and sear the sides of the rib eye in a pan then transfer over to charcoal. Keep the grill real low over the coals for a minute on both sides then raise the grill about 6 inches off your coals for another minute or two until rare to med rare. Pad of butter on top let it sit for a few minutes.

Oh I know. I’m just exactly as he described, and jealous.

So just keep flipping it and basting it until it’s at desired level of doneness?

This also sounds great.

How long should I leave the steak on either side for medium-rare?

I usually drown a porterhouse in Béarnaise

I truly pity the men who will never know the joy of their own tri tip roast
say what you want about California but dont you ever question a Santa Maria bbq.

>mfw peasants back east dont even use blue oak wood to cook with

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>So just keep flipping it and basting it until it’s at desired level of doneness?
Yeah, I'm the first guy you replied to. Other user nailed it but I want to emphasize how important the butter part is. Makes that shit melt in your mouth if you put a lot of effort into the basting.

Maybe like 5 minutes per side? And also occasionally pick it up with tongs and put the fat down on the pan to render it.

If you're doing any of this without a good meat thermometer (until you get a good feel for it), you're going to suffer. Each steak is unique.

If you want ridiculously easy and good steak, get an immersion circulator (vacuum sealer optional, can seal with water displacement method in ziplocks), 129 for 1-4 hours, sear and cum buckets.

>Thinks Cali, of all places, has the best BBQ.

I bet your ribs stick to the bone you son of a bitch

Okay thanks for the info, really. Last question, are you draining the butter from the pan and re-applying, or putting new butter on each time?

And thank you, too. I will definitely look into all of this. I do have a meat thermo., what temp should it read for medium-rare?

Trust me I did google a lot of this, but got mixed results. Trusting the Jow Forumsommandos on this one.

Ribs are SUPPOSED to stick to the bone, you turbofaggot.

I can make ribs "fall off the bone" by braising the fuck out of them. Barbecue ribs are supposed to be juicy, meaty and a little bit of work should be required.

>immersion circulator
I've heard this was the GOAT way to cook a steak and I'm sure it's good and all but I watched a cooking video of it and my god did that thing look unappealing before the searing. Like a cirrhotic liver.

All you need to do is cook one pork tenderloin sous vide and you won't shut up about sous vide. Pink and juicy (totally safe) pork that you could cut with a fork.

You just melt enough butter to have enough of it liquified so that you can scoop it with a spoon. Don't really need to change it out unless you accidentally scorch it or something.

Hey stupid commie tri tip is a common cut I have it in my grocery store and I'm not close to California. Fuck why do you posers think you're so special.

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Suppose I could have just posted these all along

I can't seem to find Gordon's video where he used butter but I suppose a good amount of olive oil would probably do the trick. But you get the idea.

These people are good men. Listen to them and you too and enjoy good beef carcass

I tend to pack light and in areas and weather that dont allow for a good campfirre

so typically its jerky, M&Ms or skittles, bread and mandarin oranges for me

There’s a Taco Bell near where I used to live that did me wrong so every so often I’d go in with a Halloween basket and (when they still had them out) dump the metal tins into the pumpkin and 360 out of there. Even after I moved an hour away, whenever I was around I would still go in and just take the tins themselves when I didn’t have the pumpkin. Few years passed and moved away and then back. Went in to visit and order and stock the new fridge with sauce. Open holes in the napkin/sauce counter where the sauce should be
>people kept stealing the bins so the owner had us put them behind the counter
She pulls out a plastic sombrero dish with all the sauces. Diablo sauce had been introduced since I last ordered.
>you can take however many you need though
I took the hat and my food and left.

Bitch of it all is I don’t really like their hot sauces

Ooh look at me, I live in California, I make $30,000 selling vintage clothes, I pay $90,000 for a rented studio, and I have no funs or water. But fuck your bbq!

okay I'll shut up.
but you guys all have butchers. even your local grocery store butcher will know how to cut a tri tip roast for you.
this summer. ask your local butcher for a tri tip roast. it will probably be between 22 and 35$ depending on the weight and specialty order.

you guys cook it however you want. I like basque marinade.
but dry rub is perfectly fine also. if you do go marinade go more towards a wine or vinegar style marinade.
grill that however you want and prepare for flame ups since its super fatty.

also pair it with pic related if you can.

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Depends on your coals and grill i guess. Ill second that a meat thermometer is the best money you will ever spend when it comes to cooking meats well. Get the kind that has the metal spike part on a long heat resistant wire leading to a seperate digital display so you dont burn your hands trying to hold it long enough to get a good reading.
Since this is technically a shtf thread theres also a method where you use your finger to poke the steak and depending on how tough it feels is how its cooked.
Touch your thumb to your index finger
With your other hand poke your palm right under your thumb. Thats around how squishy raw/blue rare will be.
Thumb to your middle finger - rare
Thumb to your ring finger - medium rare
Thumb to your pinky - well done.
Might be off a bit from person to person, also ive never done it just heard about it.

_Browning_ of the milk solids in the butter is fine, though, and will contribute all that carmelized goodness to the steak. "Scorch" in this post means like, the butter is smoking profusely and smells like cancer, with all the solids turned black.

You can use more heat than you might think, though, the steak will be cooling the pan via evaporation. Hot and fast -> juicy steak.

Unsolicited story time:
>grew up eating steak tips that father cooked on grill
>he would grill at like 350 for 20-30 minutes, removing all joy from meat
>moved out, learned to cook, moved back in and cooked at home
>made juicy steak
>got job, moved back out
>brother emails to ask how I managed not to ruin steak on grill
>"max out the grill, cook it fast"
>grill at home had never been cleaned
>grill gets cleaned after brother catches whole thing on fire, discharges fire extinguisher into it

Agreed. Thanks again, you two. Your info will not go to waste.

Yeah I didn't really know the right word for it, all I know is I've turned butter into a crusty creme brulee on more than one occassion. Hard for an amateur chef like me to find the heat balance to sear the steak and not instantly burn the butter.

Thread took a (informative and welcomed) digression, but I’m hoping people can share more Campfire recipes? Doesn’t have to be SHTF, but some people posted smokers, etc. and That’s not terribly realistic.

So, any more recipes for cast iron/pots & pans, or other things of the sort?

I live in the mid west now but the north east is the best for variety of wood to cook and smoke with.
Ywn grill salmon on a plank of fresh cedar
Ywn smoke skirt steak with wild apple and you might want to consider suicide.

How do you grill salmon on a plank?

Also, anyone ever use a smoking gun? I use it for softer cheese, like Brie, and to smoke Infuse my Manhattans (buffalo trace, bitch.) with cherry wood.

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I'm sure you could easily do the poached steak on a campfire, I just don't really go camping that much and sure don't know much about open fire cooking (temps and whatnot)

God I'm erect right now thinking about enjoying one of those bad boys with a brewski camping on a mountain with my battle buddy.

One of the car-camping things I've done that's been well received has been making gumbo on a fire. I'm not cajun, this recipe will probably offend the fuck out of some people.

Ahead of time:
Make a roux. 120g flour and 120g butter per quart of stock that eventually gets added, cook until the color of dark chocolate, jar it up.
Dice up and bag the onions, celery and bell peppers, maybe a pint of each for each quart of stock.

Obtain some frozen smoked turkey thighs, some andouille sausage, parboiled rice.

Over the fire/rocketstove/campstove in a big stockpot/dutch oven cook down the onions until browned, then add celery and bell peppers, saute until most of the moisture is gone. Add the stock, some hot pepper, the turkey legs and simmer until the turkey is falling apart and the vegetables have basically dissolved. Add sausage and roux, simmer until combined.

The key part is adding a bit more hot pepper than you think you need, it'll mellow as the turkey cooks and it'll all kinda blend together. I serve with file powder and rice.

Jesus Christ man that’s some good shit

All of you need to do yourselves a service and watch almazan kitchen on youtube.
These two serbs cook a shit load of different meals primitive style out in these kino spots in the woods. Mostly just a knife and a pan. Its filmed in 4k and it all looks dope af.

I'll usually bring 2 MRE's because I don't enjoy leaving my fiancée out of this stuff
And snake meat is amazing without spice desu

You can take the NEET out of the basement but not the basement out of the NEET.

box of macaroni and cheese
can of chili
>chili mac
add cheese, ground beef, onions, spices if you want

diced potatoes, diced onion and bellpepper, eggs however you want, sliced sausage of your choice
>skillet hash

fish and instant rice with lemon and pepper

I have no idea how to make good crawfish. those are secrets the southern man knows.

I really cant help you out man. I dont bake. its just cuts of meat and maybe rice or beans to pair it with.
lookup chili recipes.

I still cant believe those guys did that.
I dont have the heart. and I like goat meat. birria is fantastic especially after a dozen silver bullets.
but bringing along a goat to kill and process on your own is crazy.
chicken maybe. but a goat? I wouldnt have the heart.
>it happened in Canada
oh well I guess eating dog isnt that tough for the chinese so it makes sense

Chila quiles is deee bomb. I like making mjne with shredded chicken (no eggs though, call it dinner version). Or spam.

That sounds dank as fuck, next time I get chorizo when grocery shopping, I'ma try this

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These all sound good, but how do you keep all the perishable stuff refrigerated without lugging a cooler around?
>I have no idea how to make good crawfish. those are secrets the southern man knows.
Throw them in a giant pot with some zattarans crab boil, and basically whatever else the fuck sounds good. Especially corn on the cob and red potatoes, and boil the fuck out of it

Ive seen these before thought they looked funny. Are they for infusing sauces and they like or like pieces of meat or what?
Plank grilling is similar to charcoal method of smoking where you soak your woodchips before laying them on the coals, but the plank doesnt have to be directly on the coals. You can use fresh cuts out in the woods too without soaking but anyways its basically like putting a cutting board under the piece of meat youre cooking. It steams and burns a bit and infuses with the cut of meat Another good part about planks is you can use them on gas grills too.

Forgot a real good one, suitable for backpacking.

Wrap potato in foil, bake in embers. Split potato open, mush can of sardines (matiz in olive oil + lemon are my favorites, or bar harbor kippers) into it.

It's what got me into canned fish.

The rosemary and garlic add a whole othrr level of delciousness...highly recommend it. Reverse searing isnt really necessary, unless you really want a crispy outside while having a rare inside.

Rip Doug

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A bit more than a skillet, but meh

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>but how do you keep all the perishable stuff refrigerated without lugging a cooler around?
oh man youre talking to the wrong guy.
my innawoods is all food and whiskey.
ziploc bags, dig hole, water from the lake makes a cooler.

I have never filtered, boiled or sterilized water. I get thirsty and drink from whatevers in front of me. I've drank from disgusting white froth filled cow holes while hunting.

I just use tinfoil or hot coals or sticks to cook with. I have one egg sized cast iron skillet I use.
I eat really undercooked unsafe food. people tell me to throw it away because its gone bad.
I just leave it in the coals for another 30 minutes.
I mean all that food and water shit isn't gonna kill you. maybe a trip to the hospital. I dread the day I get food poisoning and have to be dragged out of the woods doubled over covered in my own shit.
but so far so good.
>Cryptosporidiosis and Giardiasis - 0 for hundred
>Me - undefeated
really I just get progressively drunk until Im calling everyone else a pussy and eating raw undercooked meat by myself

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Freeze them. Last time I made a dozen dozen, After boiling and draining, 10 dozen got frozen, and 2 dozen got pan fried for easter dinner.

oh and uncooked bacon.
its already salt cured. or at least my drunken ukranian friend swears by it.
its pretty good. wrap it around anything and its edible.

They dont stay frozen in plus 20 degrees weather

Jesus man, I'm far from a germaphobe but how have you not died of typhoid?

Do you cook the stuffing first or put it in the trout dry?

>implying californian commie faggots know anything about bbq

Raw bacon's great. Bende for the win.

MREs, Ranch beans, On day 1 and 2 I make Tacos which the way you cook em is low n slow

I've cooked summer sausage over a fire with my SKS bayonet. We called them Stalker Snacks or something like that.

honestly I could go into detail about the stuff Ive done.
but I mean we were out in oregon last year and these faggots were scared to drink rainwater from pools.
you gotta realize your entire gastrointestinal factory is the thing your body has evolved around. its a fucking engine.
I think with water its mainly high traffic and sewage and stagnation you have to worry about.
but Ive drank from plenty of high traffic water, untreated water, and stagnant water pools.
Ive eaten realllllllly rotten food before. really uncooked food. funny thing is I despise sushi. yet everyone else loves eating uncooked fucking fish? and Im the weirdo?
>never had food poisoning but Ive seen it plenty. statistically it should have happened by now
>no catfish or squirrel for me innawoods. every time you cut one of those open its parasite and worm city
really your guts a fucking steam engine designed to take down rotting carrion and water from the ganges
the worst Ive gotten sick off of food was 90+ degree bud lights baking in the sun all day combined with frozen chicken that no one else would touch sitting in its own filthy juices cause it defrosted days ago.
and even then it was just vomiting and a stomach ache. nothing long term.

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dry. butter and trout juice will take care of it.
just buy a tri tip this summer
I listened to you southerners about pig ear sandwhiches. and you guys were right. I was surprised.

heres something related

forgot image cuz am retard

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