Only guns that can sit in the mud for 60 years and still fire can post in this thread.
Functionally Beyond Reproach
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you called?
Welcome Comrade.
Who would win?
Italian Superiority, reporting in.
find one single serviceman who didn't fucking hate the Beretta and i'll give you a dollar
The fuck? This thing is absolutely BELOVED.
Can still dry fire*
Guarantee this thing was never actually fired after being found.
I don't hate it.
You're taking things too far...
45 is a pretty low pressure case, as long as the barrel is still as hard as it should be it would be fine.
Russia stronk !
Now listen ‘ere fancy European country. That there is us gov ment property!
hmm hmmm
a lot of dicks on his work. gross.
Find one single serviceman who didn't get issued a worm out beretta from the 80's and I'll give you TWO dollars. Ask cops if they liked them. They'll all say yes because theirs weren't fucked by federal government bureaucracy.
I just want to point out this is NOT how shadows work.
In Soviet Russia, shadow casts you
Who is she?
are those wood? Are they slippery? Where do I get wooden dick grips?
>all of that neon shit
its works like dazzle camo my dude
That's a male
fact: Beretta has never designed a single bad gun
Get the FUCK out of here.
That thing is great.
You must be joking.
Tomcat 3032. This thing is pretty bad
it's too late comrade
it's always too late
whats bad abut it?
Nothing. Some of the earlier models would have cracked slides after a couple thousand rounds or so, but there was a recall and I believe you can still send in old models to get fixed for free? They're neat guns, otherwise.
Is doesn't matter who she is.
All that matters is her feminine penis.
If only you knew.
Storytime, I guess. See, that's the AR 70\90. It was the italian service rifles after 1990, because the Italians loved the Garand so much that they kept using it until the end of the Cold War (well, a modernized version known as the BM 59).
The AR 70\90 is a unholy piece of junk born of "inspirations" from everything they could summon, from collaboration with SIG to copying the Kalash, plus a requirement for three-roound burst fire. The end result is a messy rifle that's annoying to shoot, has bad ergonomics and loves to lose pieces randomly. It's the worst 5,56 rifle I've ever shot, and it managed to beat the G41, a Galil copy and the M16A2 through unknown means (political corruption, I presume.
The M16A2 didn't even manage to reach the evaluation stage, it was shot down through some shady 80ies typically Italian political mess, as it would probably have blown the AR70\90 out of the water. The lesson is, Beretta makes good handguns: it makes mediocre service rifles.
Don’t talk to me or my wife’s son ever again.
The thread isn't called 'only guns that can sit in a safe for sixty days and be cleaned before you shoot and still jam can post in this thread'
All off these posts, and not a nugget to be seen. For shame, Jow Forums...
as someone who has more exposure to these than probably most of my fellow service members ever will, there's nothing objectively wrong with it. Aesthetics (not a criteria for a military firearm) aside, it's a wonderfully functional gun. Adequate capacity, good sights, perfectly workable trigger, plenty accurate and I have yet to see one malfunction. They also wear in great, making them very slick and smooth later in life. AND they are easy to work on, save the sear and decocker. No complaints whatsoever.
how was airbone school
>muh ak
Shut the fuck up slavboo faggot.
>The M16A2 didn't even manage to reach the evaluation stage, it was shot down through some shady 80ies typically Italian political mess
Bullshit. Well I don't doubt there was some kind of politics involved it's certainly not the main reason. After the original trials in the 60's Italy wanted the M16A2 as their main service rifle. They were functioning off the assumption that the Americans would let them build these new rifles under licence. After all, they had let them build Garands no problem and let them develop the BM59 instead of waiting around for the M14 to be done. However Colt had different ideas, and were very tight with licences for M16 production and said they could buy full rifles or nothing. Italy, somewhat unprepared by this development chose the AR70 instead because it was already being procured by Italian SF units, with the standard infantry models receiving modernisation (STANAG, carry handle, burst fire, etc) and was designated the AR70/90. I cannot speak for the 70/90, but the 70 is not any worse than other rifles of the period.
This is not an uncommon story. The French were also interesting in fielding M16s but after being told that domestic production was not on the table turned to internal developments resulting in the FAMAS. The Australian's also wanted the M16A2, but after having trouble negotiating production licences they went with the runner up from their trials, the Steyr AUG. Off the top of my head, the only country allowed to build M16s under licence was South Korea, but the licence was so restrictive they could never fully adopt the rifle like they wanted to and developed the K2 instead. Turns out not being able to build your own service rifles was a pretty big deal.
>After the original trials in the 60's
That should be 80's. Missed that in my final check.
Dunnow, the myth goes that the M16A2 could not even be evaluated because the main contact with Colt was outed as a criminal. Maybe it's a myth, maybe it isn't, but weapons procurement in Italy was a massive den of corruption.
There's no doubt that the M16A2 is superior tho, the 70\90 is a piece of junk (at least, both in my personal experience and in the opinion of the servicemen I've talked with). Italian SOF got the 70 not because it was a good rifle, but because they still used the MAB and they didn't get the BM59.
I'm honestly incredibly curious about the Bernardelli Galil copy, but it's probably a unicorn rifle by now.
It is wood, not slippery at all, got it off eBay
>tfw you're only 30something and don't qualify
eat shit and die.
american pig dog
Paul Harrell
I've kept mine up my ass for years, still fires every time I pull the trigger.
that's an ak-74 you bitchhog
>Perfectly operational
Somehow I doubt this very much.
No, ARX, Pico is fine.
I feel like this should be obvious.
how much cleaning did they have to do?
Diemaco started making the c7 in ~84
I think corruption exists in any form of weapons procurement, and it doesn't help Italy is somewhat famous for it's political corruption. There is just a history of the M16 trialling very well but not scoring foreign contracts. Because there's no real documentation on this kind of thing it's hard to say what happened for sure, but when the same thing keeps happening in difference places with the same kind of rumors, it's pretty hard to dismiss. I also find Western AKs interesting as well, I'd love to see what Bernardelli did differently to the Finns and the Jews.
Considering they went through a couple of buy outs after that deal and exist now as 'Colt Canada' despite holding major government contracts, something tells me that arrangement wasn't beneficial towards Diemaco.