What are some Jow Forums approved vidya?

what are some Jow Forums approved vidya?

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Squad is pretty great

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too bad my PC would committ seppuku if I tried playing it

y'all got anything for weak ass PCs

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Mount & Blade: Warband
Ace of Spades

ace of spades is gay desu

Dark Souls was OK but it's too bad 2 was underappreciated by the plebeian masses which made FROM too scared to do anything but play it safe with Dark Souls 3 and even then in classic FROM fashion they halfassed it and shat all over plenty of DS1. It shouldn't surprise me though, I think the only FROM series that I followed that ended on a high note were Lost Kingdoms and King's Field. Demon's Souls didn't even last long enough to be a series thanks to Atlus hating Bamco, although I can't blame them because Bamco sucks. Not only did they force SCV out a year early but IIRC that was my first experience with an on-disc character locked behind a pre-order bonus or day 1 purchase. MKX later did the same shit with Goro who should've been someone else anyway.

Emulate Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre.

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Warband slows down fast once you get two to three hundred people in a fight.

Try Insurgency, it’s often on sale for for only a couple bucks and has very nice gunplay.

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EU4 with the 30 Years War expansion pack.


I played it but I usually get laggy in intense firefight situations
just bought postal 2, cs: source and half life 1 on steam lmao i think its a good bundle

we dont need this thread every day, just go to /v/

Somebody recommend Final Fantasy Tactics.

I’ll recommend Tactics A2.

>fuck you I like it
steam workshop = so many guns.

you will never shoot velociraptors and teletubbies with a G11 accompanied by the cast of K-On!

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Or FFTA with a mod to remove the laws, it was an otherwise solid game.

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right now I have the cast of EOSD genociding moeblobs with slavshit set to bandit radio

>steam workshop = so many guns.
In this vein Killing Floor 1 & 2, pic related is my 1911 skin. 2 has an event ongoing although if you're just starting out you won't be leveled for it and people who are sick of practically being a man down all the time (because lowbies love to come into events to get carried) might vote to kick you.

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jej I got that game for free from a promo ages ago and never even played it
is it like The Division or Borderlands loot and shoot?

Unironically Call of Duty.

I play CoD for the campaigns mostly, CoD4 and MW3 were fun. MW2 best mission was the favela bar none, dat soundtrack, dem FALs

Stalker my nigger

Company of heroes

I've never played The Division but there are some parallels to Borderlands. You fight in arenas and pick a perk, which is basically a class, and that perk will have certain abilities (shots penetrate zambos, fast door welding, increased ammo capacity, night vision, seeing cloaked enemies, etc.) and will have specific perk weapons although you can use off perk weapons. You also have different grenades for different perks. Leveling up doesn't change what gear you can use it mostly just increases the potency of your bonuses. There's a progression tree for each perk that you get to invest into every 5 levels, there are only 2 sides but they're usually fairly different and decently balanced.


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Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield
If your computer can’t run it, then it’s probably not a computer.

Are there any games like siege, insurgency, dod or any Jow Forums approved FPS games with good netcode?

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"im scared sir"

"Yeah... Me too Thomas... But they'll remember us for this!"

Project reality

Ace of spades unironically

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Xenonauts, rising storm 2 or the older rising storms, literally everything related to stalker, escape from tarkov if you arnt poor and my favourites, arma and hearts of iron

something that isn't fallout, stalker, or far cry

can't find anything that peaks my interest and it sucks

Insurgency works fine on my Dell Inspiron 1500 just fine.

>ctrl f
>No Jagged Alliance or 7.62 High calibre
I'm disappointed Jow Forums

7.62 is only £1
JA2 is £2.24

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The jagex game is. The original ace of spades was fun though.

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metro 2033

Rising Storm 2
Fallout NV, modded until its bleeding out of its ass
Garrys Mod, also modded until it bleeds(much funz)
Battlefield BC2

hoi3 can run on anything