ITT: dumb things you thought about guns when you were younger. I'll start

ITT: dumb things you thought about guns when you were younger. I'll start.

>gun shows are when there's a bunch of people going to see cool guns like automatics or rare historical firearms

>burst fire was invented before automatic because more is better

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I thought mags and clips were the same thing. how fucking autistic i was.

I thought I could shoot myself with small caliber bullets in order to gradually build immunity to larger ones.

I didn't know you could load magazines
I thought they just came with the rounds in them

I confused Hi Points and Hi Powers

You can tho

nearly got brainwashed that if we banned all guns america would be utopia. Fucking marxist teachers, dodged that bullet

Unfortunately, you'd be surprised how many people believe this even past childhood

As a kid I used to think the gun fired the entire bullet cartridge

I thought you couldn't put bullets in Magazines and you got the mags witg bullets in them already

> shoutgun is WAAAAAAAAAAIIII more powerful than military ar
> every rifle except AK-47 is M-16
> guns, especially shotguns, can knock a person off their feet
> recoil doesn't exist
> automatic gun is better, than semi or pump
> minigun is OP
I also came up with a system that allows the pump shotgun to work automatically via recoil (when I learned about it) and wondered why others did not do it, because the rapid-fire is better.
I thought I was fucking smart.

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When I was 18 I thought a Mosin would be a good rifle.
At least they were still (kinda) cheap then.

I thought shotguns weren't obsolete, silly times

I thought nothing could get through a "bullet-proof vest", no matter how many times you shot it.

I used to think every gun including muskets and shotguns fired conical bullets.

I thought "gas powered" meant that the AK ran on gasoline.

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>you didn't need to clean guns
Learned that the hard way

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they are.

thanks to movies and tv, that all soldiers in every war up until when black hawk down came out, and anyone needing to use a rifle or machine gun, fired from the hip

T. noguns

You are home now user, don't worry

>pump shotgun was like my pump bb gun, you just pump it a bunch of times to fire it
>you dont need to hit a person with a 50, just get close and their arm will get ripped off
not guns but
>me and my friend thought the point of sword was just to hit the other persons sword a lot.

*sword fights

Still understood what you meant :-))

>you poured shot into a shotgun's magazine tube and all the shells contained was gunpowder
>to kill someone wearing a bullet proof vest you needed to shoot them with a really, really big gun. I mean like a crew-served weapon.

Similar, I thought gas operated meant it had a cylinder of compressed gas to cycle it

i thought guns were these massively complex devices, then i break one open and see its just springs and a bolt....

I thought the "linked" symbol on older ammo cans was a crude symbol for a rifle

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I didn't know guns recoiled for a very long time. you dont really see it in movies all that often if you think about it. cartoons is even rarer