/arg/ AR thread

AR thread
Tripfaggotry containment

8.6 edition


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Q a shit

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Atleast wgws isnt trying to get keymod topped AR receivers

Post 10/10 rifles

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Kids deserve to be taught, not mocked by a parent who never taught them how to properly load a garand and then have that uploaded to hundreds of thousands of people online

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>user defends his poor decision making skills and buyers remorse

I hate all of you

No thanks
>Kids deserve to be taught, not mocked by a parent who never taught them how to properly load a garand and then have that uploaded to hundreds of thousands of people online
Didnt make you a better person

What do you think will have a more lasting impact:
>mocking kid for fucking up in a public fashion
>holding their hand and telling them mistakes are OK
Which do you think they will learn more from? Which do you think will make them NOT want to fuck up again more?

No thanks

sb has sacrificed for all of you

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The first thing the kid needs to be mocked for is being nutn's son.

All those almosts, but one is nice

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I love my tinydicks®. I like the noveske handguard and I like not needing to buy all new shit just because someone claims something is marginally better.

If I were to replace it with anything it would be a DD quad rail so it would be something that wouldn't bend to shit if it got dropped

The one he mocked is the beta weeb one who just sits inside playing games all day
Not the goober ass 30 year old boomer doctor one.

Saint sb even sacrificed for you, illegal indebted user

>Wanting to shoot a Garand
My legs aren't that long
If Nutn taught his kid how to actually load the rifle before shoving it in his hands and pointing a camera at him, then sure, make fun of him I guess. But if you're a kid that gets made fun of by his dad for not knowing how to do something that's not instinctual then that's kind of fucked up

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I've got an opportunity to get a Tactical Ambush built AR pistol in 5.56 for $425. It's got a bunch of rando junk parts on it.

Yay or nay? I know the company is defunct and fucked people up, but what about the actual quality?

you can like all the dicks you want.

i believe it was you who got butt blasted mad about me calling a $60 shit rail trash and simply noted that tiny dicks were present.

you could swap some stuff around and make a few of them 10/10 or close to it

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to add to that, i'm sure the mlok variant of that rail is just as big a piece of shit

Rip in pieces old man

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was the big hole for vs da small.

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I honestly didn't watch the video, nutn is a moron and every time I see his face I feel dumber. My point is valid though - it will be a much more effective teaching tool to make the kid actively try to learn and not fuck up than to handhold and make everything all OK, here's your participation trophy good job for trying

Many are close

Aren't you suppose to be in prison?

the small one is a 200m zero vs 300m with the large.

>never priced me the m600v or eotech
Big for 0-200
Large for anything else

goodnight anons

Nothing shows how awesome you are like mocking your kids for not knowing something you should have taught them.

No, why?

800 for the pair

I hope you don't wake up!

big is for low light or faster, closer shooting

>you should have taught them
He wasnt trying to have the kid rebuild a carburetor, its loading a garand and the kid was putting the bullets in perpendicular to the axis of the barrel. Its a common sense thing thats completely valid to mock someone for.

Its on par with the wgws primary ballot thing
split prices

that indica too much for ya huh?

No wonder matey is so worked up, he identifies with him

If last suspect turned into a trap nutn would probably beat him and leave him in the desert

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None of you should reproduce.

I now want to reproduce

what kind of idiot would willingly trade potential future fun monies for an eighteen year contract to maintain a cry/eat/shit machine?

indica is nigger weed i never smoked that garbage.

i work 7-3 so i gotta wake up at 5:45


All weed is nigger weed


I hope you don't wake up!

all cognac is nigger cognac


>broccoli is nigger weed

>not smoking wild flowers

T.payote nigger

grilled asparagus is where it's at

>not vaping

>not smoking asparagus

>not vaping asparagus

This guy gets it

>wanting your pee to smell bad

Orgasmo is a funny movie

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>implying pee doesn't smell bad either way

>not wanting your pee to smell bad
>not saving bottles of your asparagus pee to stink up various places

>t. hydrationlet
Trip on, Ash

Who's going first?

Ash has left thanks to Saint SB, praise be.

Shooting trip was a success. Friend wants to get a handgun and rifle now. It was his first time shooting any sort of AR or AR type rifle, so there was a lot of learning to be had.

Had a blast though. Took the 14.5 out to the 500 yard plates again, and scored some hits.

The Hornady Frontier stuff made for work good plinking ammo.

Also, my LMT lower shipped
All on all good day.

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not your blog

>mfw you don't like asparagus and so will never experience the horridly excellent stench of foul smelling sulphurous pee unfit for human consumption

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Nice blog post fluffy

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Sorry, let me discuss asparagus and nutnfancy to get us back on topic


dumb frog poster

I took some friends shooting yesterday and we killed some full soda cans
110 heat index lmao

It's even better when you pee on the floor of the family changing room at the walmart and stink that up.

Would a suppressor on a DD need a stamp?


nope, you can go to walmart and buy one in the sporting goods aisles

Ever pee on a girl with your stinky asparagus pee?

Will milikor ever release the mgl for us window lickers?



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Nice blog ash

All non medical drugs (besides LSD and mushrooms) are for niggers

As someone who has tried it all. Heed my warning young men.

Yeah, it was hot as shit out here too, but a light rain came up and helped a lot.

Once by accident.

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What about DMT?

What about mescaline and ketamine

all drugs are for niggers.

if you can't fix your ailments by eating dirt or wiping dirt on it, you're a fucking pussy.

Come down from k is brutal

what's it like

I rub cocaine on my wounds. Works great

Even the ones your body produces and uses naturally

getting my first ar. have only owned an ak and tired of the weight, so going for a lightweight ar. i'm thinking of getting the DDM4 V7 SLW and will replace the trigger with a geissele. is there something more cost effective? i want to keep the rifle under 6 pounds. then i'll put an MRO on it

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>not wanting to do PCP then get naked and fight everyone
>not being the star arrest on an episode of COPS