Kicked again for ND during draw practice

Got kicked out of my third range today for shooting the table and then target track while practicing quick draws and mag dumps with my eagle...

Guns are haed to shoot fast and accurate. How am I suppossed to get better if I'm not allowed to practice due to a mistake?

Pic not related.

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Go practice in a national Forest or something my dude. Just make sure to shoot AWAY from the trails and campsites, since you seem to be a tad retarded

lol what a fag

Just get Dummy rounds until you can draw like a real human bean.

your finger shouldn't be in the trigger guard at all until the gun is parallel to the ground. This is a basic rule of quick draw practice. You're a complete fucking retard and nobody would feel safe around you that's why you got kicked out.

practice your technique on black civilians

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What if you wanna shoot something that's down... or up, mr. i got cool rules.

Don't tell him, maybe this way he'll shoot his dick off and not reproduce.

I've contacted the ATF and told them that you're a danger to the general populace. You need isolation in a padded room.