What do you guys think about this gun...

What do you guys think about this gun? Im always afraid its going to go off and shoot my leg when i pocket carry it in the little cloth holster it comes with

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>posts questions about handguns outside the general

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announcing sage is against the rules

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Get a new holster stupid.

only faggots use generals

>only faggots use generals

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Do you guys really have to have these things out in public?

Ruger makes very reliable unsexy guns at a reasonable price. If it fits your hand well and you can shoot it accurately then buy it.

Ive owned it for a year and a half. I just never feel safe while picket carrying and thus i dont carry it offen. Guess i will just but a iwb holster

I like it. I work in an office, so I pocket carry, against the rules. Comfy in a pocket.

Carry it for a couple weeks with an empty chamber and you will just go off without pulling the trigger. That’s what I did. It also has a hammer catch if the sear where to fail.

So is the concensus that it will not go off unless you pull the trigger? Ive had it chambered for over a year but been unsure about the reliability of a new gun like this. Just not trying to have to get something amputated because a new design failed on me

Not who you replied to.

I've carried mine chambered for over a year. Take it in and out of my pocket every day. Slept with it in my pocket a few times, even. It won't go off unless you're foolishly trying to holster it while the holster is in a pocket or you're not paying attention and the holster gets in the trigger guard.

Get a better pocket holster u dumdum. Also LC9s is mo bettah.

Lc9 is not in the same class as a sized .380. Of i wanted to carry a 9 id carry my g19

>using cancer generals

I don't think these have a high likelihood of an ND. Test the trigger pull on an empty gun, and tell me that you're likely to accidentally pull it by snagging it or leaning wrong. Just get a better holster. It's striker, so no risk of a hammer getting cocked either.

>It's striker
No it isnt. It's got a hammer. Just not an exposed hammer.

pic related is how I carry mine. I was kind of sketched out by it at first too which is why I bought a kydex pocket holster (and you should too honestly) but I've yet to hear a single report of an ND with an LCPII. If it were an unsafe gun there would probably be multiple cases of them with sketchy circumstances. The only thing I've heard about them is that they can jam with cheap ammo, but I've never had a problem with that either. Mine feeds reliably.

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my lcp jammed one or two times every mag on my frist trip to the range. i shot pmc bronze and cheap federal. do i need to shoot gucci ammo? lmao

Small pocket pistols are notorious for having heavy trigger pulls, sometimes up to 10 pounds

>What do you guys think about this gun?
Great little pocket piece, i carry it a lot and really like the thing.
> Im always afraid its going to go off and shoot my leg when i pocket carry it in the little cloth holster it comes with
might want to look into something like the desantis, they're a bit stiffer material. alternatively you may want to look at:
its pretty good from what i've heard. if you mean in terms of drop resistance/mechanical failure then i wouldnt worry too much.

Break it in first. got mine on the cheap nearly NIB because the original owner only put steel case through the thing so he thought it was a jam o matic. sure did like to jam with the baggy of leftover steel case he threw in with it on the first range trip. put a couple hundred rounds of WWB through it though and now it feeds steel fine as well.

interesting. thanks boss

What holster is that? I am just too noided to carry it in the cloth and am going to get a holster at this point. My lcp2 runs fawlessly you just have to rack the slide with authority or it will fail to eject.

I shot random ammo from walmart and it never jammed a FTF once or twice or last round. And why the fuck did they only give us one mag i really need to buy another

Lcp has a 6.5 bld trigger pull which is conserning to me when i pocket carry

Wow thanks for the drop safety video. I always heard it had a drop safety but never trusted that information based on just forum posts

Buy a kydex trigger guard and delete this stupid thread.

It's a vedder pocketlocker. It's pretty good. the hook doesn't work super well by itself, highly recommend getting a thumb release on it as well. The gun stays in the holster just fine, push the thumb release and it comes right out. The only time I had to test that is when a meth-head followed me around a warehouse talking a bunch of angry psychobabble and it was easy to grab in a stressful situation. Granted the gun never actually came out of my pocket and I never officially drawed on him, just out of the holster and into my hand before he took a right turn and stopped bothering me.

It can shift around a bit in bigger pockets so that's something to be aware of, but it secures the gun really well.

absolutely hate it.

DAO pocket pistols have grossly heavy triggers for that very reason.

You have to try to ND it in your pants m

ugly as fuck, why didn't you buy the original LCP? Looks better, and has an actual DAO trigger pull so it feels safer to carry. (Your fugly LCP2 is still safe, just doesn't feel it.)

You're safe to carry in the pocket holster that it came with. Just like every other pocket carry, dont have anything else in the pocket. It's not going to ND on you, thanks to a nice second sear and that trigger safety.

I love mine
I use the included holster every single day and im still fine. We should both probably buy a better holster. But youre not going to shoot yourself in the leg unless you touch the trigger, I promise. I pocket carry in any style of pants, even gym shorts. I have zero concern.
Not my style of gun at all, but it shoots so fucking nice. Get one man, really.

LC9 is too big to pocket carry in jeans.
Generals are for fags
yes absolutely
good post
dumbpost. The 2 trigger is so fucking good its insane

TLDR- double check its unloaded. Now double check again. Now put it in your pocket holstered and try to get it to dry fire.

I appreciate your post. Seems everyone who owns it carries it with confidence other than myself

So you can pocket carry a G19 lol, ok cargoboi. LC9s will fit in your front pocket easily unless you’re

No i dont pocket carry a g19. Im not saying an lc9 isnt a good gun but i dont own one and its bigger than the lcp2 and a larger caliber so they are not in the same class of firearm

Im 6'4" and the LCP with pocket holster is fairly bulky. we're talking right between phone in an otterbox and pocket book levels of girth/size. Im sure the LC9 is fine if you wear cargo shorts or super baggy nigger jeans, but for the rest of us something slimmer is required for unobtrusive pocket carry.

Everything about this post is stupid and wrong
Pathetic DYEC

Piece of crap.
You need to practice what you shoot.
Dryfire or range. Thing falls apart, after so many shots.

Great if you don't touch it. Leave it alone and never fire it like most people. It is in the high point price range.

I think Ruger took the sexy, sleek, and safe LCP and fucked it up with an ugly try-hard Halo design, wider frame, and inappropriate Glock-wannabe trigger. Why? Because they listen to their customers, and so many gun owners today just happen to be tacticool idiots that think more than they shoot.

The LCP II is still a good gun, I just wish they kept it sleek but gave it a nice smooth fully double action trigger. Maybe I'm crazy but I'm a happy crazy with my original second gen LCP.

>carrying it hot with one in the chamber
>not wanting to blow your balls off

Pick one. You shouldn't have one in the chamber unless you are in a situation where you feel like you will need to fire immediately.

Most scenarios you'll have time to draw, chamber, and decide if lethal force is necessary.

Even says in my 738 manual.

Pretty much why I went with the taurus 738 over this.

>almost 100$ cheaper
>uses longer trigger pull instead of weird kickstand
>shoots boolets

Seriously, why would I waste more money on a ccw?

The lcp2 is such a jamfest when racking the slide id surely panic and fuck it up in a life or death situation. If i dont have one in the chamber it almost not even worth carrying. Given people have convinced me its drop save i just need a proper holster

>why spend more money on the gun you're most likely to use in defense of your life Xd

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It wont go off bro.
I carry the LCP and the trigger draw is just too long for misfire. You dont hear about misfires with LCP series. The Hogue grip makes the LCP a fun lil shooter