What the fuck is this thing? Looks like a suppressor for artillery or something

What the fuck is this thing? Looks like a suppressor for artillery or something.

Attached: cannon suppressor.jpg (640x411, 62K)

That's exactly what it is.


German thing. Used at a training place that is also close to a village/city, it is a one time fixed thing and doesnt have any practical use in war times.

it's called a famas, dipshits

is this chinas new railgun ?

>Looks like a suppressor
it looks like a giant cock and balls

Its their new quantum cock gun

Attached: 1517968702184.jpg (540x534, 29K)

>a weapon to surpass metal gear...

Attached: a weapon to surpass metal gear.jpg (1200x845, 81K)

finally, I was getting worried at the lack of cock and balls references

>a weapon to suppress metal gear

kek you got me there

Attached: Homan stare.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)


Attached: spurdo_realism.jpg (400x395, 30K)

Yup. A suppressor to keep down the noise levels at the practice range.

The real question is why did they bother painting it camoflage?

Probably so it didn't look like a gigantic white dong from the air.

curling has some goddamn qts


lmao peepee

Been to that training ground. The Germans once shot over the village from one training area to another. Then they had a few rounds fall short and hit the village. So now they don't do live fire artillery any more.
They were so proud of their AFV training ground, it was 100km^2. I'm like 10km by 10km?

Isn't that the Greek Tennis chick who got a breast reduction?
Her swimsuit picture before the reduction is hot

>Feild Ambient Mitigating Artillery System