Giggle switch M14

So, Jow Forums, hypothetically speaking, what if a friend of mine's grandfather passed away, and, in his stuff, they found a giggle switch M14, and, hypothetically not knowing much about guns, perhaps maybe they let me have it for free because they thought it was an old hunting rifle, so, hypothetically, where would be the best place to hide such an object, if a situation like this did actually occur, which it TOTALLY didn't, and how could I best preserve such an object, in this hypothetical situation?

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Dont show it to people stupid fuck.

Do the police search your house on a regular basis? Then shut the fuck up about it. Also posting about it on a website widely associated with right wing extremism and child pornography probably wasn't ththe best idea.

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Don't post about it on a site that is monitored by the feds.

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fake shelf, that hangs on the wall, google it they make them

Totally take it to your local law enforcement agency for inspection

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Hypothetically it'd be cool if someone tipped off some alphabet glow in the dark niggers and they were ambushed by said unregistered hypothetical giggle giggle.

JK boys just knock before you kick doors in, roid niggers.

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Just shove it up your ass, should be safe there.

In all seriousness, you would want to build a PVC tube container with screw cap ends that you seal with silicone. Insert the rifle and fill the tube with cosmoline and shove it in your yard or something.
Alternatively, you won't attract the ATF Doggo Derby unless you go to a range and start going full retard and the M14 full auto switch can be removed if I remember correctly. There were quite a few reweld Springfield and H&R M14 semi autos back in the day and this thing wouldn't look any different. You could get fancy and throw it in a Sage EBR chassis without the slot for the switch and no one would be any the wiser unless you pulled it out of the chassis and showed off your trigger pack. Then you can go shooting just like a normal M1A and if things ever go full retard you can reinstall the switch and go full retard yourself.

Please inform us as to your location, so we can better assess how to assist you

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Buy the giggle parts off SARCO or whatever and get that girl running.
>Not building a full-fun E2 clone like mine

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M14s were never released to the public

This. Your options are:
>bury it
>destroy it
Or the wisest
>disable the giggle
Just turn it into a semi and hang onto the parts. Store them carefully and far away from the rifle, preferably a different state. Don't shoot it, don't speak of it, don't even think about it and carry on like it was a legally obtained semi-auto rifle. If you're smart about it, you get a sweet period correct rifle you can cherish for decades. If not, you go to federal pound town and your M14 gets turned into I-beams.

Military M14 were never released but there were a number of registered M14s out in the wild. Pre-86 all it took was 200 dollars and the requisite waiting and you could build up a full auto M14 with available parts. Might be built off of a rebuilt military receiver or one of the early Springfield commercial guys. He really would be best off just removing it's giggle switch and running it like a normal M1A. Unless the ATF holds regular 'strip your gun' parties no one ever know. Hell I know of an M2 Carbine somewhere that's doing exactly the same thing.

OP here, hypothetically speaking, this rifle is fully functional, and, theoretically speaking, it is a shit ton of fun to shoot. So, hypothetically, if I did have such a rifle, I would take out the full auto parts, and give them to my dad, who lives a state away, who, theoretically, knows about this, and then get a nice wood stock from Fulton armory.

Yes, but don’t lose that shit, legal or not the giggle switch is worth its weight in gold.

this guy thinks military equipment doesnt come up missing ever

>Posting about it on the weapon's board of a popular website that is also known for the occasional illegal post meaning it's monitored by the feds
Hope you're using VPNs and shit at the very least user

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OP here, so I'm hypothetically helping these people go through their grandpa's paper work and whatnot, I'm posting from mobile, and I may have found the registration forms and whatnot, theoretically. I'll keep you guys posted.

OP again, yes, hypothetically, these are the papers. I've explained the situation to my friend, she's a really chill person, so, theoretically, I may go through the process of legally getting this in my name, or whatever is needed to legally have this kept with it's fun switch, all of this is hypothetical, of course.

I am not sure how the ATF handles that sort of thing. Better talk to a lawyer ASAP. The feds might just want to confiscate that shit since none of you can legally possess the gun before it has been transferred by the ATF.

OP here, good idea. I'll post about this again when the outcome is determined, hypothetically speaking, if a situation like this did occur.

>trusting women
Oof, bye OP

Inb4 she decided to ask her "good friend" Officer Dingdong and OP gets his door kicked in at 3 AM.

She's probably not going to just let you have it now that she knows it is legal and transferable


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OP here, yeah, hypothetically, she is letting me have it. She doesn't really like guns. She's conservative, and has a handgun purely for home defense, hypothetically speaking. I know a good lawyer, so it'll all be fine, hypothetically speaking.

OP again, before you guys keep insisting she'll spill the beans, she's a childhood friend. I've explained to her the situation, and how much danger this poses to both of us. She's not going to do anything. I trust her that much. My wife hates her though lol. I'm not telling my wife about this bc she would freak out about a "machine gun" in the house.

Then divorce that dumb roastie and marry the one with a functioning brain.

Dump wife marry childhood tomboy friend who likes guns.

OP here, honestly . . .yeah, I've been seriously thinking about that. I married this bitch a year and a half ago, and she is NOT the person I thought she was. My childhood friend . . .she's still single. And she's always been so nice to me. She's kinda like my best friend I guess. I did like her once, but I don't know what happened. She's. . .sadly, the only person I believe I can trust about anything. But this isn't the time to be talking about my shitty life choices! I'm gonna get my weed whackin', chink smashing, aircraft bashing, giggle switch M14, or I'll be damned!

Pic w/serial # or it never happened

OP here, I'm not posting a fucking picture of it, or the fucking serial number, because undoubtedly there are feds watching this thread. I will say that there was a lot of rust on the outside, but the bore is good, and after cleaning it up, it looks pretty good. Works just fine. Theoretically speaking, of course.

shut the fuck up dumbass you've said plenty for feds to get your info already

Any paperwork? It might be transferable. If not, lose it in a boating accident or use it as a parts kit. Original M14 parts still fetch good money if they aren't rusted to shit.

Exactly what this fella said
Get the paperwork if said rifle exists, if not, ditch it in a tragic boating accident

trips confirm, the giggle switch was a sign. ditch the bitch

OP Shut up delete thread and carry on

But yeah remove the giggle switch treat it like any other Semi auto M1A M14 M305.

You take this secret to the grave motherfucker only to be passed onto next of kin

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Look for NFA paperwork and consult an attorney who specializes in NFA law for further information and talk to no-one but that attorney.

>Can you get aids fingering a girl
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Holy fucking shit

OP, in his attempt to conceal his full retard, has gone full retard. Let this be a cautionary tale.


>this thread again

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Nigger what are you doing?

Anyone who. . . types like this. . . deserves. . . everything they. . . get.



Become a cop, nobody will ever search your home.