How would you react if the government tried to pull a ruby Ridge siege on you & your family ?

How would you react if the government tried to pull a ruby Ridge siege on you & your family ?

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I would sage their thread and tell them to fuck off (((feds)))

Which level of government?

city govt

>cucks that won't do shit

I would probably die but try to take as many fed niggers as I could with me.

If the government tried to siege me it would spark WW3

I don't live in a city so an assault on my property by city officials would justify me killing all of them.

Well if the government sniped me without provocation, then I guess that I'd be shot.

>give pupper EOD armor
>put gats on one of those toy battleships with wheels and no floating capability, throw in pool call it a boating accident
>turn on gas stove, leave it on high for a couple hours
>use stove to prepare my last meal, canned baked beans that are at least 4 years old
>eat beans, thank you beans
>glare out window at feds, pull out zippo
>burn my own house down with me in it
>checkmate atf

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Peacefully surrender, let the legal system play out, live the rest of my days with my family alive.

Or, don't make illegal SBS for nazis.

>cuck that won't do shit

Ah, you must mean cooperate with ATF spooks who ask you to commit illegal acts.

Unfortunately for the ATF, WASPs are not as dumb as Muslims in dead end jobs, so they don't get easy stings like the FBI does.

Have everyone wear go pros and live stream it so they can't get away with that shit.

Begin my endgame.

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Just because someone asks you to do something illegal doesn't mean you have to do it. Also, dog shooting.

t. gunless foreigner

I'd move through the numerous underground tunnels to prepared sniping positions and engage them from behind. If they discover the tunnel, I would be prepared to fill it with gas.
Drones would keep an eye out for fed movements, and camouflaged mobile robotic firing platforms would engage targets.
Lastly, when they breach the door, I would be prepared to blow the entire compound.

Why would the government care even?

Literally had his son murdered by trespassing plain-clothes federal agents (who did not identify themselves as federal agents). No way to surrender when you think a bunch of psychos just tried to invade your property.

> I don't live in a county so an assault on my property by county officials would justify me killing all of them.
Still confused, user.

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activate my fleet of c4 drones

this pic, my sides!

they shot the kids dog in front of him. it walked up to them and was friendly and wagging its tail, and one of them fucking shot the damn doggo. understandably the kid yelled "you shot my fucking dog!" and started shooting at them.

surrender like a pussy, hope that I am not in trouble, blame others, be scared, rat out anyone I can for anything to just get off the hook or jail time, and comply peacefully with no resistance. just being honest...

No. It wouldn't. Remember when the BLM murdered some rancher over land? That really started an uprising.

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this, remember mr. Finicum

90s era Conspiracy Scenarios rule. I miss old Alex Jones and Chuck Harder talking about black helicopters and death chemicals.

He deserved it for being a LARPing faggot

Tell them I want a double wide trailer by tomorrow and pay them 100 bucks to fuck off

Unlike RR, the agent involved in the Finicum shooting is looking like he's going to get his shit pushed in, in court.

I'd have to retreat to the basement pretty quickly, and would probably be trapped down there until they burn the house down.

I'd probably have to make a mad nighttime dash to the woods behind my property and attempt to fight from there, where I can be mobile. One man cannot defend this small house for long. No, the woman cannot shoot worth a shit the dog has better aim

I would post GUN FREE ZONE signs all around my property, Its like Kryptonite, they cant do anything after that!!

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Surrender and lawyer up.

Shooting at Feds never makes your situation better. Far better to let the legal system do its thing.

wont do you good if youre fucking dead.
thats what the second amendment is for, you fucking dip. so you wont HAVE to lawyer up

Beat me to it. I'll happily comply, but that shit will be documented

He should. That was straight up murder.

Lots of edge here.

After they killed my senpai?
Walk out with hands up
Do mytime
Then Ice every single one of them and their loved ones over the next 20 years
eye for an eye niggers


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Let them come in and show them my tax returns.


Kill as many of them as possible. The government has just declared a state of war and they are all fair game now.

Also go fuck yourself ATF. I'm not afraid of you.

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A little distraction at first then a super sneaky rpg attack

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> The ATF Agent and the Doggo

> An ATF Agent and a doggo meet on the bank of a stream and the ATF Agent asks the doggo to carry him across on its back.
> The Doggo asks, "How do I know you won't shoot me?" The ATF Agent says, “Because if I do, I will die too."
> The Doggo is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream, the ATF Agent shoots the Doggo. The Doggo feels the gunshot wound and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown, but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"

> Replies the ATF Agent: "It’s my nature..."

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