Anyone here build a 80% 1911?
How difficult is it?
Anyone here build a 80% 1911?
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its UNFUCKING RELIABLE ladies and gents
I've been watching videos and planning on building some. It seems like the hardest part is getting the rails right. Other than that decking the top and drilling a few holes shouldn't be so bad, assuming you bought all the jigs and aren't just eyeballing things. Then again, I've never done it myself so what do I know?
Anyone have a full parts list for a series 80 1911?
You pretty much aren't going to do it unless you're a machinist with a full shop. If you aren't and don't, then you need all the jigs. It ends up costing more than a middle of the line Colt. Or Kimber for that matter
>building an outdated pistol like the 1911 in the year 2018
Get with the times you boomer
no nigger
The only real reason to build a 1911 is because you can't legally buy one. If that's the case, I hate you, die. If not, the only other reason is because you think it'd be fun. If that's the case, go forth and create with my best wishes
*aloha snackbar in the background*
I saw a video where a guy builds a 1911 without decking it and it still somehow fits the slide.All frames have to be decked before cutting the rails right?
Some people are good with their hands man, tinkering and fixing and building and such
Not OP, but it'd be cool to say that you made one. I was going to make a few different ones, but I want to make one nice one that'd be nice and customized to my liking. An aluminum .22 one just to practice on, a government size, and a commander size one.
Some require you to drill out a barrel seat instead of decking the top.
It took some learning. It was about a day's work fitting everything and tuning. It's not 100% perfect, but it's a great learning experience.
The first time it cycled a magdump was orgasmic.
Was it finnicky at first?
This guy has a ton of videos showing 80% 1911 builds
He bought a hell of a lot of specialized tools.
It had issues extracting at first, because I didn't know enough to tweak the extractor. There were some cycling problems that we're solved by polishing the engagement surfaces of the frame. I still need a thin, flat object to reinsert the slide stop/takedown lever because I haven't gotten around to fiddling with the detent.
What would your #1 tip be to someone trying to build one
Be patient. If you start getting frustrated, take a break.
This video makes me legitimately angry to watch. I've only done checkering with machinery. Did he seriously use hand tools for this?? That would take an insane amount of time. Throwing it in a machine you can churn out something in seconds and doesn't really take any sort of special training.
I’m not super experienced but hand checkering is much nicer then machine checkering from what i’ve Seen
I built an 80% 1911. Wasnt too bad, but I am a machinist. I used a Bridgeport mill and only needed a few tools - small end mill being the most important for the rails. I didn't deck the top. Building it required a lot of hand fitting of the parts (safety, etc). But after some work it runs 100%
And it is off the books.
This. Go for it but the tools like files, stones, jigs, squares are marked up. Some of the tools you'll need or want because they are only specific to certain jobs on a staking tool for the plunger tube good lucking finding something else use that 50 dollar widget on. I'm not even going to factor in the cost of the parts alone unless you manage to size everyone of them by hand perfectly the first time. If you've got money to spend and you realize it'll cost you more than buying outright than go for it. I would start by buy a cheaper 1911 like RIA and start fitting new parts to it. See how you like fling a hammer, sear, disconnect etc...
I only machine checkered a very simple round piece that I held onto as a memento/paperweight even though it'd potentially make a great fist pack or undersized overweight kubaton since it was just cut with bar stock with whatever tools were around really hastily to familiarize with the tools.
The checkering on it really didn't look that deep but it felt really good.
I been playing around with hand making knives (draw design, throw it on, see how it turns out) and I didn't go about it right so I'm still in the process of trying to make something useable out of it. I didn't realize checkering was even an option a throw away like that would make good practice. By specialized tools is he using anything more than files and vices essentially?
By didn't go about right I mean the design probably required a bit more thought about what cuts to make and where, and ran into some problems about size that should have been obvious but I figured could be ground out a lot more quickly than it could. Not really that salvageable but would work alright for playing around with stuff like checkering.
I know how stupid that sounds but it was a project about filling as many waking hours as possible working on something new than actually knocking out anything usable.
Did you completely misunderstand my post or are you just too fucking stupid to do anything but tap keys and that's what came out?
Not much to tinker if your shit is all out of spec.
Isnt it better to just buy an oversized frame og you want to build one.
Handbuilding and handfittint a 1911 can make a much superior gun than a cnc mill.
The biggest flaw of the high tolerance machining that some do is that the frame will bend and slightly when machining the rails. Resulting in a poor for anyways.
Also its better not to use lapping compounds to fit slide/frame
What tools are necessary to do this? I don't want to buy a bunch of tools that only get used once and aren't actually that important. I feel like a lot of tools are just a trick for 1911 snobs.
>drill press
>rail cutter
>file for decking the top and handfitting parts
well from experience the drill press and files are going to be a gateway to MANY other projects for you if you dont already own them. id also recomend a dremel tool, get the corded one, batteries are weak, and youve got a good foot in the door to backyard gunsmithing tools lol i made this notaglock in like 30 min including drilling cutting, getting something in my eye even though im wearing eye pro, washing it out, oh its an eye lash fuuuuck, smoooothin up the landings where i cut it, and assembling the lower and installing the already assembled upper.
it was fun and now i have a notaglock fun gun that i take fishing just incase of amnimals, or old greg, or to give to shrek so i can fish in his swamp.