What's the most Ameri/k/an gun of all time and why is it the M16A2?
What's the most Ameri/k/an gun of all time and why is it the M16A2?
I was actually shooting my A2 clone just a few minutes ago. Tried bump firing for the first time.
The most American I can think at the top of my head is the Pennsylvania/Kentucky Rifle, 1860 Henry Rifle, 1876 Gatling gun, Colt Single Action Army, M1911 pistol, M1 Garand, M16/M4 rifle and the M134 Minigun.
gau-8 is pretty up there too
How was it?
What a sweet little cat. I want to hug him and keep him safe
If you don't know the biography of John Moses Browning, you shouldn't be allowed to post a reply, the 1911 is bar none the most fundamentally American gun ever invented.
Like him? Here, have more.
Like all kittens and cats.
Pretty fun. Gonna try it with a hellfire trigger accessory my friend gave me next time.
>Cats: proud, shameless, unapologetic, effortlessly photogenic, hated for their independence
>Dogs: eager, friendly to a fault, vicious when mistreated, hated for their love of open spaces
Truly the most American pairing. Having one without the other is like ice cream without coffee.
Dammit, Lando!
M60 Light Machine Gun
Adorable Jow Forumsitteh is adorable!
you meant A1
Gibbed. This is Flecktarn. Her brother in the preceding photo is Tigerstripe.
Meet Coffee stain
Oh my goddess Bastet, such elegance!
...And also flexibility, lel.
M27 is superior in every way possible
Do Howitzers count?
Came here to post this. Great taste fellow American
It's honestly a tie between a Winchester 1894 in 30-30 or a garand. 1911 closely follows
>hurr lets genocide the bosnians for wanting their own country
wish patriotards weren't so cucked. why couldn't they invade russia or something? instead has to be about some bullshit "peacekeeping" operation.
>Winchester 1894
>not the Henry rifle that started it all.
Unironically this. Post your best A2s boys
More of the kitty on the right
This is the ONLY correct answer
How do the A1 and A2 compare in terms of reliability?
Either of these.
The A1 loses wars and the A2 wins wars.
They’re pretty much the same but the thicker barrel in the A2 is preferable while the full retard mode in the A1 is also preferable
The M1 Garand was a French Canadian design though, burger friends :^)
Disgusting. Cat people deserve the gas chamber
Any lever gun is the most american gun ever.
fucking iconic
1911 or peacemaker, and other answer is wrong.
So many choices but i settled on this.
why not both?
It's a gun made in America, for Americans. No other country has ever had this gun in service. They all opted for the Hi-Power after WWI.
I agree. The wild west is the pinnacle idea of Americana around the world. We are stilled viewed as cowboys by foreingers.
Winchester levert
>completely American design
>conquered Redskins
>pairs perfectly with a revolver, second most American gun
>a2 not a1
I was almost with you all the way up to M16A but then you put the wrong number
>No other country has ever had this gun in service.
Asian Mexicans have made a national pasttime of building 1911s. The Norwegians, and some random countries all over South America have issued 1911s with many making them too.
>gets replaced
Good point. Cowboys are basically to Americans what Samurai are to the Japanese. And leverguns are our equivalent to 10 gorillion x folded superior nippon steel katanas.
The only rifle worse than the M16A1 is the M4, both are found jammed in the hands of their dead users. M16A3 master race.
M16a2 is a symbol of failed attempts at Empire.
>Cowboys are basically to Americans what Samurai are to the Japanese. And leverguns are our equivalent to 10 gorillion x folded superior nippon steel katanas.
Have to agree with this. Nothing more American than a lever gun, even the newer ones. The 1911 and SAA definitely are a reasonable argument though.
Literally this. Its service longevity speaks for itself.
I want to like the M14 more than I actually do. It’s the first rifle I learned to shoot on as well as the first gun I ever bought myself. I think it’s the most fun gun I ever shot and I shoot it all the time, but in my experience it’s just too unreliable, both the M1A I own and the M14s I’ve been issued. Boy is it a fun gun though.
Unrelieable how? I've never run into problems with it that I didnt have as bad or worse than with other guns.
Most of the ones I’ve been issued have had feeding and missfire issues with the trigger group/firing pin. The M14 platform has missfired for me more than any other platform I’ve used. They also seem to constantly need sight adjustments. With an AR or M4 I can sight it in once and practically never have to touch it, but the M14s seem to get thrown off all the time. Maybe it’s just bad luck on my part. I’m sure other people have had less trouble with them, but it hasn’t been my experience. It’s still really fun to shoot though.
That's Tigerstripe. I'll see what I can find. I don't have as many good shots of him; he's had some health issues, and is somewhat skittish.
>Cowboys are basically to Americans what Samurai are to the Japanese.
This is absolutely 100% true.
Photo: Tigerstripe on the right, accompanied by his brother Splinter.
Splinter guarding the Corvus out on the flight deck. The more aggressive, confident, and adventurous of the pair, Splinter would eventually strike out on his own.
How many do you have?
garand was an american citizen you silly leaf :^)
Three, currently. My girl of 18 years died about a year and a half ago, Splinter split, and Tac fell off the roof.
Argentina in particular got tooling and full licensing. The Sistema Colt.
This is Knuckles, my senior extant Jow Forumsitteh.
Don't forget the Star series.
the goddamn levergun.fuck yall
He got his education in America and was an American citizen