*shoots you*

>*shoots you*
>*fly about 2 meters in the air before touching ground*
Well, Jow Forums?
Also, what's your opinion on Wind River?

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's a good movie that has its usual hollywood problems but still more realistic than the usual gun flick. I enjoyed it

It's better than the old cop films where a .38 snubbie sends em through a door or a table.
The movie itself tho I quite liked.

let's see you stand still after you get shot tough guy

Honestly the shit about your lungs exploding if you run for 30s in the cold was way more annoying.

Good movie. That rape scene was fucking terrifying. They completely nailed the emotions in that scene and also the build up to it (when the guy who usually plays bad guys answers the door but it's not actually the FBI). That whole 25 minute block was great. Like when the cop realized he was being flanked by the oil dude. His conviction that he was being flanked was heartbreaking. Then the ensuing blast through the door when the other oil guy says
>"Hey Pete, open the door bud, FBI is here, they wanna talk to you".

I only realized exactly when the Indian police guy realized it. Blasted through the door.

Even if the fight wasn't super accurate it was still a great great scene. And not that it would throw you across the room, but there doesn't exist a human who wouldn't die from getting shot by that particular caliber round.

Also, I am really grateful that Pete the bad guy didn't get mauled by cougars. I thought it was a Chekhov gun trope, but it turned out not to be. His death was extremely satisfying. I could have watch that sniveling little faggot die a thousand times.

Also, good work to whoever played Pete. I had no idea that it was possible to hate somebody so much after only 6 minutes of screen time. His death keeps me warm. It was so perfect and fitting.

Only thing I didn't like:
>"yeah, welcome to Wyoming"
>"what else are you supposed to do out here, nothing to do"
>"Wyoming is cold"

I fucking get it guys, Wyoming is fucking cold. You don't need to remind me every 15 minutes.

Last thing: I really enjoyed the portrayal of the natives. It was very accurate. I loved the bit about the guys painting his death face, but he just made it up cuz no one ever taught him about it. The drugs and the shitiness are all real genuine parts of current posted native culture and I appreciate that the movie didn't Hollywood-ify the natives to make them all "noble beasts of the land" type shit.

All in all, pretty great movie.

God damn thanks for putting some quality in my thread

What He Said


This is it. If I spent more effort on my answer it would have been a similar conclusion. Instead Im a lazy fuck. Quality post, user.

Great film. Like a version of Sicario that wasn't a bloated mess.

Also check out The Hollow Point, it's a great neo-Western. Very terse film and well acted. Not exactly realistic but extremely visceral.

The lady ran for 6 miles (unlikely but not impossible), that weaselly fuck was unconscious, shoeless and lightly dressed for some time before being let go. Don't know how cold it gets but it's absolutely a real thing.

Also special mention to Elizabeth Olsen, even if her magazines were loaded with a weird number of rounds and ran out way before they should have.

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I like (you)

>*queefs you*
>*cum over 2 meters into the air before devolving into Phil Ossiferz Stone and fearmongering about nonexistent threats
Well, Jow Forums?
Also, will the colosseum go apeshit and give Phil a standing ovation when he sucks off a giraffe with such force its skull caves into its neck?

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What the actual fuck user

>post yfw you realize you're being flanked

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decent movie. sad story

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That was the best scene in the movie. Ain’t no fun if the homies can’t have none.

Maybe they were tactical reloads

Hoka hey, white boy

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I kind of know what that user means. In the tweaker trailer shootout she shoots him like 7-9x and then the slide is locked back and she reloads. I thought it was a tactical reload at first but then saw the slide back. Idk I liked the movie tho

Worth watchin even if only for the ass scene. Good movie

That's it, I shoulda been more specific. I didn't bother counting exactly, but she shoots the tweaker about 10 times, the security guy in the legs about a dozen times and the runner about 10 times. Each time she until slide lock.

Don't make a face, react

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Heartbreaking score.
Also everything from Sheridan since has been a massive letdown.

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Could really heavy .45-70 bullets like he was using actually knock someone on their ass, realistically??


Any bullet that could knock you backwards would produce recoil that would knock the shooter backwards.

Nope, according to imfdb he was loading 500gr projectiles so you'd most likely be killed instantly, but you wouldn't go flying any real distance.


The guys who get shot at around 2:14 actually do a pretty good representation of what it would look like, especially the second one.

Man, I was so angry at that FBI lady for forcing those local LEOs to back down. Then, seeing that guy with the AR just mow them down afterwards and seeing most of the contractors perfectly recollected after being shot in the vest four or five times really ticked me off.

That scene where the same LEO who was first aware of them flanking the unit was wounded but still in the fight, breathing his last words: "Fuck you, let's go." really got my blood pumping, man.

Really good movie, I'd watch it again and again.

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>Fuck you, let's go

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they did a pretty decent job with the reloading scene

given how well they created the story and invested in the characters i was willing to overlook the guy flying when he got hit because i was glad he got schwacked


Probably my favorite movie in recent times.

Other user with quality post nailed it as to why.

All the actors were great, the score was nice, and the gun battles felt quick, messy, and confusing (which I thought seemed pretty realistic for the most part. I haven’t been in any gun battles though, so I couldn’t say for sure).

“This isn’t the land of backup, this is the land of ‘you’re on your own.’”

Damn this movie was great. Absolute Jow Forumsino.

This isn't true.
A guns weight + recoil reducing springs absorb a lot of force.

No it is true. If the bullet hits a guy and has enough energy to knock him 6 feet back, that same energy gets transfered from recoil into you. The energy is conserved regardless of springs and rubber but pads and shit.

As someone who lives near a bunch of reservations, I was able to call that bear spray ambush a mile away.

He's right you know.

Aussie film Mystery Road is basically the same plot, but set in the outback and the ending shoot-out is better


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No, but it would be blowing about half a pound of lung tissue out their back, would look pretty spectacular on snow like that

I also really liked how they portrayed the natives and res life. I’ve got family in Pine Ridge SD and the trailers and drugs is real shit. The Native accents were probably my favorite part, that’s becoming more rare these days.

My favorite scene was the flanking scene. Dumb FBI bitch was oblivious-tribal police all die.

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This is the only comment this thread needs

>Turning around whilst providing security.
Absolutley civilian

I still want to know what the fuck those cintractors expected to do after an entire Rez police force and a FBI agent go missing? They follow people into Central America for that shit.

>what is impulse, and how does it relate to spreading force out over time

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They're a bunch of psychotic morons with a history of making split-second violent bad decisions. I doubt there was any thinking involved

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The dudes getting fucking destroyed by .45-70 was easily my favorite movie moment in the last 3 years. I don't actually know what half an ounce of solid lead moving 2000 FPS will actually do to a person on impact, but maybe launching them across the room isn't too unrealistic. Even if it is, it really gave a good idea of the enormous power that gun has if the audience doesn't know much. I don't think it hurt the quality of the movie in the slightest.

Internet arguments always assume easy equations.

The easy way to explain to these man children is to watch someone shoot a .50cal and see then not get knocked over and watch the bullet hit something.

There was zero thinking, they simple didn't cover their tracts up enough and the FBI getting to that stage already meant game over.

But brotherhood and terrible leadership means they decided to kill rather then get jail time.

They lost the second they took the gamble to act like nothing happened. Would of done better just liquidating and leaving the country while they could.

The shoot out was hands down better in Wind River. sry not sry

>but maybe launching them across the room isn't too unrealistic.
It is, but
> Even if it is, it really gave a good idea of the enormous power that gun has if the audience doesn't know much. I don't think it hurt the quality of the movie in the slightest.
Is 100% the right way to look at it

I mean for somebody who doesn't know ballistics it's a natural assumption that a round that can blow in through a bear's right shoulder and exit it's left hip would totally send a guy flying rather than just blowing a huge fucking hole through him and retaining enough energy to probably so the same to the guy behind him

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This would have been equally as cool if it got a collateral on both the guys in the house and made a point that it blew through the vests too.

A 2-for-one would have been cool but a bit too Quigley Down Under for a film that serious

>Even if the fight wasn't super accurate it was still a great great scene. And not that it would throw you across the room, but there doesn't exist a human who wouldn't die from getting shot by that particular caliber round.
The 416 and 45-70 aside, it was. People blasting each other at point blank, with mostly wounds instead of the usual ONE 9MM MEANS YOU'RE DEAD we usually get from Hollywood, then the lull when everyone starts reloading.

At first I thought it was a 43 so 9+1 would make sense, but it looks like it was a 17.

Do they even make 9 round mags for 17s?

9 no, 10 yes.

>"Fuck you, let's go.
Hit me hard cause it reminded me of a warrant we served. Going up the suspect opened up with a rifle, my buddy took one to the vest and one to the leg and went down. Wasn't moving, wasn't responding, and as I was dragging her back to cover I honestly thought she was dead.

Until I heard a groan and "fuck you", and she started throwing rounds in to the house.

Nigga FBI not running around with 10rd mags.

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Talking about the guy at the end who ran like one football field keeled over and choked to death on his own blood.

So you're saying it was accurate or not?

>Until I heard a groan and "fuck you", and she started throwing rounds in to the house.

Dude certainly had broken ribs, one shifts, and that's all she wrote, dies choking on his own blood

That's why I asked, I'm confused as since they were using blanks why they wouldn't be using the usual magazines that come with 17s.

Who knows man. The two that interviewed my parents and sister looked like they hadn't fired their weapons since the academy.

Was a pretty well covered shoot out in Yakima a couple years ago. We made state news and a ticker blurb on CNN. Shame Trump wasn't in yet because the shooter was an illegal and that shit would've been trumpeted

Feds for the most part are worse than regular cops. Unless you're on a special team or like a Marshal you never touch your gun except to qualify.

I take advantage of trainings offered and practice every other week and I'm viewed as weird.

>he just happened to have a broken rib that shifted when he ran puncturing a lung
Dude it was a repeatedly mentioned and emphasized plot point. The main character literally said how and why it was going to happen right before it did.

It makes no sense for any LEO to cuck themselves on purpose with a 10rd magazine.
>The two that interviewed my parents and sister looked like they hadn't fired their weapons since the academy.
And? I'm sure they're nerds but come on, user. Whats the point? make California happy?

Yeah, I came to post this. In college I was a runner and during winter it would get well below 0 each night. We would get to practice in the morning and it would be around -15 or so and we would put in about 5 miles. Later in life I worked outside daily and hunted when it was much, much colder. My lungs never came close to freezing or blowing up, but I wasn't running for my life either. I think that they made a little too much of that phenomenon.

One thing I want to add here is that the best line of the whole film was
>"fuck you, let's go."

>pine ridge, sd
SDakotan here, pine Ridge is a war zone if you're white
Fuck that place and fuck whitewater. You know what, fuck rosebud too.

In the movie he says negative 40 or something. I wasn't a runner in college but I run and here it gets to negatives pretty easy, and this last winter at about 7 oclock it would regularly be -10F when I'd go for a run. I'd have icicles on my eyelashes and my lungs would burn but I'd still run 3 miles easy.

there's a big difference in suitability and the risk of the lung effects the movie talks about between -15-2 and -40, not even to mention situations with -40-ish air AND wind chill
t. yellowknife

I was sort of agreeing with the movie while not making it seem as such in my post. I'm. I totally believe that running your fucking butt off in -40 with 0% humidity would burn your lungs and make you bleed.

Just watched it it. other than the the machine gun guy and the wolf doing double back flips I thought the gunplay was breddy good. definitely more realistic than most other movies.

“Fuck you let’s go!”

What department?

If the recipient were wearing sufficient ballistic protection he would absorb the total momentum of the projectile.

A 450gr .45 caliber bullet is nothing to sneeze at. There's a reason why they designed this round to kill huge, tough 1000lb Buffalo.

It's still exaggerated, sure. But you'd definitely get knocked around some if you caught .45-70 round in your vest.

Yes, you are right about the difference between -15 and -40. And I agree. The point that I was getting at (very poorly) was that the film seemed to overplay the danger of exertion at very cold temps as a narrative device. Audiences that haven't seen that kind of climate are being left with the impression that going out and running a quarter mile is a death sentence. Indeed, I thought that woman's feet would go out running over that crusty snow before her lungs would. Again, you are right, thanks for making me clarify.
As an aside, -40 sure is a bitch. Whenever it gets around that here we spend half the morning struggling to get tractors to run and stay running. The other half of the morning is spent chopping open the watering hole at the river for the cattle and then checking all the water in the corrals. Half your fucin day is spent making sure things aren't broke or dead.
t. Alamosa

>That scene where the same LEO who was first aware of them flanking the unit was wounded but still in the fight, breathing his last words: "Fuck you, let's go." really got my blood pumping, man.

Then when the security guy that kills that deputy collapses next to the him, then reaches out and gives the dead deputy a pat on the shoulder. That nothing-personal "it was you or me" grim camaraderie between momentary adversaries who don't hate each other but must kill the other to survive.

I think it was undercut by most of the film taking place in beautiful sunshine, maybe because they didn't have the budget to wait for a storm or make their own.

hyperventilation while panicking makes it plausible.

I watched Sicario 2 last weekend, and as someone who loved the first one, I'm amazed how Taylor Sheridan can write stories that so perfectly capture human suffering. I hadn't seen Wind River, holy fuck, Cory is the American version of Alejandro. I got hints of Sicario all throughout the movie, the pure agony and shitty things humans go through, and are capable of putting others through, is channeled so well here.

Nailed it

These neo-westerns are gradually turning my gun tastes towards lever gats and revolvers

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And Pete was also on top of a mountain, after having been there god knows how long. He was a hypoxia and hypothermia case in the making either way. Even without the lungs popping but the strain of the exertion at that altitude is enough to induce heart attacks in fit people

Are you retarded? Op never said shit about you still standing after getting shot. He's talking about how when people get shot in movies, they fly back 10+ feet.

>There's a reason why they designed this round to kill huge, tough 1000lb Buffalo.
That's wrong though

Went to shit after intel bought them

>I watched Sicario 2 last weekend
Was it any good?

The people getting blown backwards also provided a huge emotional release in the film as well. After the tense and more realistic shootout that just happened, the arrival of the hero is heralded with explosive violence that provides catharsis.

Not all of them got knocked wildly around, though. Only the ones that the audience identified with and hated. Discount Bruce Willis (aka guy from Flashpoint) gets blown off his feet.

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