Rest in Peace :(

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in the arms of the angels

I wish this boomer died for real
fuck the NRA

Heart attack. Could happen to any of us. Prayers up to his family.


It was actually an accidental discharge while cleaning his favorite glock

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faccia di cazzo

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This shit makes me tense.

fuck you

I heard he got into a self defense situation and lost when it turned out his pistol sights weren't dead on

Nononononononono what the fuck

imagine if it stopped right as you were fully in the thing and you get stuck and starve to death in the hole.
that would suck.

this makes my penis the inverted penis

Oh, I can think of a much worse way to go....

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Every and any Jow Forums thread is at most three posts away from being a caveing thread.

I'm not even claustrophobic, but just looking at that diagram made me shiver

FAggot don't you ever do that again.

he died from exagunation in his rectum cause the dildo he used split his colon wide open. Must have been a big nut tho. I want to go the same way.

I love caving but will never go into a place I can't turn around in

Nothing of value lost, he showed his true colors that he doesn't give a shit about the 2nd amendment.

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Fake and gay

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>supported the banning of bump stocks to appease anti gunners and liberals

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No, he said it wasn't the hill we should die on. Bump stocks aren't worth the same time and energy that other issues should have. Like the massive government overreach in California right now, for example.

Fucking retard.

Really? But he started a gun channel.


>Ever giving a inch to those who want to strip you of your rights
Coward piece of shit.

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He will be missed

You know damned well they'd stand behind police when they did it. Then call the police racist.

You know it's bad when the psyop goes from a few dedicated shitposters to people who genuinely believe it.