You can hear them coming from all sides. Most of your buddies are gone save for the few that you screamed to go ahead leave you behind. Your rifles broke along with a couple ribs and as you look and pat yourself for just one more mag a thought enters your mind reminding you that yeah, it was always gonna end this way. Sorry bud, you ain't comin out of this one; you're hit in one too many places, you can't even feel your legs anymore for christsakes. Your hands leave the small dark red patch on your side and your hands somehow find a final magazine as your mind begins to backtrack on whether or not you remember spending every round.
And as you load up that last mag into that pistol you know /k would probably complain about, you hear a familiar melody from inside your own mind.
As I start to fade in and out of consciousness I hear a glorious majestic voice begin to sing “Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Alles, Uber alles in Der Welt”...the song rises up like the warm sun coming up over a pristine European ethnostate with marble buildings, and a rich culture steeped in tradition. I know that I am going out for the greatest cause of all..for my volk. I take one last deep breath, and let the crisp fall air fill my lungs. The communist are closing in now, suddenly a round snaps past my head, the song stops..i let the slide fall on the first round in my last magazine. Coughing up blood from my lungs now, I see the group of ten commies advancing quickly about 30 yards away in the woods, they think I am dead. I raise my sidearm and drop two that are in the lead, a round hits me in the leg, then another in the shoulder, I put the sidearm to my chin and squeeze off the last round The only Jow Forums song that matters for this MEN OF HARLECH ON TO GLORY THIS WILL EVER BE YOUR STORY KEEP THESE BURNING WORDS BEFORE YE WELSHMEN WILL NOT YIELD
For Tone, Plunkett, Connolly, Sands, Pearse, and every other lad who died in the name of The Republic. Tiocfadh ar La, and mine has come today!
I've put it into my will that this song better be playing when they lower me into the ground otherwise everyone involved isn't getting a damn thing out if my estate.
Jason Hernandez
You don't see classical music posted often enough.
Here I come again now baby Like a dog in heat Tell it's me by the clamor now baby I like to tap the streets Now I've been smoking for so long You know I'm here to stay Got you in a stranglehold baby You best get out of the way The road I cruise is a bitch now baby You know you can't turn me 'round And if a house gets in my way baby You know I'll burn it down
Ryder Brown
gory gory hallalujah
Cooper Carter
I dig.
Hello I've waited here for you Everlong Tonight I throw myself in two Out of the red Out of her head she sang Come down and waste away with me Down with me Slow, how you wanted it to be I'm over my head Out of her head she sang And I wonder When I sing along with you If everything could ever feel this real forever If anything could ever be this good again The only thing I'll ever ask of you You've got to promise not to stop when I say when She sang
>carefully aiming each round >wince from being pelted with bongs and dildos >aim for the neon colored hair >boom head shot BOOM HEAD SHOT > antifa and Xirs start to flee >hope in charger and run them down on the way to the aid station.
100% something by Pink Floyd, haven't even really listened to an album of theirs in 13 or more years. I think I'll change today, probably have a drink and think about things.
Austin Barnes
that song always brings me to tears, i couldn't tell you why
I use my last rounds to kill one of the fuckers that get closest and grab his rifle and kill many as I can than crawl off.
Nicholas Mitchell by the time i get into a shootout against hordes of commies invading my floating city in the middle of the atlantic ocean nanites will probably be a thing. perhaps this wave of commies is small enough so i could jump into the water before reinforcements arrive . maybe the others can pic me up in the escape sub and patch me up before firing the MCnuclear torpedo at the fallen city to make sure there is nothing left for the commies to take.