Hypotethical situation

Let's say I'm from Venezuela, living in one of the most insecure cities and one of the most corrupt and cruelest dictatorships
Now let's say I have a friend of mine who's willing to lend me a gun (that would be obviously illegal)
Now let's say that gun is a Ruger Speed Six, using .38 special rounds, and he's willing to sell me that plus 12 bullets.
What should I do?

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fuggin buy it

>Now let's say that gun is a Ruger Speed Six, using .38 special rounds, and he's willing to sell me that plus 12 bullets.

cop it. Given the shituation in venezuela, do it.
>tfw you will never know the feeling of buying a gun with a small amount of ammo that gives you the feeling of being in a survival horror game

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Venezuela is a survival horror game

That's exactly what he implied dipshit

I can imagine. I have been meaning to do some reading on the collapse of venezuela so this thread interests me

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My family migrated from Yurop and set up a bunch of business in Mexico, so occasionally I'll go there to visit them and spend time in an exotic country.

Though carrying and owning certain weapons is highly illegal in Mexico, cops aren't search happy there, like they are in Europe.

My uncles give me a random handgun/revolver to carry everytime I visit them. I'll go to the woods and set up targets and blast at them however and whenever I want. That's what it feels to be American I imagine.

>tfw you will never know the feeling of buying a gun with a small amount of ammo that gives you the feeling of being in a survival horror game
The friends who wants to sell me the revolver has two shotguns plus forty 10 gauge shells. I think Venezuela is unironically turning into a fucking The Road-TLoU like situation.

Fucking do it

ohh, he got trips, means you have to do it