How are they? Do they peel or gum up the slide, does it make gun feel thicker or slippery? This site has some cool shit, but it looks too much of a pain in the ass to do a professional job myself!
Any you fags use Gun Wraps?
Other urls found in this thread:
Im thinking of going with the "Gun Wrap Camo Green 24" on a Yugo M57 Tokarev.
Whatcha think?
>Yugo M57 Tokarev.
You shouldn't own guns.
Their American flag wrap is just what this boy needs!
do it with this wrap
>marine grade, tactical vinyl
Only a boomer would add vinyl siding to his 1911.
>Any you fags use Gun Wraps? A
Yah when I run out of chicken tendie wraps.
Thats a good one!
70 bux for some contact paper? are they fucking high?
So is this the rape horse from the berserk manga or what?
>if it is i'm buying one and a hi point to go with it
Well, gotta give them props for knowing their target audience
Can’t be gunskins, faggots
ANyone ever use this stuff? Is it easy to do? Do they give you enough material if you are kind of stupid?
Buy this or you’re a FUCKING LIBERAL
you can get that for your magazine plate from another site, just google gun wraps and the first company advertising has the plate stickers
Oh, how embarrassing...
this site is a fucking comedy goldmine
they really do...
Cletus had one job...