
Will it suffice on a camping trip with nighttime lows of 10°C or 50°F

Attached: poncho-liner.jpg (300x300, 16K)

Will you survive? Yes. Will you be completely comfortable? Probably not, especially if you have to ask that question.

If you're not a bleeding vagina, but in your case, probably not.

Take 2 woobies.
Lay one on top of the other, and sew then together on three sides.
Now you have a poncho envelope that you can crawl in to, or in chillier weather, lay on top of the doubled portion and fold the rest over yourself.
I used this sleep system down to 35F. You can go down to 20F if you use it with a poncho hooch.

Don't skimp on sleeping gear. Waking up after losing body heat is fucking miserable.

You're not going to have a fun time if it gets down to 10 without an insulated shelter. At that temp I'd be surprised if you could fall asleep without shivering yourself awake.
What are you sleeping on? It'll get you through but it doesn't sound like you're going to have a really solid block of sleep.

I still sleep with the same woobie I was issued in the army, twelve years later and it is still sorcery. Perfect even in the summer.

You should be fine so long as you're out of the wind and have a good ground pad.


the best part is that it is light enough that in the summer it doesn't make you overheat.

I'll probably sleep with it until i get married and that bitch demands I get real covers.

At least you woke up