Will this thing ever get taken out of service?

will this thing ever get taken out of service?

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Probably when we have to fight a conventional war with another superpower again. So never.

Yes and no. The existing airframes will likely have to be replaced. Boeing will probably introduce a model that has 2 or 4 large turbofans instead of 8 because it's more efficient to replace it. Thought it will be mostly the same aircraft I imagine theyll call it the B-54 or something.


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They are very good at dropping hot loads of justice all over lesser countries as well.
Sometimes, you just need to blow everything up.

When the universe suffers heat death, the Buff will be there to witness it and bomb the shit out of it.

>100 year old BUFF airframes still in service

My body is ready

The USAF would sooner strap rockets to it and make space fighters for the Space Corps than retire them

and i concur

>even entertaining the notion that the Buff will ever be retired

B52s will lead the charge to Alpha Centauri for Linebacker III: Ayylmao Edition

No. Also it will never get new engines under the premise of its soon removal from service.

>holding off 1000's of communist martians with my M2
>the Lt calls in a strike
>heads down as the B-52 drops proton munitions all over those filthy red cunts

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>linebacker III: Ayylmao Edition

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The people who colonize Mars are going to be pioneers and fearlessly individualistic escaping the overpopulated welfare leeches of Earth.

If anything it would be the freedom loving Martians defending against the leftist hordes from Earth.

>This old man is still in use after 100 years as well.
>M1911 was standard issue until 1985
>Ruskies still use turboprop Bear bombers
Well if it ain't broke, don't fix it

Oops, forgot pic related

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it's the weapons and weapon systems that need upgraded not how you get them to where they need to be. You can tow modern artillery with fucking horses.

thats not how MIC works
they just havent figured out a way to get congress to give them the right retarded sum of money yet

I don't know if Mars has enough resources to be worth fighting over. Interplanetary war would be something else, though. The time involved moving men and materiel to Mars is pretty long. It would be an enormously expensive war. Imagine orbital minefields and the launching and interception of interplanetary nukes.

Lookie Lookie the red devil himself. Oh how he recoils in pain when he strikes you!

Fuck off marty. You have the freedom to die.

Yes. Some after we lose the first contact war and become a client state of Roginfusa Empire. Don't worry about it though. The gene therapy clinics the aliens set up will provide everyone with foot long penises.