I know Jow Forums really loathes the ATF and the FBI for obvious reasons, but is there an alphabet agency Jow Forums likes? What's the most Jow Forums alphabet agency?
I'm partial to the CIA mainly because Michael Scheuer exists and the various wacky shit they did in 'Nam (helicopter vs. biplane and spooky ghost tapes to frighten the commies), but ICE is pretty Jow Forums as well.
>but ICE is pretty Jow Forums as well. Yes, heavily armed wannabe cops rounding up terrified Mexican families is very operator.
Evan White
>Heavily armed heroes actually doing their part to defend their country from a wave of violent, undocumented criminals is very operator FTFY and yes
Jackson Stewart
>38478344 >inb4 CAG/delta They were "advising from the front" during waco, probably the only operations group that could be said to have definitely violated posse comitatus
Landon Williams
>Space Force biggest meme and a taxpayer boondoggle since the inception of the F-35 program.
Angel Howard
>Boohoo, we should let these people skirt the law because of their life story, even though we are in a fucking republic based around the rule of law and JUSTICE BEING BLIND Fuck off faggot
Nathan Bailey
>>inb4 CAG/delta They have to be the most overrated unit in history. Every time something cool happens in balckops world, SEALs are behind it. Last time I heard of a Delta action they captured some guy in Libya and he didn't even fight nor was he in hiding.
Also, fuck them for Waco. Killing Americans and children is sick.
Adrian Bailey
>Every time something cool happens in balckops world, SEALs are behind it. Yeah like getting massacred by 14 dune coons on a hill. Or killing a Green Beret who was gonna expose them for drug dealing. Or leaving an Airforce member behind and trying to deny him his MoH. Or killing a fictional character. SEALs choke on cock, Delta and CAG blow too but fuck the SEALs as well. Green Beret are the best SF.
>illegal aliens shouldn't be detained what the fuck am I reading?
Mason Wilson
Lucas Watson
2018 Democratic platform
Gavin Butler
Jack Cox
didn't they do like hundreds of raids when the wars were active
Cooper Phillips
No matter how just it may be, rounding up illegals and the occasional mule does not make you operator.
Jeremiah Peterson
Leo Hill
Ayden Cox
FedEx Operators > USPS Operators
Nathaniel Jones
This but unironically
Nathan Collins
Illegals pose much more of a threat to the United States than some dune coons in the sandbox mad at Israel and women being educated.
ICE takes out a significantly more damaging and dangerous threat than Delta or the SEALs do, thus ICE is more operator.
Angel Wright
>Yeah like getting massacred by 14 dune coons on a hill. At least they're out there doing shit. What's Delta doing? They're pulling their dicks and LARPing in some abandoned warehouse.
Please, don't even mention Delta and SEALs in the same sentence again. Delta are shit-tier.
There's a reason that whenever the US needs something important done, they call SEALs and not these over-hyped LARPers.
Hunter Hernandez
I think we're missing the point on why ICE is Jow Forums. It makes liberals assmad like nothing but Donald J.Trump himself. That is why ICE is Jow Forums approved.
David Williams
UPS handles the real heavy operations, Fed Ex is for faggots mailing pieces of paper who want to feel important. USPS is walmart toy operating.
Robert Perry
Not really. I mean, statistically speaking they commit less crime than citizen beans.
Cooper Morales
>terrifying illegal immigrants Ftfy. You shouldn't be here, fuck outta my country. Bitch.
Ryder Kelly
>triggering libshits is now good enough to be considered Jow Forums When did our standards fall so hard?
Cooper Collins
I'd like to see the stats you have to back that claim up.
Hunter Perez
You can download the full PDF here. cato.org/publications/immigration-research-policy-brief/criminal-immigrants-texas-illegal-immigrant >imb4 muh wapo watermark Its the only site i could find with that infograph, its backed up by the study. Mind you, this isnt because illegals are "noble migrants". There is no moral imperative, they're shitters just as much as anyone else. They just know that if they fuck up its not a fine or a month away in lock up; its game over and they get deported.
I imagine these stats don't paint the full picture, and let me tell you why:
>sister goes to college, gets her bachelor's in criminal justice >starts her career at ICE in a mid-western state >her job is simple: handle the incoming/outgoing paperwork for illegal immigrants coming into ICE custody and for those leaving ICE custody >Obama era socialism reduces number of functional jail cells ICE has >we cannot deport illegal immigrants to countries who will not take their citizens back, it's not just mexiniggers that are the problem
> what happens when an illegal immigrant is brought into custody and there is no jail space at ICE and surrounding jails don't cooperate? > illegal immigrants are turned out onto the street, because we can't detain them
Seriously, this happens at least 3-4 times a day and my sister is beyond jaded. She used to be somewhat liberal, now she calls everyone a nigger because of this job lel. She's had to turn murderers with prior convictions out onto the streets, because their country in niggerland africa won't take them back and there's no jail space for them. She's had 'trans' beaners come in with 3 DUIs, spend a week in custody, get transported to a 'female' jail, only to claim they aren't trans and now have to be moved somewhere else.
I guess, my point is, those stats (while useful, and I appreciate it) do not paint even a part of the picture.
Adam Green
Statistically speaking they are all criminals because it is illegal to enter the United States without permission if you aren’t a citizen.
>"It is important to note that the Texas DPS data report the number of convictions and arrests, not the number of people actually convicted or arrested. For instance, if a Texas court convicts a single person of two different offenses or of the same offense twice, then the Texas DPS data will count that as two convictions." No, that totally won't skew the data in any way, shape, or form.
Chase Wright
To expound on that, they don't paint the picture because I reckon we are unable to charge 30-40% of illegal immigrants with the crimes they commit, let alone convict.
Nicholas Nguyen
DEA does the same tricksy shit the FBI and ATF does but they do it to Mexicans so I guess that's pretty cool
Luke Flores
you make them sound like superheroes
Andrew Murphy
Definitely. That scenario where 2 unarmed DEA agents escaped a Colombian cartel execution in '82, both being shot twice each point blank, was really fucking operator. .webm related
>Yes, heavily armed wannabe cops rounding up terrified Mexican families is very operator. More like heroes taking down child traffickers and drug cartels.
Those graphs are fucking useless lmao Natives vastly outnumber illegals anyway. I’d wager legal immigrants considerably outnumber illegals too. So, no duh you’re going to have more criminals in the first two since they have more people anyway. Should’ve been done as proportions.
Ryder Howard
How do they know the population of illegal aliens...? They never gave good justification.
Jeremiah Parker
>can't even read the fucking infograph Jesus user
Jace Jenkins
The CMP.
Anthony Rogers
Connor Perry
What i meant was that Jow Forums=guns, guns=triggered liberals, and ICE=triggered liberals. You can see what I meant from there.
Mason Howard
>we love our neighbors >who also happen to be operating a human trafficking ring
Chase Hill
>native born stat includes niggers curious how this would look if "native born" was broken down by race