American Conflict

How accurate is pic related

Also, what gear y'all running in the next civil war?

Attached: 1530746888797.png (959x593, 196K)

Posting this for fun too

Attached: Civil war 2.0 electric boogaloo.png (1802x905, 203K)

change "where is everyone" to "winter war 2.0 electric boogaloo"

Fairly accurate, but missing the "military bases as far as the eye can see" along pretty much the entirety of the east coast too.

i feel like thats what is being implied with "good luck"

>No references to Appalachia being absolute hell for any sort of armor
Besides that, solid.

>Farcry 5: except less cultists and more guns.
And way more meth

Pretty fucking accurate

what do you think "guerilla warfare's wet dream" implies? seems accurate to me

Fer Sure...

You don't just go into fucking North Carolina without the 82nd climbing up your ass