At unsupervised range

>at unsupervised range
>cease fire is called
>no one locks the actions open except me
>I'm still putting up a fresh target
>mfw I see people picking up their guns and chambering rounds at the benches

As much as we love them can we at least admit that firearms attract the lowest IQ segment in the population among all hobbies?

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Haven't had that happen, personally. for some reason the idiots at mine have a fetish for walking off the line when it's still hot and people are shooting.

Former Yugo here, at least you don't have literal drunken people at the range having ND's.

Did you confront them and tell them not to do that?
If you just kept quiet then you cant complain.
Sometimes you just have to be “that guy”

The other people are the worst part about this hobby.

People in general are fucking dumb. Guns only happens to be a dangerous hobby. Think of how many people are absolute shit drivers and still have their license and drive their x-ton slabs of steel carelessly daily.

>didn’t say shit and instead whine about it online

Can we at least admit that firearms attract the biggest basedboys in the population among all hobbies?

You must live a very sheltered life.

Sage for weak bait.

OP has never been to an "unsupervised " meet of tuner cars.
Where stickers add 10 HP and electric superchargers made from an old hairdryer roam freely.

>the lowest IQ segment in the population among all hobbies
No. Gun enthusiasts are shockingly stupid, but that's because everyone is shockingly stupid.

>The other people are the worst part about this planet.

I joined a shooting club that has private ranges because the local ranges were fucking zoos.

guns have a bad habit of attracting stupid people like moths to a flame

>confront actual retards with guns

>be me
>be at unsupervised range
>no RO for 100s of miles
>several other people there as well
>no one does anything stupid the whole time
Maybe you just are from a shithole

I see a market for a target holder attachment for a drone:

>declare ceasefire
>fly drone out to target stand
>drone drops off target
>drone picks up old target
>fly drone back to benches

>at unsupervised range
>almost always the only person on the grounds
>if there's someone else they're usually always at the 25 yard station
>avoid them and just go shoot on the 50 or 100 yard spots
>nobody picks up their targets so I end up always cleaning the place up when I leave

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>local free gun range has never had any visitors since I started going 5 years ago
>never any target stands so I always brought metal ones that were disposable like campaign yard signs
>decide I need a more permanent one
>brought materials and tools out and built 2 big wooden target stands out there one day
>placed one at 25 yards and one at 100 yards
>was proud of my accomplishment and since they were too big I left them there

FFW 1 week

>return for my weekly practice
>discover the 25 yard stand has been obliterated by many 12 gauge blasts at close range
>the metal trash can had been blown to pieces by tannerite

I hope the faggots caught some shrapnel.

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I went to one, once. It was exactly how you describe

Attracts the biggest assholes, thats for damn sure

Try being an adult and communicating to resolve your issues. Also between talking to them and walking down range while theyre fucking around with their guns, in which scenario are you more likely to get shot?

125% guaranteed at least one person if not the whole line will take potshots at your drone man. Just ask any range anywhere that has a mechanical target retrieval system about people fucking up their rails, x2 temptation because drone.
Remember this is your proposed solution to drunk/high/retarded rednecks or gangbangers doin stupid shit at the range, stupid shit like shooting down a drone

No, it really can be said that guns just attract a less brainy crowd than other hobbies, like say chess or cycling

What did you learn?

>Where stickers add 10 HP and electric superchargers made from an old hairdryer roam freely.
Soooo much THIS. I lol'd user.

>As much as we love them can we at least admit that firearms attract the lowest IQ segment in the population among all hobbies?
This is why I hate the whole zombie thing and bump stocks. These are the types of things that those people get off on. There's nothing wrong competitive shooting or marksmanship or carrying for defense but the trashy dumb side of the hobby is huge. It's really only a cold weather hobby for me anyway but I've thought many times of finding something else with which to occupy myself during the winter.

Pic related might be a legitimate strategy?

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>All these idiots falling for obvious concern trolling.

>I'm pro-gun guise BUT
>Can't we all agree gun owners are dangerous morons?
>Totally not false-flagging guise

Shut up Callum.

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Isn't he a literal bot?

No, just one of the biggest losers to walk the Earth.

Cyclists are largely complete idiots. Idiot cyclists just have lots of practice at posturing because they spend decades blaming their bikes for their riding skills.

also I hate to admit it but you wont find a group more likely to fuck up public land then firearms owners

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>the lowest IQ segment in the population among all hobbies?
no, aping does, and other hippie shit too

Litterers should be canoed.

an anti-gun faggot wouldn't know what it means to "lock action", "chamber rounds", or for that matter, "ceasefire".

I can think of 4 sites within an hours drive of my house that look like this its fucking disgusting. Its not hard to clean up your targets and brass at the end of the day and shit like is is just fuel for anti gunners. Also fuck people who shoot signs my tax dollars pay for those.

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>mfw I see people picking up their guns and chambering rounds at the benches
That's when you call cease fire yourself and throw an autistic fit that fills them with shame, ruins their day and burns into their memory, hopefully preventing them from doing that ever again.

Was it Dragonman's?

26% of white collage graduates own a gun.
40% of whites with no college degree own a gun.
44% of whites attain a college degree.

This implies that a significant majority of white gun owners do not have a degree. I don't necessarily equate a degree to intelligence though and while it's easy to say that a lot of gun owners are very stupid, 1/4th of white college graduates own a gun.

In my experience no matter if rich or poor people who don't work full time are degenerates.

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not OP but thats what I do. I always wear full battle rattle to the range so niggers think I know what im doing. Once I was thanked for my cervix while wearing flecktarn and a SADF rig, was pretty funny.

Those stats mean absolutely nothing though. Your context is only within the white subgroup, if you add blacks and Hispanics and asians then you see a much more full picture of the uneducated ones with guns. Not to say rednecks dont do dumb shit and are overwhelmingly white as well, I just generally believe and have anecdotally experienced retarded blacks and spics fucking up at the range, and Korean immigrants playing at being a gangster

I've had newfags just wonder down range as people were firing. I unloaded mine and began yelling ceasefire because people couldn't see them.

Some people are fucking idiots

Last few years cyclists seem to figure they can just drive in the middle of the road for some reason.

Cyclist here.

Yes, we can ride in the middle of the road. A bicycle is a road-legal vehicle on most roads. It may seem strange to you but it's also the safest place to ride a bike.

It's also 30+km/h slower than the speed limit for most roads. You'd think that people so safety-conscious would recognise that's a bigger threat for them than riding on a bike path that runs parallel with the road.

Tell that to the faggots on bikes who run red lights, blow past stop signs, and weave in between cars suddenly and sperg out when they almost get hit doing all these things.

Fuck off Zed you're worse than Phil and that's a very low bar

well there you go, faggo

The safest thing to be on a bike is to be known that you exist. There's no better way to be noticed than to be right in front of a driver.

I've never had an incident on the road, probably because I care about my safety more than I care if some fatass in a car behind me gets pissed off.

I don't advocate any of this.

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get your shitty bitchmobile off the road, some of us have places to be

Elitist. Are you not a man of the people?

>walk dogs in a park with a dedicated bike path
>purposely block the entire path with my body and a 120lb dog
>cyclists get mad that I'm in their way going much slower than them

It's an indescribably good feeling.

>Blow by you going nearly 30mph
>laugh as you jump and scream
done it many times, hope your dog blocks my path and gets killed.

But the safest place for my dog is in front of you, where you can see me, right?

I pay taxes that fund that park, I have every right to operate on that path!

>Literally every piece of public land within two hours of me specifically banned target shooting because of this shit

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>those eyebrows.

Bicycles belong on the sidewalk anyway.

Don't worry, I'm sure the people who trashed the land are already busy blaming liberals for the closures.

nothing wrong with that.

Your constant insistence upon bicycle paths assumes that there is an adequate one even present.
If there isn't one or if the paths and roads are too narrow and unsafe then driving on the road becomes the less risky alternative, compared to driving way on the side and begging for an accident due to lack of visibility or the illusion of being safe to overtake(especially with panniers).
Fuck cyclists that start, stop and even push right on a road though.

And cyclists compared to cars are moving less fast and are significantly exposed.

>an anti-gun faggot wouldn't know what it means to "lock action", "chamber rounds", or for that matter, "ceasefire".

What are fudds, user?

Jfc he's doing the exact same thing that you cyclist dickheads do to cars, if what you're doing to cars isn't wrong then what is he doing wrong?

Bet the red ones are the fastest. Nothing but gainz with red paint.

all cyclists are self centered autists, that's why i run them over.

highly cute

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Fuck roadies.

>Gun range stories
I guess I'm lucky. I have a relative's backyard for shooting. I try to clean up all my cases and garbage but I can't say the same for my other fuckin relatives and their idiot friends.

There's a reason why I'm allowed to shoot there no questions asked. My uncle and I are in the (slow) process of improving it. This clusterfuck that is a 'backstop' is now gone and will be replaced with a big ol box full of dirt. We want to be able to set up steel targets without a concern of them fucking with something.

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Where’s your plastic air BOX?
I made my own

*cycles past u*
Nothin personal kiddo

Seriously did you even read that post to notice how gay it sounded?