Britbong here. Just picked this up today

Britbong here. Just picked this up today.

What was your first gun, Jow Forums?

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first gun I was given was an old springfeild.22. first gun I bought is this 8mm Yugo mauser, we're on opisite sides of history britbro.

Attached: 20180707_143421.jpg (4032x1960, 1.88M)

you got your sunshine license and photography permit?

>using a computer

How did you get a license? I'd like one but I've never bothered actually looking into it.

Congrats on your BSA No4mk1 user.
My first gun... that is, the first gun I ever purchased... was a Springfield M1903A3.

Pretty similar stories accross the pond!

Either have permission to shoot on some land (you'll need at least a few acres), or join a target club. Bit of a ballache, but totally worth it in the long run desu

A SMLE No1 mkIII* that was sporterized before it came into my possession.

I still have it.

Limited to 3 bullets, eh?

Australian SMLE. Still have it, but it's in pieces because fuck 'strayan coachwood stocks. I'm half tempted to re-stock it with DP wood just so I can shoot the damn thing.