What will Trumps "Space Force" look like?

What will Trumps "Space Force" look like?

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Definitely not anime.

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Like every other Trump project; either it never materializes or it will be a vague shell of what it was intended to be that only the dumbest of the dumb fall for.

Ofcourse not
But what would it look like? Tiny drones ? Giant Ships?

Lots of Gundam with titties

this honestly


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He will probably give an ISS astronaut a handgun to carry in orbit, then pin a medal on them when they get back and make a speech.

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i asked here so i would get not larp answers

Bunch of fucking nerds at NORAD or something

>What will Trumps "Space Force" look like?
security to space elevator, lunar and asteroid mining industrial projects

i would sign up to be spaceforce servitor


That's what it will look like.

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oh well if thats the case im into it

did they fuck

Literally Wings of Honeymayonese

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A bunch of guys sitting around computers coordinating sattelites and a bunch of engineers who work with NASA to harden mission critical satellites against EMPs.

If he gets really fancy maybe a few f15s with anti-sattelite missiles.

Space Battleship Iowa

100% white. Must be willing to provide DNA sample to prove racial purity.

Unfortunately this...
Roger Moore was terrible...

How the fuck am I to fap to this?

Probably this. Just a preemptive mobilization as space commerce develops over the decades.
>F15’s with anti-satellite missiles
>Maybe 6th Gen fighters with upper atmosphere capable lasers for shooting down satellites in coming years

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I sooo wish somebody would do that just to fuck with the SBY fags

Why would that fuck with us? Are you mistaking us for GATE-fags?

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Here's your "space force"

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NASA with crew cuts

High speed robo jousting.
In all seriousness what ever it will be it won't have uncompensated recoil, and personal protection is less a scale and more yes or no.

It will be anime
Check em

Oh fuck.

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Damn, son

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Nifty. What anime tho
>i hope it's Gundam

I'm not sure who SBYfags are. I'm a bit intoxicated though. Can I get a clarification?

Space Battleship Yamato

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Fuckall. This is just a new branch to take over the space-related duties that the AF already handles. So a bunch of nerds sitting behind computers watching satellite readouts, probably wont even get their own uniform.

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>posts the one VF that couldn't into space

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Combo of all the good ideas from anime in one reality

I just like the look of it.

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Oh no

This is the most likely opportunity. Satellites are insanely important to the modern world, it makes sense to have an organization for protecting them, but it probably won't be that exciting.

Hopefully we get some Moon Helium 3 mining going on though.

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That about sums it perfect.

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Met a rocket scientist that says there's no helium on the moon.

Looks like nobody in the USA can apply then...

Realistically, pretty much what we do already for the next few decades.

But a century or two down the line when we have colonies in space... You're gonna need some space rangers and space marines to protect yourselves from space pirates.

>The abundance of helium-3 is thought to be greater on the Moon than on Earth, having been embedded in the upper layer of regolith by the solar wind over billions of years,[4] though still lower in abundance than in the solar system's gas giants.[5][6]

[4] : lunarnetworks.blogspot.com/2010/12/change-1-maps-moons-helium-3-inventory.html

Yes, they directly rejected this notion when I brought it up. I was and still am somewhat dumbfounded.

What do you think weaponry would consist of? Rocket launchers? Maybe copy China's new laser weapons?

Probably lasers for soft kills, and maybe some kind of projectile weapon for decompression kills on manned targets.

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Something like Predator drones but in space for offensive operations. maybe. Probably armed with submunitions that will be dropped into the path of a target and then let kinetic energy do the rest. Eventually they might be armed with railguns or even lasers.

>Titan officer uniforms from Zeta Gundam

Absolutely based as hell

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It seems like a Space Guard (Space version of the Coast Guard) is a better fit right now than a Space Force or Space Corps.

>It could license space launches and inspect rockets and spacecraft for safety — much as the Coast Guard does for commercial ships.
>It could also have authority to “prevent legal infractions through its prevention program, and it will be ready to respond and enforce the laws when needed.”
>“As part of this duty, the [Space Guard] will take on all aspects of commercial space management licensing,” she added.
>She also argued that such an approach is a way for the United States to lead the way in peaceful space activities internationally.

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>What will Trumps "Space Force" look like?


fucking great scene


Turn the sound up. Moore was just fine.

>when your "police ship" as an actual cannon

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the coast guard is still a branch of the armed forces
they are not just a police force

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There goes the Space Force being good.

Hopefully with me being a part of it.


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an office building

>tfw we won't have a zaku space force

>What will Trumps "Space Force" look like?
The difference between spotting hazardous xenobiological specimen smuggling attempts and full blown xenomorph infestation on earth

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People on computers monitoring satellites

Not technically. They're under the department of Homeland security, not DoD. But that doesn't really effect much for your average guardsman

A disgusting tax money funnelling scheme designed by and for the military industrial complex. It'll be used as an excuse to defund NASA even further, to the point where space exploration is either dominated by Europe/China, or a dead dream entirely. Expect plenty of worthless programs that fill redundant military roles, and that go over budget, and over deadline. Fund NASA. There's no benefit in fighting wars over the barren wasteland that is space, unless, of course, you happen to be military contractor, who just wants to sell weapons, regardless of how they're used.

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> servitor

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>military bad
>'social' communism good
>incompetent nasa engineers good

Starship troopers

shower scene

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so lost of dicks. noice.

The whole point of using a strawman is to rebuke the strawman’s argument when you can’t rebuke the opponent’s. You’re meant to misrepresent their argument, then counter the misrepresentation. You aren’t meant to misrepresent their argument, then give a copout concession reply anyway. You could’ve just written “I’m triggered by your post”, and it would’ve conveyed the same message. I hope this was written by a child. I don’t care if you were pretending, I would’ve been embarrassed to post this.

Why the fuck are we bothering with a bullshit nothing station in orbit around the moon when we could be taking the single most important step to permanent habitation of space? Centrifugal stations. Someone needs to tell NASA to make a station with a simulacrum of gravity and make that their priority mission, to replace ISS.

>the single most important step to permanent habitation of space?
The space elevator, will fix global warming too

Holy shit settle down
You’re clearly part of the “we need to stay on earth and like it” bunch, we get it

I'm dumbfounded. Is this bait?

>space elevator
impossible without fantasy metamaterials

Carbon titanium oxide polymers bro


>Nobody in Honnieamiseverse is scared of rockets being able to deliver a nuclear payload
>Finally, I Understand montage ends with shot of mushroom cloud.

What did Gainax mean by this?

High Guard sounds better.

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NASA doesn’t give a shit about colonization

My fucking sides. Excellent roll you beautiful bastard.

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this. NASA doesn't care about the important stuff. Mars missions and whining about not having enough money to do cool missions is just a smokescreen. If they had an unlimited budget it would just be more experiments on raising nematodes in zero-G.

Perpetually delayed Mars and Moon shots are lobbying tactics to make you nag your congressman for more "growing lichen in space" experiments

Everybody with a brain knows that the Space Force is a bureaucratic vehicle to build humanity's first Orbital Aircraft Carrier.

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Orbital Guard, Hohhmann (spl?) Guard, Transfer Guard, Interface Guard, Aerospace Guard

Leap-off points, both for fully-provisioned colonisation efforts as well as rescue missions in case something goes wrong. The more infrastructure we have in low and high orbit in the Earthsphere, the easier expansion outwards and maintenance of that expansion becomes.

WEW is a proper counter, you must not properly understand this community's lexicon.

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