AR thread
Tripfaggotry containment
Actually shooting guns edition
AR thread
Tripfaggotry containment
Actually shooting guns edition
Newb AR fag here again from the last thread.
Im looking for a reliable AR with a 2k budget.
Went to discount fire arms and they wanted 1200 for a springfield that seemed pretty nice.
Daniel defense were 1700. They come with some attachments already.
The problem i find is these gun stores dont show their prices online, not sure why.
Would it be better to order online and ship to store to save money?
Do me a solid here, liberals are losing their god damned minds. I need to be prepared for the worst.
Just build one, fag
watch a few vids, build an AR
either that or buy an m&p 15 and like 2000 rounds of ammo
>be innarange
>got the LMT doing .6-.7 moa with factory ammo
>SCAR doing .9-1.2
>blonde walks to firing line, pulls out slavshit
>cant hit shit
>"SCARanon, can you help me? I dont know what im doing wrong!"
>go to 50yd line, go prone, 1/2" off from bullseye
>show her a few things
>"take some pictures of me shooting prone and text them to me"
>"youll have to show me more next time!"
Can you link me some resources?
You shouldn't be spending more than 1300 for Daniel Defense anything, out the door. Idk what the fuck your dude is smoking selling a Springfield for that much. Order a Colt 6920 with no furniture or a BCM and put all the ninja shit you want for the 300-400 you've saved.
No thanks ash
google "how to build an ar15" and read a guide or two and watch a video or two. There's a billion out there and it's not complicated.