Fell for the Jow Forums memes

>buy high capacity 9mm
>can't find any hollow points at store
>only FMJ rounds
you assholes told me it's just as good as every other round and these things are easy to find now I have to carry standard pressure FMJ rounds

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Go to WalMart you faggot

Use the internet you fucking dumbass.

I'm sorry you're retarded OP

It's really uncommon for a whole board to agree on something, so I'd say that you're probably just retarded.

9mm is for pussies.
Post .40S(exy)&W(illing).

Nice try, I wonder who's behind this post

Attached: 1525236782886.jpg (592x444, 31K)


Attached: 1481494035543.jpg (509x335, 37K)

Did you buy the firearm through a FFL?


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