The only reason the Nugget and Kar are popular is because they're cheap

>the only reason the Nugget and Kar are popular is because they're cheap
>The Springfield was unicronically the best rifle of it's era
>Springfield made M-14 was the best rifle period
>"Springfield" sucks and hasn't been Springfield since Nixon shut down the armory

Shame, could have had more great rifles. Was it revenge for Massachusetts cucking him out of winning every state, or was it private interests jealous that a public gun maker kept beating them?

Attached: 1903-springfield-rifle-F.jpg (648x432, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>The Springfield was unicronically the best rifle of it's era

K98s aren't cheap anymore.

She's also best girl.

Attached: 2075444709388618.jpg (1400x1774, 101K)

>The Springfield was unicronically the best rifle of it's era
Get out.

Attached: BEA6B16B-3DBF-41BE-81D2-6F8CAED2B309.jpg (469x598, 76K)

The 1917 is better than the 1903 in pretty much every way.

>>The Springfield was unicronically the best rifle of it's era

it's the worst one because of its dogshit sights and inaccuracy, even for the time, and it's literally a mauser but worse.

No fucking shit Springfield hasnt been the same since it was shut down. What else would you expect from an armoury that doesn't produce guns anymore?

Besides sights, it's a bloated and overweight mediocre rifle no better than any other

that's where you're wrong kiddo

Attached: http _www.libertytreecollectors.com_productcart_pc_catalog_FrenchMas3691504Rifle.jpg (520x390, 16K)