Californians btfo: assault weapon registry endures massive data breach

Oh no no no no

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>criminals use leaked data to find whose homes to steal from to obtain the scary AR15s

“It’s a feature not a bug!”

California confirmed a cuck state

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This is the fault of gun owners

It would be great if one could just delete the database

I wonder how many people actually registered. Shops everywhere were telling people not to and it didn't seem like most people I talked to were going to do it.

>those registry threads a few days ago
>Jow Forums: don't register
>californianons: it'll be fine
>Jow Forums: no it won't
>californianons: yes it will
A week later:

I wonder how hard it would be

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Anything resulting from this leak be it thefts, violence, a lack of trust for any future initiatives will just be blamed on the gun owners anyway. This is exactly why you should not comply. You have nothing to gain and they have everything to leverage against you.

> In response to that disclosure, CA DOJ offered a one-year membership of Experian’s® ProtectMyID® Alert. Whether CA DOJ will do the same for this blatantly improper disclosure remains to be seen.

>hey we fucked up to make it up for you, well will give you a free year of alerts letting you know when we fuck up

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Hope my registration processed!! :)))

If you're getting to copy files it isn't too much more to delete depending on how access was gained

could you sue the doj for this (you would have to prove it happend because the doj leaked you shit)
would it work?

>50 shades of brown comes and steals guns from the addresses stolen from the registry
It's not quite working out how we thought it would, but The Turner Diaries is coming true and I'm scared.

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You better be.

Crazy how close to real life that book is getting

An independent inspector is going to have to come in and check what was lost and the state is going to have to pay a penalty (i can't remember if it's 5k or 50k) for each piece PII lost to the breach.

Also, they have like 7 days after becoming aware of the breach to notify users or they get hit with an additional penalty.

Either way you shake it, they fucked up big time and someone is seeing jail time over this.

My best friend until 3rd grade was a black kid who lived down the street named Lawrence. I don't want to get the rope for having a negro friend once!

just to clarify this didn't happen to me just wondering if it did happen to some if that person could sue, i hope the bastard who screwed up ends up in jail

>government agency paying fines
>going to jail
>having any accountability

pick none

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The DoD gets spanked by those all the time. Then again, we're talking about a state government that's ungodly corrupt.

The (((democratically elected government of The People's Republic of California))) cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Just like in new york when they let those journalists FOIA the home addresses of people with firearms permits resulting in multiple burglaries after they were published. Wonder if this one will end up with a body count attached to it.

the ca doj and the dod have nothing in common. the ca doj's main purpose is to harass gun owners and gun shops in ca, the politicians here dont care how dirty they get.

And this is why the government shouldn't want a registry, because it is prone to problems just like this and opens them up to litigation. Anti-gun politicians don't give a fuck, though. As if they ever gave a shit what it costs the government.

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Oh that guy at the gun shop I sometimes go to is not going to be happy.
I think he said he registered like 12 guns.

You have that backwards. Asshole

naw, i live here fuckface

enjoy your rivers of basedmilk and your faggy ass laws you freedom hating bitch

triggered much? you should spend a day at the beach brah. your feelings of helplessness in the face of the dominant american culture shouldnt ruin your day

I live here too and wouldn’t associate with a cuck like yourself. I look forward to the day I get to slaughter your kind wholesale.

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son, the only thing i bet youve ever hit are women and dogs. im not even from this state thank god

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I would take this opportunity to report your "assault weapons" as stolen as a result of the state's negligence. Seems like a good way to stick it to them and blow this shit back in their faces.

>DOJ gets fined a gorillion dollars
>lol, it's just tax money anyway

Wow, what an effective deterrent

>gun grabbers get fined
>has to pay
>with my tax dollars
>go right back to grabbing guns
>learns nothing
Is there a term for this? Tyrannical bureaucracy?

>Califags in maxim denial

You don’t even have the best weed anymore and have the worst cars in America. The beaches are full of garbage and human garbage. The cities are some of the most dangerous hell holes in the country with corrupted policeman.
But you know what makes Cali the saddest dick shaped state? You produced the evil witch of gun grabbers and let her fuck your bois with a chainsaw. Enjoy your sand and communism

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>You don’t even have the best weed
They fucking limited edibles to 100mg per package and 10mg per serving, because MUH CHILUUUNNNNSSSS. I don't even smoke pot, but what if I want to buy a 1000mg black bar? Fucking bullshit.

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>mfw there are actually people who register their uncurled ARs

Top laff

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Except nobody from Cali was saying go register cum guzzler

worse than that.,
the registered their BULLET BUTTON ars, the already cucked versions of the rifle.
and even though its registered you can't uncuck it. it must permantly stay as a cucked rifle, and you can't give it to anyone not even your children after you die.

My dude is big mud he gets no hot California teen pussy.

They were in those threads.

Half the people on here are defeatist cucks who tell you to fear the long dick of LE and ATF, let alone the Californians. I don't know where you got that from.

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I bet you’re from the B(G)ay Area is helLA, do us normal people in NorCal and CenCal a favor and secede already so we can West Virginia our asses to freedom and have front row tickets to the anal fucking you’re gonna get from the Fed

I expected some bullshit like this. I actually expected the DOJ to leak the list to journalists but this is even better.


Jefferson now.

Tyrannical bureaucracy is the correct term here.

Instead of getting a new Supreme Court that gets rid of this type of trynanny against our gun rights we get a debate about abortion. Fuck conservatives so fucking hard. Please let the minorities and poor people kill their childrj if they please good god I hate republicans so much. We should be able to give them abortions and we can get guns but no it will always be a retard fest,
>tfw no machine guns

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The term is government.

What did you expect? Republicans only pay the barest lip service to gun rights to keep from completely alienating a lot of their voter base. And fewer and fewer republican voters actually care much about them these days anyway.

>Instead of getting a new Supreme Court that gets rid of this type of trynanny against our gun rights we get a debate about abortion.
That's what you get for trusting gun rights to a bunch of statist, busybody cucks instead of the constitution.

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I didn't comply with any of it and could careless about the law. I shoot on BLM land as far from authorities do not go to indoor ranges ever as they mostly suck anyways.

why would anyone go to a range with staff, for any reason? It's like when these fucks bitch about ROs. Unless it's a competition my ideal range is completely empty.

Yup even in relatively gun friendly states range officers are fuckin pricks.

>You don’t even have the best weed anymore

>do us normal people in NorCal and CenCal bigger lol. the average californian has their head farther up their own ass than even texans

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I see you’re smoking that mexishit tar baby “”””weed””””

total tire weed mang

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>ayo, hol up

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>could careless about the law.
that means you do care
at least a little

>they fucked up big time and someone is seeing jail time over this.
I'll be some lowly IT chump, an intern who was in way over his head and had no idea what he was doing.

I understand that those afflicted with autism sometimes struggle with idioms and popular phrases.

Yes, and I believe someone afterwards compiled the names, phones and addresses of a shitton of journos e released it all on the internet. I don't know the outcome of this.

Don't be scared. You have guns. You can fight.

You DO have guns, right?

Yes but not under the current proposal which would give each state a liberal-infested megacity smack dab in the middle of each, thus created more democrap votes in the congress.

The journalists bitched about it as an attack on journalism. Yes, utterly failing to see the irony. Several of them got robbed.

You're a fucking idiom. I think I spelled that word correctly. May have misplaced a letter.

Scared Imma have to use up all my good manila hemp rope punishing parasitical politicians!

That's hilarious.


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I wish there were die ins at malls near me

>"accidentally" step on a finger or hand as I "trip" over a protester

Officer, I just wanted to patronize the Orange Julius!

>patronize the Orange Julius

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Looks like it was trimmed in a washing machine dude but the color is pretty good. Depending on how good it burns and taste 7/10

I'm going to place it on a scale from 0 to 10
to help you understand that you aren't using the idiom or phrase properly

10- MAXIMUM RUSTLE, but could care less
9 - could care less
8 - could care less
7 - could care less
6 - could care less
5 - could care less
4 - could care less
3 - could care less
2 - could care less
1 - could care less
0 - COULD NOT (couldn't) CARE LESS

if you say you COULD care less, that means there is a level of care below where you currently are.

>you knew what i meant, your just being autistic
first, it's you're
second, that's the same defense of clip v magazine

maybe next time you can say what you meant
6/10 jimmies rustled

Alliterative. I like it.

Literally will NEVER mean "figuratively" no matter how much you and yours try to insert your fucking Newspeak.

I'm waiting for some moron to call you a degenerate for supporting abortion.

I've always maintained that the GOP isn't actually pro gun, but anti-anti-gun, if that makes sense.

The GOP is anti-gun if they're the ones taking the guns. The terrorist party is the same. Ostensibly, they're divided between the philosophies of rule by the masses vs. rule by the individuals elected by the masses, but the ones at the top are all authoritarians who would fuck you just as soon as look at you. Trump never grew up on welfare, and neither did whichever shitheel the terrorists shit out this election, either. How the fuck am I supposed to believe they have me in their best interest?

The Jow Forumsid in me wants to support whomever can rack up the highest body count, but the adult in me wants to fuck the kid in me.

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And that sounds like a great way to subject yourself to an investigation. Don't register your guns, and don't lie to the government when they aren't asking you questions.

>the adult in me wants to fuck the kid in me.
that got weird fast

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Welcome to Jow Forums.

the eternal christcuck, the destroyer of all civil conservative causes

>That's what you get for trusting gun rights to a bunch of statist
I don't see how people don't see this. Just look at the recent immigration debate, the dems complained about the outcome of the way the laws were being enforced and said it was unjust, and blaming the people breaking the law as if a laws existence makes it just was a common counterargument from the Republicans (with the current administration even citing the Bible to make that argument).

Am I the only person here that thinks that all of America's firearms thefts are just CIA niggers pretending to be criminals?

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Yeah right you fucking turbo autist. I bet you a are some dumb faggot from Long Beach.

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California is a failed state. Hopefully the lawsuits will bankrupt the state

>someone is seeing jail time over this.
Hahaha no

>the government has to pay a fine to itself with your tax money.
Can we at least tar and feather them?

Damn, why you boomers so triggered by a picture? Does the idea that an entire coast thinks less of the rest of the country bother you that much?

Just to play devil's advocate they need to assume that everyone is a fucking retard

Maybe the rest but about 70% of them are regular niggers

I've been thinking this for the past several months

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>never went to jail for any reason
>only had a few dmv tickets
>had almost been convicted of multiple felonies from lashing out and harassing out of revenge and been scared of the police since then but ended up with just a simple 30 day restraining order.
>literally frightened for months since the encounter
>buy a gun
>still nervous as fuck about the police
>ensure I'm complying with every Cali state law
>acquire more guns
>acquire stockcucked Ar
>get political and get pissed off by cali
>start to get mad
>acquire non bullshit stock
>here comes the registry
>fuck your registry
And now I hear about a stolen database of registered guns. Fuck this state. Fuck this state. Fuck this state. I went from full compliance to straight up FUCK YOU as of today. If this faggot state can't keep legal citizens safe from being targeted while complying, then there's no reason to comply.

They've got plenty of backups

What that from?

It’s hilariously obnoxious when someone is so self assured of their superiority when they’re actually total shit

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Don’t forget the guy who was arrested and all his guns confiscated after inquiring how to comply with the law. I’m surprised there hasn’t been a spike in Ryder trunk rentals but maybe this isn’t cali’s red line yet

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>cali's redline
Let's see what happens if Emperor Jerry Brown bans Kombucha and avocado toast.

try convincing the locals

>Ryder trunk rentals
have you seen the prices of rental trucks here? they all left the state