You are going to the Middle East for a year. Your weapon and body armor and helmet and uniform is provided...

You are going to the Middle East for a year. Your weapon and body armor and helmet and uniform is provided. What are you bringing?

t. going to the desert for a year next month

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Reccomend small shaded goggles and a thin neck gator incase the winds pick up.

spray bottle

Baby wipes

Cigarettes, middle eastern ones suck.

Tampons and an 8-ball of cocaine do wonders for gunshot wounds, from what I've been told.

Some LSD drugs are hard to get.

A nuclear warhead

On it, thank you
I've heard this, even if I don't smoke? Like to sell or something?
I wish

Everyone smokes there you should start now so you don't look like a pussy

I dip

Just cash
Few crates of 7.62x39 and water


>to be part of the seekrit club you have to become dependent on harmful substances.
Heh. Enlisted men. When will they learn

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>hes not part of the secret club

a hydration system?

Bring an extra bag so you can bring these back with you.

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Provided, but yeah maybe an extra bladder
Lol are these good?

Deployment or contractor?

Anyway: lots of PTs, your own damn sheets, laptop, a hard drive with all the porn you can get your hands on, a hard drive with all the movies and TV you can get your hands on, some kind of video game system- Nintendo switch would be good-, kindle with a bunch of books, laundry pods and shower stuff, shower shoes, shower bag, decent towel, extra uniform, some extra pouches for your body armor. Almost everything else you can order off amazon, they ship pretty quick. Usually like a week and half to two weeks to get stuff in depending on how quickly your mail gets picked up.

Oh yeah, don’t forget snivel. It’s fucking cold in the winter there. Dunno what your outside time is going to look like, but good gloves, winter boots, and a solid neck gaiter will do a lot to keep you warm.

I like this. Comfortable durable clothes, boots, passport and a sat phone are good ideas also.

Dismounted out of the wire for most of it, it sounds like
Thanks for this

Pack warm then, don’t skimp on your snivel. Yeah it’s the desert, but Afghanistan gets stupid cold in the winter.

Beyond that like I said, Amazon has good shipping but you need a buffer of about two weeks. Usually bases will have little stores were you can buy essentials, but I would never count on them being stocked with what you want or need.

Is a snivel my woobie?

Snivel is a catch all for any kind of cold weather gear. Everything from your level 1s and 2s (thermals), your beanie, to stuff like your gortex and PCUs level 7s. Nominally if you’re moving around enough you should be okay with just the level 2s. But if you’re stationary you’ll want a lot more. Also your feet and hands are going to be cold even if you’re moving if it’s actually cold out.

I brought 10 sticks of deodorant, 2 packs of cheap ass baby wipes, two Chinese mp3 players, 4 earbuds, and a cheap ass fanless netbook, because fans suck up moondust. moondust kills everything. Pair of clippers with a shaving attachment and some clipper oil (seal it well, then throw it in a zip lock baggie.) Brought a digital camera.

I also brought 40 high quality dust masks to keep out diesel and dust.

buy fucking carhartts thermals and you'll be good to go.

Dont get local dip. The mix the local drug of choice in.

Are you in the Marines or Army? And are you infantry or something else?

spare boot laces (one set is enough)
barbers brush (dusting off weapon)

Whose dick do I need to suck to get a deployment?

It all depends on what part of the desert you're going to. The part with a PX or the part with ISIS?
In either case, bring a laptop loaded with porn and Civ 5 or 6 (whatever your flavor), lots of socks. Seriously, if you think youve packed enough socks, you haven't. Maybe a lawn chair if you can fit one and some shades.
>if there is a PX
Anything else you'll need will probably be there
>if no PX
Bring stuff to wipe your ass with you dirty bastard. More socks and some goldbond too. You might want to get one of those bodyweight training straps too, I forget what they're called, but they can hook into pretty much anything and they give you a damn good workout, just so you don't lose strength with that shitty ass food you'll be eating.
Have fun, stay safe, don't be a hero and all that.