Hand over your guns, yanks

Hand over your guns, yanks.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wherer are the muslims?

And people wonder why the alt right is on the rise.

where's the luftwaffe when you need them

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We need Bomber Harris


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>sign dont grab pussy with blood
Of course I am not going to grab a pussy that is on the rag when I got so many others not bleeding to grab.

they make it look so big, but its a really fucking tiny balloon
these retards wasted 20k on something that a hobo could make for less than 1500$

could you pop that ballon with a uk legal sub 12 footpound airgun when fired from one of those apartments?

Any society that derives its power and authority from the will of man alone lives apart from God and will crumble in the end.

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that's what you get for not making it yourself. I feel you could have made one with trash bags, a handheld heat sealer, and some spray paint.


Demonic presence at unsafe levels.

Take the bullets first.

No joke, absolutely what the fuck is wrong with the left

M8 if a paki saw that shit, he'd behead them all.

That's why I'm asking, 1 group of pakis and they would all flee

City life.
No faith in God.
Loss of shame culture.

>Dump trump for his anti-Palestine policies and Islamophobia
What? Why do fags care about Palestine? And dont they get that when Islam demographically replaces all those gross Islamophobes, they'll all be thrown off of high roofs?

they're leftists

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ITT triggered snowflake t_d tourists trying to recruit their own personal cyberwarriors. Get rekt kiddies and go cry somewhere else.

Let them self destruct, Britain has been lost for quite some time now anyway.

Do you know how shitty of a leader you have to be to get people in *other* countries to protest your stay?

People from other nations have been protesting visiting US presidents for decades.

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I can recall two:

Bush and Donald.

Show me Bush Sr., Clinton, and Obama protests.

western upbringing leading them to believe they are all speshul snowflaeks who can do no wrong, leading them to bizarre lifestyles and a lot of unwarranted self-importance leading to genuine intolerance of other lifestyles they don't like

You couldn't define ''Western'' if asked. I thought we had to save Western culture? Which is it?

>You couldn't define ''Western'' if asked.
anglosphere culture, i.e. the combined culture of the us, most of canada, britain and the (ex-)commonwealth countries around it, australia, new zealand, and the more urbane and (((diverse))) parts of traditionally non-anglo western europe

>I thought we had to save Western culture? Which is it?
this is a strawman. that was my first post itt. i never said shit about having to save western culture. im from quebec nigga. the eternal anglo needs to be gassed and bombed

Obama, London

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Again Obama

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There were 3 that i remember. 1 in Tel Aviv in 2010, 1 in South Africa in 2013, and 1 in Athens, Greece in 2016. I agree with your assessment of Trump, but that other user is right.


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impossible. name one person who doesn't like bill clinton. bill clinton is everybody's homeboy, he's just too likeable. his friendly and personable demeanour is just too powerful

>name one person who doesn't like bill clinton
The women he raped
Most normal people

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All Yugo humans
Even Bosniaks

Kill yourself. This is a right wing board.

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>posting failout fanfiction

>"lolol let's 'take over' 4chins lolol"
>this is what americans are actually like
>this is what americans actually think is politics
cringe, straight cringe

I will rip your head off and pound your airway

>Instant reply

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>oh no, he's called me out for having a life utterly devoid of content other than memes
>"I will rip your head off and shit down y..."
>wait shit it's another meme!! fuck
>m-maybe he wont get it if i change some words around

have you ever had an original thought in your life? be honest

seething kek

>anti-palestine policies
Why is this a bad thing

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Redditors should be deported

Say that again iffy stiffy

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Is that a Cammy cosplay?

Also I appreciate how the one with handcuff earrings actually manages to be the only one looking decent.

Obama incites homosex.

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