I brute force all what matters when using a knife?

Wheter it is in a knife fight or just when planning to murder your neighbor, does physical raw strength matters most when using a knife to stab someone? Or is it all in the explosiveness and skill like in boxing?

Jow Forums, answer.

Attached: naif.jpg (500x480, 18K)

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It's being able to sneak up on them
The second part is having the stamina to go at them like a singer sewing machine if you can't catch them unawares.
"Knife Skills" are only really useful in sparring. This isn't 18th century Spain, you're not going to bust out your Navaja, wrap a cloak around your arm and duel Piotr the Gypsy.

What about the effectiveness of each stab? What matters most, big strength or quick fast stabs?

stabby stabby the run

Make as many holes as fast as possible.

Warding cuts, fast, to keep the other person away. Your knife is a threat and a punishment if they try to close in. A single good stab can kill a person but you and the other guy know that and will keep at reach and cut to keep you back.

If you get enough space, back away and get the fuck out. Knife fighting is for fools and their isn't a winner in knife fighting, just survivors.

>Killing someone unaware with a knife

Stab in, cut out. Humans work on tubes filled with fluid. Your plan is to damage lots of those tubes and let the fluid leak out. Once surprise is over get the fuck away, as even a dying man can kill you.

A knife is better then nothing, but that is about all it is better then.

So, the focus is to stab as fast as possible instead of as strong as possible?

Think of the following hypothetical case. Who would be more dangerous with a knife? A big, fat, bulk strong man capable of slow yet powerful stabs? Or a lean and fast guy capable of quick consecutive stabs?

I mean, I don't intend to kill anyone (or...maybe?), but after having seen the explanation as to why professional boxers are more focused in building explosive and fast power as opposed to raw strength (hence why most don't do much weightlifting), it made me wonder if the same principles do apply to knife fighting.

>ywn bust out your Navaja, wrap a cloak around your arm, and duel Piotr the Gypsy
Why even live?

stabby stabby stab, distancy distancy distance.

try stabbing a pillow really hard once then stab it 10 times really quick which did more damage?

Hmmm certainly, one big powerful stab gets the seven inches of the knife past the pillow, and ten fast ones only manage to do 2-4 inches cuts. In a human, it would be the difference between putting a hole into a vital organ and just damaging the surrounding muscles.

Rapid depressurization of a closed system.

now imagine thats a person and after each trial you ran which would be more deadly?

If the target is obese or has strong core muscles, then two inches won't get to tear the peritoneum, then depressurization wouldn't happen


Having a gun.

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Or a knife launcher

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I have actually stabbed a man with a knife in self defense. I buried a 8"blade into the guys liver straight through his abs. I felt ZERO resistance. If you are in a life and death situation like that your adrenaline will be pumping so hard you won't even notice the little resistance flesh gives (unless you have an extremely dull knife or you are a manlet basedboi)

This reply^

Was meant for this post

skill can matter, but going apeshit and just pumping like a nerd on promnight can make up for alot of inadequacies

But just how strong are you? If you are more than 6 feet tall and weigh 200-something then certainly you'd fall in the "strong" category

>This isn't 18th century Spain, you're not going to bust out your Navaja, wrap a cloak around your arm and duel Piotr the Gypsy.
That's sad.

really depends on what you want. stab the big organ cage that is one's torso. maybe turn the knife to get between the ribs better. knives aren't complicated

Brute force isn't necessary, speed is. Go stab a pig carcass, you're gonna be surprised at how easy a sharp knife slides into flesh

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cant a strong enough stab/knife simply cut/smash through the ribs?

A standard human strength suite is fine but you will need to train your muscles for such action otherwise your arm will be really sore the next day.

every thread every god damn thread about knife this retarded image gets posted like its some sort of biblical word that cannot be challenged...

Stabbing is effective but not the most common way of using a knife in a defensive position, Slashes would be more common, and a fucking dagger cannot slash, also has anyone who posted that image held a FS knife?Its not that big... According to that shit a fucking screwdriver would be almost as useful

Im 6'1" and only weigh 190lbs.... Am I strong? lol

>Knife fighting
The loser dies in the street, and the winner dies in the hospital.

Just want to say you’re a fucking retard that hasn’t even held a steak knife in your life. Use your head you dumb fuck

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>This isn't 18th century Spain, you're not going to bust out your Navaja, wrap a cloak around your arm and duel Piotr the Gypsy
maybe YOU aren't


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What a fucking idiot. Letting that dude cut his leg open wasn’t enough - he needed to back his ass into a corner just to be sure he was a dead man

Well I'm 6'4 and like 250 lbs but I promise you that my size didn't make much of a difference.
The resistance of this guy's shirt and body might have well been tissue paper.
My hand stopped when I basically punched the guy in the guts with the hilt and the top of my hand.

I'd say use the knife for a quick stab or two and then GTFO as fast as you can.

Also like it was said before don't assume that you automatically won because you poked a hole in the other guy.

The dude kept throwing firsts for another minute or two until he passed out from shock.

Mmmmm edgy larp

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le ebin Fudd meme.

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>said Phil
>who doesn't even carry

biggest part is if you know where to stab. if you're going to be getting into a knife fight, the other guy most likely will be expecting to get stabbed up, and most of the time the adrenaline is enough to get them through the pain of a serious but non-lethal stab.

remember, always aim for the throat, the corotid artery, femoral on the front of the thigh, the heart, the liver, the kidneys, and the veins along the bicep and forearm. if you can get the fucker bleeding enough, then he won't be able to keep at it.

Why attack someone with a knife when you can attack someone with a spear? Affix your damn bayonet.

Lol ok. Not sure how I could prove this without doxing myself.

But that's fine.

stab placement is most important