So let's say China builds bases in the Philippines. They can use Clark Air Base which Americans used before...

So let's say China builds bases in the Philippines. They can use Clark Air Base which Americans used before. They also can use Leyte where Americans had a big battle against Japan and build a Chinese Naval Base there. With the strategic location of the Philippines, it can cut off the eastern part of the Asian peninsula not to mention access to the Chinese islands being held by Japan, direct access to the Chinese islands in the Pacific and the Historic Chinese lands in Australia.

It also puts strategic bombers in direct access to Guam. How can Americans counter such a move?

Attached: PH-province-China_CNNPH.png (640x373, 399K)

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unfortunately invasion won't be an option this time around
we'll both toss nukes at eachother until the chinese start to zerg outwards and invade whatever parts of the world they can
there's fuckin 1.35 billion of them

>don't worry guela,we will nuke them
i'm just waiting for a madman chinese to start waging war,knowing that nuclear war is impossible since MAD is a meme doctrine and no politician is crazy enough to become "the guy that started a nuclear war".

Giving the Philippines nuclear capabilities. If Japan is too girly and kawaii uguu to use them, they will, and the missiles will be partially constructed out of corrugated metal and cardboard to cut down costs, and they'll be unpainted and rusty, but they'll work.

The fun thing is no one wants to start a nuclear war, so China has the advantage by using economic war and proxy by supporting the local government against the CIA-ISIS coalition.

Delivered by quantum ramming class naval ships

>Chicom thinks that the Flips will welcome Comrade Zhang with open arms

Duterte is getting unpopular fast and not even his most hardcore of shills can defend his Beijing ass-kissing.

I can't wait for the day I get to hang MSS shitters on the streets and throw all the fifth column at Manila Bay.

daily reminder to throw a molotov at your nearest PLA outpost

it is our patriotic duty


If you flips manage to do that i will unironically fly over there just to watch chicoms hang. You will make them public, right?

I wonder what Muhreens and semen think of training with a third world army even for PR purposes.

They must be bored as shit and just want to bang hookers or go home. I could be totally wrong but there are milfags here so they can correct me.

It would be quite the expansion in their free naval defense zone.

Attached: Untitled.png (1575x612, 142K)

ITT Things that will never happen.

I would rather be around blacks and relax than EVER interact with mainland Chinese.

>the CIA-ISIS coalition
Propaganda School has gotten pretty wild since I graduated.


Shouldn't we relax around Chinese military tho? They're weak and small and has tiny penis. America has BIG very big penis.


I'll never understand why so many jerk themselves off with the idea that they know for sure things will go nuclear in the event of a conventional modern conflict.

>no politician is crazy enough to become "the guy that started a nuclear war"
Trump is...

>drumpf is crazy enough because huuuuh
he is a different kind of crazy but he is worried about his public image too and being the "first president that pressed the button" is not cool for him,he might taunt it but he is not GI JOE president.

i thought he was getting MORE popular since he is killing all the drug losers.

He is, leftists just deny that because they want to put an incompetent (((yellowtard))) into power.