I am going to give all my guns away. I don't have anything too special...

I am going to give all my guns away. I don't have anything too special, but I'd like to hear your thoughts about to whom I give them to.

No family, no friends who are into guns. Seriously just thinking about burying them underground and posting the coordinates here.

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Give them to me, I'll appreciate them more than anyone else.

Why? And also if you have any AKs or anything Yugo and want I can take it and will even pay for any transfer fees.

Give them to me.

I’d love a new gun

Are you going to kill yourself, OP? If that's your reason please exhaust all other options before that is your last resort.

If you know anyone who is a poorfag just getting into guns or someone who is fence-sitting on the idea give one to them.

Getting more people into guns, or at least having one for protection helps in the long run. If you gave me one it wouldn't do as much good.

can't kill yourself if you get rid of all your guns.jpg

as much as I'd like more guns, this is the true redpill

you're a real brainiac, user.

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Do this op! Why happend with muh cold dead hands tho?

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That's also assuming op is suicidal.
Maybe he just lost interest in owning guns.
Maybe he's planning to move to a nogunz country.
Maybe he's facing a criminal charge and won't be able to legally keep them anymore.

That was a friendly statement for the purpose of humor, not an opinion.
Dumb jillette-poster.

OP here.

I am not going to give them to anyone who just asks for them. I was thinking something like burying them in a few different locations and giving clues to you guys etc.
I already gave my competition guns to my local club's youth division.

And to all the guessing about my motivation: yes, I am going to take the rope soon. In a way I find it funny and messed up that it was the first and pretty much only reason you magnificient bastards could come up with.

Ehh it's because we get a lot of an hero threads.

The group therapy session has begun.
Why do you want to an hero?

user what state do you live in?

Why don't you just sell the guns? Use the money to pay off your debts that are making you sad.

Fake destroying them and post vids online for social justice points.
Then donate to the Jow Forumsomrades

You probably got the idea to suicide from us, lol. Those "morale" threads are a depressing joke.

that's not how being suicidal works, user.

Ive been wanting a firearm for years now but never really saved up enough to get anything decent, and anytime i did ha e a decent amt of money i always had other, more pressing needs

Why not make it a puzzle? Properly store them for burying, tell an easy riddle for the one buried, tell some kind of work puzzle to find the specific location, but give a general area to look in (like in a certain town, use hints to give locations).

If you could also make a stalker cache and leave the coordinates for the next person to play, please do so.

Well looks like I didn’t read through all the way, but oh well. It was awfully nice of you to donate guns to the youth club.

But give us a town at least and clues to find the guns. I doubt I’d be able to make a trip since I’m in VA. However, this would be fun.

Also, why do we always get an hero threads? I swear, everyone wants to kill them selves. You though are fun with this. Please puzzle, clues, for weapon caches.

To the atf and cops lurking, fuck off and kill yourselves too.

It is a philosophical imperative. I have no family and not too many friends, so the collateral damage will be minimum. However it will release me from pain, and stop me from using resources that others can benefit from.

I have thought about this for three years, and I can safely say that I have made up my mind.

Naturally there are other, more pragmatic reasons that lead me to investigate the possibility of offing myself. I will turn 30 in two weeks. Yet I have never even held hands with a woman. I work in a dead-end job. I have criminal tendencies (I occasionally steal cars). I get into fights. My intellectual capacity is limited at best. I have never created anything. Stuff like that.

This is not the point of this thread, though.

Yes it is. State of mind is important. Reading depressing things all day and being accepting of your sadness is bad. You should be pursuing happiness.

In the south, but I can move around.

I sold most of my other possessions already and gave the money to someone who needs it more than I do. Kept a little bit to take my last trip (I am currently abroad)

That sounds great, but how do I ensure that they are eventually found? If the puzzle is too difficult some could remain hidden forever.

You type like a smart person, though. Also if you can steal cars it means you think about stuff enough to get away with highly risky crimes. If you've never held hands with a woman, you clearly have never even tried asking one out. Only women can afford to wait for a partner to approach them. Men are natural hunters.

Here's an idea for you. Get rich or die trying. Rob a jewelry store or something and if it looks like the police will catch you, just shoot yourself then.

Yeah no shit. I'm not OP but I've had patches of my life where I was very much considering suicide, and what you say about the mind is true.
But for somebody to get to that point in the first place they need to have a lot more happen to them than just being exposed to depressing stories on the internet.

Well, for one at least leave the name of the town it’s in. Clues about the area, landmarks, etc. What makes some impossible to find is when too large of a given area is told to explore and the clues are too vague.

Maybe increase the difficulty of finding the part of town to look via a poem or riddle with better funs. Just don’t make the search area too big

Or join the Kurds and whack some ISIS goons. If you want to die anyway or are at least indifferent it can help you accomplish something before you go.

Really being indifferent to death opens a lot more doors than it closes.

Bullshit. I got depressed from being here all day.

Also I almost forgot, be aware of where you bury it. If you bury it somewhere where it might get moved or built over, then it also becomes a problem

I was actually thinking about making an ecrypted file with the accurate coordinates in it. Then I would give hints and puzzles that would eventually lead to finding out the encryption key.
It could also be a multi-stage process, involving some of this and some of actual legwork.

You have the ability to do that and you still consider yourself mentally limited?

That works too, just make sure someone has the screen cap of the puzzles and the file is available to get.

This guy really isn’t stupid or mentally limited by any measure. I won’t speak for him, but he’s made up his own mind

Also, I forgot again. Don’t make one large file with every coordinate. Make separate files for each gun. A riddle to figure out what gun it is would be fun as well

When the day of the rope approaches, I will make a thread in which I go over some of my more felonious exploits. Not doing that just yet because I wish to stay free before my departure.

I have actually asked a girl out, three times. Denied every time(taken, 'you' re a great guy, but', and ghosted). I learned my lesson. Furthermore, while being lonely and not finding love are the no. 1 (pragmatic) reasons for my decision, they are by no means the only reasons.

No, he said he is "mentally limited at best" when he clearly has the ability to strategise and think ahead. He probably has ADD and thinks his academic failures are because of a lack of IQ, rather than attention span. People like him just need to find something that can hold their attention. Like working on cars or something.

You can encrypt a file with veracrypt and youtube in ten minutes. Don't need to be a smart person to do that.

That's why I was thinking about it. It would open the 'contest' to anyone who has a computer.

Uni studies show that a guy randomly asking women for sex on campus grounds has a 1 in 10 chance of success. And that's just bluntly asking for sex out of the blue. Pro tip, Chad Thundercock has been rejected dozens of times, he just doesn't care. You've asked out 3 girls? Ask out 30. Statistically the odds of not getting a date are negative by that point.

Oh come the fuck on. You just used the word pragmatic. You are not stupid.

You’re not wrong, but I have genuinely given up on folks who have given up. I was able to at least get away from killing myself a while back, but I can’t say much for those who go all the way. There is that sense of regret as you are about to die, but the thought of suicide still follows with occasions where my mind just runs and runs. It’s happening less often than it used to as I have moved on with life. I still know deep down I deserved everything I got from what everyone did to me. I acted out of line, I suffered the consequences. Well I fixed that shit, mostly. As for folks like op, I feel for them, but after a point of seeing people keep doing it, you just stop helping as it never is effective no matter what I say.

This is Jow Forums after all, I didn’t come here for the lols, but I had nowhere else to go. You don’t come here, you end up here. I’m sorry shit aim right for you op, I wish you wouldn’t go or at least find a reason to live (or at least save up some money to spread these caches in more than one area)...but it’s your life. Do as you please

>I didn’t come here for the lols

I did. That and the fact that the other place I used to browse fell to SJWs.

It ain't just about that, though. The idea of being intimate with someone is too scary. I could not act naturally in a situation lile that. Asking a girl out took months of mental preparation and it was more terrifying than anything I have ever done. Which is saying a lot. I can talk to women casually but I'd rather hang myself right here and now than for example try to kiss a girl. And yet, kissing a girl is my deepest desire. Ain't life fucked up?

But to the issue at hand.. How does this sound like:
>distribute guns (and some gear etc.) in six different locations, spanning over four states
>create six encrypted files that have information about the location
>create puzzles that help kommandos to figure out the encryption keys
>the files may or may not contain accurate coordinates or further puzzles
>(and because it is the Jow Forums, one of the treasures may or may not be rigged to spray bear mace everywhere once opened)

Op you sound pretty smart. Go talk to a therapist. I know it's not what you want to hear but none of us want a Jow Forumsommando offing himself. Get a better job, something you like. Go back to school if you need a degree. Go ask out every hot woman you see until you get a yes. If you are ready to kill yourself, then you have nothing to lose.

You can buy a pistol for 200 bucks. A shotgun for 100 and a rifle for 300.

Well I can tell you that kissing does feel nice. Lips are very soft. However, this shouldn’t be a be all end all

If you’re straight and white don’t kill yourself. You’ll get a chance for death or glory in the coming years as this multicultural shithole Balkanizes. Better to go out that way in the coming fight

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I approve of this. Although, I feel if one is opened to bear mace, you should note to not have it be too secluded....and it should have some loot worth having like a good knife or all of your ammo

Op you have a brain and legs to walk, you are a human, capable of many thing. You have more going for you than me. I've only left my state once, I'm jobless and in mom's basement, I only own a mosin from when I was healthy to work, and I'm currently posting this from my fucking ps3 because my hard drive crashed. I can't drive to the range because my transmission went out.
You have so many things you can do that anons like me only dream of. Go start over, and make tomorrow the first day of the rest of your life. Don't do it, you can still have gun adventure and live to see the happy anons post your guns on here and get updates on your gun's foster parents.
>tfw the plot of The Good The Bad and The Ugly happens in 2018 instead of 1862, anom buried a small fortune of guns /gold like Bill Carson and autistic user embark on a wild adventure to find them and they have a final showdown wearing fedoras and makarovs instead of handsome hats and 1860 army's /1851 navy's.

Also, make a video and provide link to the vid detailing puzzles

>the suicidal, the user, and the Jow Forumsomando
The thread. A magical place.

You seem to be a man that has surely made up his mind and nothing could ever change these plans but please dont just kill yourself choose a death with meaning not one of cowardice. Because if you have nothing left to give you can always dedicate your life to a greater cause than yourself.

(excuse my english thats my first post)

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what part of the country are they going to be in? that's gonna determine whether most of us can even participate

You don't fear the repercussions of stealing cars and god knows what else, but you're afraid of intimacy. My first GF did nothing hardcore with me for weeks. We would just hold hands and go for walks or watch movies.

You're a moron

I will rope myself in a fashion that is probably going to bring about some mildly hilarious headlines at least. I will not reveal it here and now, but let's just say it won't be your average clothesline in a tree but a bit more creative and kek worthy.

The idea behind having one treasure laced with mace is that everyone must open the treasures with a gasmask on.

See my previous post.

I’m in Tennessee around Nashville, if you need a friend.

It's different with girls.

Furthermore, I stole cars mostly because of the thrill factor. And while I know it is a bit of a nignog thing to do, I did support myself doing that for a year or so after I graduated from university. My father was a car mechanic and I learned all the tricks while working with him.

Thank you for the offer, but I'm good. Not even in the US atm.

I respect your decision but if theres a chance to save you, no matter the cost, dont hesitate you have nothing left to lose.

Goodspeed then. Valhalla awaits all daring Jow Forumsommandos

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You know I don't actually believe you anymore. I think you're bullshitting me. Graduating uni, having the ability to sell stolen cars, having mechanic experience. There's no reason you couldn't be living a happy life if this is all true.

Either your actual real life is really bad, depression is fucking with your mind, or you are just bullshitting me.

You don't need to respect decisions made by someone while depressed. They aren't thinking straight. There are numerous medical treatments for the chemical imbalance that is depression. Suicide isn't one of them. Doctors who euthanize depressed patients get charged with murder. You should never, ever allow a depressed person to convince you that they would be better off dead. The person who would die is not the same person who was formerly not depressed. It's a person being afflicted by a chemical imbalance of the brain that is preventing them for thinking properly.

I am not depressed. Just sad, useless and empty. There's a difference.

Also, I don't see how my other shenanigans would help me deal with my issues. I have not been happy since I was 18, and at 25 I gave myself five years to fix it or quit it. And as said, it was but a few years ago that I actually started thinking of suicide as an actual option. That lead to spending quite a bit of time pondering about the philosophical nature and justification of suicide. And low and behold, I got into a conclusion that, at least in my case, it is ok.

bruh i asked out like 12 girls before i got a yes

dont be a lazy bum
find yourself that special one

If you post the puzzle on Jow Forums and it's well made, collective autism will do the rest, no matter how hard as long as it's possible.

I'm not OP but it's not entirely true that it's depression that causes it or that suicidal people are not of sound mind.
For example I feel the desire to end my own life because I'm a genetic failure, subhuman, untermensch if you will.
No amount of therapy changes mathematics and science, no drugs will erase what cannot be changed.
I do agree though that it's wrong for people to encourage others to suicide, but not everyone has the time or energy to convince strangers on the internet that suicide is not a good idea.

make it into a game and leave them all loaded.

hide them all around like 50miles and dont give exact coordinates, that just makes it a rat race. i want riddles and shit, make them rhyme too.

if done right this could go down in history

user, where are you?

There was a funny bit in a King of the Hill episode about this.
Boomhauer is always shown as a real womanizer, and he takes Bobby to the mall with him, and all he does is literally hours on end ask woman after woman if they'd like a date.
I'd imagine that for some people, disgusting ugly bastards like me for example, it would take hundreds if not possibly thousands of women to find just one to give a maybe, but I suppose that's the point.
There's 7 billion people on earth.
Roughly 3.5 billion are women.
There's a decent chance you might find someone to like ya.

I completely agree on the things your saying. But I rather treat somebody with these problems like a free human being, even if he's a slave of his mind

But i am in no way familiar enough with this topic to come to some sort of conclusion.

They will be around Arizona. I am not in the US currently, though, as I am on a sort of a last voyage.

Just some user larping because he likes being the centre of attention. Shoo shoo with your magical made up scenario.

Only 3? It took me at least 50 before I got one to even go out with me. It's not easy, and it is demoralizing, but it takes time to find the right person you want to be with. Never rush into it, take your time and you will find someone if you put enough effort into it. There's even dating sites now that may help a bit.

It will be sad to see yet another user go, but you made your mind and plan on doing something great before.
If it's any consolation, you may have failed at life, but at least people will remember you. Which is more than a lot of people achieve.
Just tell us what local news to watch out for when you're gonna do it, if you really plan to do it in a kekworthy way.

Digits and I get the most fudd gun you own

Well you heard the man OP, give him your break action single shot .410

OP don't kill yourself.
I understand that you are feeling that your youth is gone and you have nothing to show for it. You are 30 years old as more than likely on average you have 50 more to go before you die of old age.

If you truly do not care about living devote your life to risky pursuits that pay alot. snort all of the coke and pay women to have sex with you. I really wish i was you. I would do so much shit. The most dangerous man is one that has nothing to lose. Please recognize your life as a gift and use it for something.

How many of you would know how to open encrypted files if you found out the key? Since not worth doing it if only a few know how to use encryption programs.

I was also thinking about just pasting the coordinates to random places on the internet and the puzzle would give the link or something like that, but that would be even more complex.


Have you read The Stranger? Or any work by Camus? Killing yourself is a philosophical dead end, pardon the pun.

don't fuck around. if you're going to off yourself, just fucking do it already instead of whining about it. if you're not going to do it, stop talking about it and move on.

why do people always get so mad about suicide on here? I get that some people are just fishing for attention but what is exactly the problem here? At best we get a nice treasure hunt, there is no reason to get mad

because this isn't their or your personal blog faggot. r9k is the other way.

Tom (Patrician)#8352

if you are going to an hero can you at least try to demo the method I've been thinking of but too pussy to try because I'm not sure it will work.

I call it the Dylan Carlson method. You rent a really nice sports car, preferably a muscle car, drive it off a cliff and shoot a bunch of heroin into your arm before you hit the edge, so you OD on heroin as the car flies off the ledge of the cliff, but you still go out with a bang.

I'm not sure if it will work, want to try it out for me?

Post your state and approximate location, so people who aren't local can fuck off. (I assume you don't want to mess around with shipping them to an FFL in another state, right?)

Then for each gun:
>you post gun
>interested parties reply with throwaway emails
>first reply with dubs gets gun

Anyway, keep your guns, and use them to fuck up ISIS like said. Set a goal (six months, a couple years, whatever), and if by the end of that time you're (A) still alive and (B) still feel your ISIS-slaughtering life is a waste of resources, then you just come back stateside, give away your guns, and sudoku as originally planned.

>I am going to give all my guns away.
Fake and gay.

Where abroad are you rn?

Nice argument

why dont you just work for something that has meaning and fulfills you? like teaching kids about shooting or spreading rightwing politics? or talk to pic related? you are just in a bad mood, go get some sunlight you probably need vitamin D

Attached: 1531436183347.png (876x776, 1.12M)

He is gonna keep two guns,one to kill himself and the other to stop himself from killing himself by shooting himself before he can shoot himself.

>what are sleeping pills
>what is an intentional fall from height
>what is a noose
>what are razor blades and a warm bath

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If you bury them, please put the coordinates on the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. zeemap as caches for other innawoods stalkers to find.

Anyone have the link? I'm not on my desktop, so no bookmarks.

(really tho, don't kill yourself, we need your vote. And I guarantee that someone out there loves you, think of them.)

Go travel. Sell your guns instead and use the money to buy a plane ticket. You want to kill yourself? You have nothing to lose, now. Go to Spain, bang some hookers (I highly recommend Villa Marcela in Alicante). Go to Africa, sign on with some mercs and slot floppies in the bush. Go to Ukraine, join the war there. Cross Europe on foot. Visit Japan. Start a bar fight in the roughest joint you can find. Greentext your adventures, post them here and on bibanon, and live forever in our hearts. Be a man - you're dead already, you have nothing to lose - and that makes you mighty.

>The idea of being intimate with someone is too scary. I could not act naturally in a situation lile that.
Again, that's what hookers are for. They'll know, you're hardly the first shy guy to go down that path. Just don't skimp, and don't be embarrassed if you finish in 3 seconds or can't get it up - they've seen it all and don't judge.

Trust me, I was in the same place. I got past it, and moved from being a ronery, critically depressed obese neckbearded NEET crying over Katawa Shoujo to a still somewhat obese non-neckbeard holding a steady, high-paying job and slowly getting Jow Forums.

Oh, forgot to add another degenerate adventure idea: go to Thailand. Visit the Soi Cowboy. Watch a Ping Pong show. It's something every man should see once in their life.

do dmt OP