Thoughts on this mans channel?

Thoughts on this mans channel?

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my thought is I hate e-celeb dick sucking and the associated threads

Seems fine to me. But I'm not an expert.

The absolute worst

Captain pseudoscience, King of the Fudds.

hurr what if i gimmick a weapon for my home invasion wet dream.

Fuck meat targets. Get a load of this faggot.

You be the judge.

He doesn't LARP as an operator and he killed a bunch of people in citizen involved shootings.
Calm presentation and no tryhard coolness. Also discusses everyday topics that can happen to anyone using guns that most people have access to.
Still somehow manages to keep it interesting. I guess he is just refreshingly normal and relatable.

When I think about it it's the only channel I really watch regularly.


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Can we talk about this guy? He has some fucking neato toys, like this select fire G36

but I am the judge.

>fucking BURNS through ammo
Oh baby... this dude has a cool collection. His videos are short and sweet too

>normal and relatable
Those aren't adjectives Ide use to describe a possible psychopath like Paul

Do they make any ballistic shields? I been wanting to get one of those since I have limited hard cover and it seems like one of the less autistic things you could put around for that since you can decorate it to look like a normal collector kind of thing.

He's the dad every hood rat needed and wanted but never had. He's great

>killed a bunch of people in citizen involved shootings

Can you gave me the basic rundown?

>tilts gun sideways
>after magdumping
>doesn't actually look at ejection port
Reminder to remember WHY you do certain tacticool things

If only more melanin rich individuals emulated this man instead of the niggers they do now! Pay attention Black people, You are not genetically predisposed to be nigge rs, You can be members of society....I can hear the "uncle tom" cracks now, that just means you are one of aforementioned "nigge rs"!

Now what does this say about me?

>paul married a coalburner
>sure Im gonna raise little deshawn as my own little niglet stacy, dont you worry
>introduces coon son to shooting
>small unit tactics
>innawoods skills
>home defense and room clearing methods
>slowly turning little deshawn into a ruthless killing machine of skill
>when deshawn reaches the age of 25 paul plans to set him up in a home defense/justified homicide
>the most dangerous game home version
>raising the worlds most vicious biped at home so you will have a never ending stock of fresh opponents to sharpen your skills with
like ducks unlimited but with rape apes instead

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Are you saying you don't wanna see all those sexy angles? GIT

Hey, we haven't had this thread in a week. Channel is good.

Fug, sucks that the original videos got deleted. even had one where he took a load of buckshot without flinching. No better medicine for those retards who go on about how bodyarmor is useless because the force of the round will put you out of the fight anyways.

>paul married a coalburner
So fuck this guy then. We don't need his kind

>proofs: that one time he had a black person in one of his videos

It's good avdvertising too. Thinking about sending a donation and a nice postcard to those guys in Upper Wisconsin, as well as looking into prices for that body armor.
You can't convince me any better about a product than taking a live fucking round to the guy with it on.

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>tfw you are still sore that paul killed your shitbag buddies that tried to murder him and his wife so you larp on Jow Forums with 30 year old boomers while being a real 65 year old boomer.

but user, can you joke so freely about the semitic people, or does that not fit into the divide and conquer duties of the JIDF today?

The same critical thinking skills that brought you pizzagate

Not a bad channel, but someone in his team shills here way too much

Are you fucking brain dead? Could it possibly be that Paul is Jow Forums incarnate? People like you faggots shouldn’t own guns. Go jerk off to hiKEK45, and leave Paul for us actual hasguns. Fucking summer in hear I swear

I meant cuck not kek


Please, the 5 threads a day are enough pal, fuck off with your e-celeb worship.

So Fagbag Ian gets 10 threads a day, but Paul isn’t good enough? Fuck you, you don’t deserve gun rights

Do you enjoy being cancer? Or are you just mad your shitty troll thread got saged and no (You)'s? Why don't we post a nutn thread so you can post pictures of dead babies before you go jerk off to cp and fall asleep for a few hours before another 16 hours of non-stop shit posting

dont joke like that.
mentioning jews is the number 1 way to get a thread shut down on Jow Forums.
they monitor here more than any other board.
go ahead make this a (((coincidences))) thread and watch it get shut down real quick.
coincidence 1
>Oy Vey fellow goyim, its such a coincidence that the sunni hijackers from the KSA that lived on the same block as a team of mossad agents responsible for 9/11 were secretly funded by the two countries that border Iran on either side with significant shia populations
coincidence 2
>3 saudi princes that the U.S. thought were involved in funding 9/11 with ties to the hijackers all died within months of eachother from surgery, car crash, and getting lost in the desert. oh and bin laden got shot in the face instead of captured alive and able to talk.

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One of the best jewtubers
Hit Cock is second

it seems like I'm constantly having to bear with the gunfire I might hear

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A month ago there were no less than 8 threads a day in the catalog, go be a retard somewhere else please.

Unlikely, kid has a father figure


More so the lack thereof.

This is why I lubricate all of my firearms with bacon grease, so the jews can't take them

>hides his real name
>cold blooded killer who murdered 14 people including a woman
>loves getting into alteractions because he's a psychopath who loves killing
>never smiles, never has fun, permanent bitch face
>makes bullshit pseudoscientific videos
>scams people with his """"tests""""
>fudd as fuck
>spent his mil 'career' as a POG on a base in asia pulling his pecker
>claims to be an expert yet he never tells you his opinion
>has a negro for a son
that's all you need to know.

Gee, Bill. Got any proof to back that up?
We do know his real name.

This is the same motherfucker that fired a Barrett .50 cal with a suppressor in his living room. Youtube just recommended that vid to me a day or two ago and I hardly watch gun channels on youtube

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