What is your plan for when we fight the ayyys?

I'm so sick of these grey faggots haunting my dreams every night. Post strategies and weaponry you have prepared for ayy invasions.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm fucking terrified of greys.

What about the female ayys?

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There's a fun theory that fear of greys means you've been abducted. Did I say fun I meant unsettling because I too find greys terrifying.


>user, the aliens are coming and they took my husband! You're the only one around who has guns to save him, please, I'll do anything if you help rescue him!
What do?

Shoot them? Its entirely possible they would use tech we can understand and counter, physics isn't exactly poorly understood by humans. If they were hostile, barring magic sci fi shit we could probably make it hard enough to take our shit that they'd leave, or at least back off for awhile. Think solar system wide gorrilla warfare, with drones and satalites

I'm gonna join them and shoot resistance fighters using futuristic alien weaponry and gear. Maybe even get an alien girlfriend.

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If there are holes, we will fill those holes
If there are gaps, we will fill those gaps
If there are cracks, we will fill those cracks.
if there are sticks, we will suck those sticks.

>What is your plan for when we fight the ayyys?
Fuck Greys. Nordics are cool tho.

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No way fag.

Prelube and hope for a quick end.

>tfw no zentraedi gf

Why are we still here, just to suffer?

Easy: those who do not bow to humanity's wims or can teach us/give us cool shit are left to the basketball Americans

>user, the aliens are coming and they took my daddy! You're the only one around who has guns to save him, please, I'll do anything if you help rescue him!
What do?

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>Not Onii-chan I will kill the ayy lmaos and protect you with my giant robot then we can cuddle after.
Shitty scenario you all got.

They can manipulate space and time. It's what gives them interstellar travel. Imagine the application of the energies involved onto a single target. They can blow up Earth if they wanted to. So you don't fight them in the same way insects don't fight humans. Your only option is to reproduce like mad. Grow in number and spread throughout the universe to such an extent, nothing known to current and future science will be able to destroy you.

>tfw you will never live in 2552 and get to defend the earth from the space bugs

>Implying kommandos care about anything emotionally except kats and gats

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>Onii-chan! I will kill the ayy lmaos and protect you with my giant robot then we can cuddle after!!
What do?

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S..So...were zerg and not terran?

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>Not going yolo and creating a gray goo tier weapon and saying fuck the universe by letting it consume multiply and spread across everything through eternity until the heat death of the universe.

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You rang?

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>tfw the humans start shooting at you so you burn out their sun and collapse it into a neutron star

And the downside to this is?

>ayys come from another galaxy or universe
>travel all this distance
>now they decide
>take the most genetically, physically, or intellectually interesting people
>people who would prove to be good test subjects
>offer incentives like rare materials or knowledge in return for examinations now and then on said folk
>also patch them up like nothing happened after vivisections or whatever the fuck
>take you, user, away to be examined and returned with tons of scars
>memories that can't be scrubbed out conscious, will traumatize you
>ayys keep coming back for numerous tests and won't tell you why
>ayys decide
>"let's go visit OP"

Also, my weapon against them is my M59 SKS. I will think the most crazed, random shit, breaking their telepathic paralysis on me, before screeching aloud to the Jow Forumsube and wasting those inter-galactic/universe hopping twats.

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That's a nice looking cat.

>I'm just here for the giant robot.

Why do that when you can just drop a rock on them.
Or did you think that the dinos didn't get uppity with the aliens.

I'm tired as fuck of this "FTL is millions of years advanced technology" bullshit. We've got theories of FTL, we've got interstellar space travel technology, it's just that the will isn't there. If Project Orion went through we'd be at Alpha Centauri by now. But guess what, our government spent said money on niggers and spics. When Africa becomes the majority population by 2050, our species is done, we'll have reached Earths Inflection Point.

Africa will starve to death as surplus food is cut.
China is trying to strip mine Africa, in the process most Africans will live in death camps or just killed and eaten.
If any food is to be grown it will go to China not Africa.
Africans will go threw a bottleneck as all aid drys up.
No western will to pay for China's slave labor.

build the sphere

Although Project Orion's fate sucks the big one, I don't think all is lost. There's still the knowhow from things like Orion and god knows how much crazy shit science fiction inspired to become reality, it's just a fact that not much is being researched on the matter for now, AFAIK shit like sending people to Mars and these new probe designs for a high increase in speed and the like are the hot thing. Besides, China has been having it's eyes set on Africa for some time now, and without outside aid they're dead in the water population boom or not. And there's always private companies to fall back on if shit gets that bad, for better or worse.

What do you tell an alien if you want to fuck its insides until its cute lil grey dick cums all over the floor?

Ding dong ur wrong

>What is your plan for when we fight the ayyys?

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you get a big group of psychic-sensitive (idk the actual word for some shit like this) people together and have them start imagining very graphic, raunchy smelly sex with the ayys, coupled with group masturbation. ideally this will bombard the ayys with really gross sexual thoughts, assuming they're reading their minds.
then, with another team of people who are very resistant to psychic attacks, having hid their locations the entire time, open up on the ayys with overwhelming firepower while they're distracted trying to bleach their big fat gray brains

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The Sectoids from XCOM are sexless drones, possibly even direct puppets of the Ethereal species. Sex would have absolutely no effect on them.

>Sex would have absolutely no effect on them.
Bull shit, give me 15 minutes alone with one of them.

jack off on their big gay heads

Greys aren't that bad if you have grenades. What you should be scared of is Chryssalids.


Gimme a hug, user.

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The answer is a gun. And if that don't work, use more gun.



they notice that you notice

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It's too bad they dropped the xenomorph look entirely. The chryssalids started to look a bit cartoonish as quadrupeds. The pacing kind of sucks without the motion scanner also, it's almost entirely random when you encounter aliens. Really messed up a few soldier classes and perks.

Trips confirm, MOAR DAKKA works.

>abandon mission

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kneepads, a lot of them!

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Ive posted this before but ill say it again
Ill bump fire my sks at the while playing sweet home Alabama tell they fuck off

I never liked the OG Chryssalids, they looked like a silly costume. The Floaters, Mutons, and Snakemen also looked silly.
I recognize this.

The original chryssalids were sprite art of Alien/Aliens xenomorphs. Kind of why they implanted things in people and it'd burst out of them as a new alien. That and the motion scanner was a throw back to aliens, except the motion scanner kind of came in handy since you could just use a shock rod on civilians, it didn't mess up your funding or score TOO badly if they got caught in an explosion if they couldn't get shocked so the aliens stopped targeting them and you could pick them up/throw them in your inventory to carry away.

>Hello Commander.
>In light of the recent extraterrestrial incursion, this council of nations has convened to authorise the activation of the X-COM Project...

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Im pretty sure Grey's don't have gender, does that mean it's neither straight nor gay to fuck them

w-what about f-fifteen minutes with me d-desu

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You're going to want to fill everyone of your orifices with aluminum foil.

Take a dump on them to assert your dominance.

Fuckin’ lol!

>also checked

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Penis everything within a 500m radius.

Just lube up and get into the position, user. They're fantastically more advanced than us and our weapons will have to effect.

For me, it wouldn't matter if it was greys, repilians, xenomorphs, or even the Thing. My loadout would always be the same.

>M60 in case you need a lot of power in a short time. Overkill better than no-kill
>M79 in case you have to blow it apart, or in case they're immune to bullets, and again, overkill is better than no-kill
>Flamethrower in case they're bulletproof. Can't kill everything with bullets, but never seen anything you couldn't kill with fire
>Chainsaw just cause

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"Fine, but you better pay me afterwards."

Molest them and kill them.
Or the other way around, idk.

>abandoning the mission
>not razing the entire map with blaster bombs

Git gud scrub.

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the first step is resisting the mind control. this is likely impossible with available technology and you probably have an implant in you anyway

>Implying we're not the ayyys.
Humans are probably the first species to reach this level of technology at least in this part of the galaxy. We are the ones destined the to butt probe all the other space apes.

Anyone thinking we have a chance vs aliens capable of space travel is retarded.

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>the Taliban and Vietcong have no chance!
Reticulan plz.

>this entire thread

Except , you get to live.

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Afghans or Vietkong were backed by opposing superpower and provided equipment often more advanced than their enemy had.

With aliens we are talking hundreds of years of technological advantage. It's like dudes with sabres and muskets fighting modern USA.

>mfw when Mars wakes up in lieu of the alien menace coming to fuck up earth and arms us with alien weaponry and light spacecraft so the entirety of earth becomes Space Charlie

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Query; if China starts genociding niggers will we (the West) go to war over it? Or just stomp up and down while secretly smiling?

Read Footfall by Niven & Pournell
One of the greatest scifi books of all time, and pretty fucking Jow Forums


Only a dumb millennial would delibrately go out of their own way to misspell the word "aliens."

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Why was Falling Skies so shit?

I had to stop watching, I just wanted to see us fuck up some ayys

grenades untill I get my accuracy high enough to hit an ayy reliably from 2spaces away

Man I'm terrified, always have been. Used to have reoccurring nightmare that E.T. was fucking with me and my dad comes in and guns him down while the alien does this screech

>go to bed carrying weapon
>keep caffeine pills in mouth before sleeping to counteract alien sedative
>break free of operating table straps with trusty Benchmade© shank
>sneak around ship with suppressed 9mm stealing alien tech
>infiltrate the bridge

One of two options now
>Explore the galaxy n shit

>Land in a populated place to piss off the nwo
>Create ion cannons and advanced laser weaponry in garage
>register with the ATF your new AOWs
>enjoy your ayy guns

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>It's a rite of passage, rasing a child race.
>To be a true Elder Race, they would need to take a younger race under their wing and guide them, uplifting them and shaping them into respectable members of galactic society.
>Life is few and far in between, but it can be found. 12 races inhabit the galaxy, 8 of them child races of varying maturity, but those 8 are being raised by only 3 of the 4 elder races.
>The youngest elder race, the Yha'nsh, had yet to adopt.
>Their efforts to find a suitable child had been in vain, as all their leads lead to already dead rocks, primitives with no potential to advance, or younglings already claimed by one of their sister races.
>The Yha'nsh, desperate to prove themselves, redoubled their efforts.
>Then one day, a scout vessel picks up something. No more than a garbled whisper on their comms, and in low radio as well. It's pure luck that their scheduled comm upgrade was pushed back, as their low radio would have been removed by then.
>They send a reply, only to have the same message repeated back.
>It must be automated... Or the sender can't interpret their reply.
>They follow the signal.
>The scout vessel is lead into section of galaxy clustered with natural debris, forcing them to drop FTL often to correct their course.
>The lack of resources is also worrying, so they carefully conserve supplies.
>What they find is shocking to the core.
>A death world, somehow filled with life.
>The dense, lonely ball of rock is woefully small and utterly lacking in atmosphere. Scans of the crust show absolutely no resources needed for space travel, like Cardenox for ship hulls or Hterio-2 for fuel, but show pleanty of blanch-worthy seismic activity and sodium contaminated water.
>No, the poor beings below, these "humans" were forced to use crude chemical rockets at great cost to escape their gravity well of a planet, and even then, their range is sorely limited.

>Their population is straining their already weak planet, causing conflict as they're forced to compete to live, forcing a martial culture to form. They surely have less than several hundred years before their mass extinction.
>And that is assuming a random event like a debris or meteor strike doesn't end them first, as they no defense against such a thing.
>And in this dark and hostile section of space, it's a miracle the anemic human radios reached the vessel, who was in the right place at the right time. Resources and time are what the humans need, and no amount of their natural adaptability and tenacity can fix that. How they have lasted their scant few thousand years with the odds so against them is a mystery.
>The vessel sends their findings back to Yha'nsh Command, who know what they must do.
>It's no longer about proving themselves. These humans, these infants, will die without them.
>The motion put forward to save and raise the humans is met with zero opposition.
>And so the humans, the "Harrowed Children", were taken into the arms of the Yha'nsh.
>"Hey, Huutloin! I know you have cooler stuff to do, but do you wanna go camping and shoot stuff in the woods? Or if you're not the outdoorsy type, we could... Grab a few drinks and see where the night takes us?"
>Huutloin, one of the ambassadors sent to observe daily life on Earth, feels her tylyn shift color to an embarrassed and shy violet.
>One nation in particular, "America" is so influential that much of their world mimics them, odd openness and martialness included.
>The Yha'nsh are unsure if that's a good thing or not.



Apply a bullet to her head.

Jack off on its big gay head

Is there a SciFi novel that is basically this? Some kind of hyper advanced space pacifist race using the comparatively violent, primitive humans as their grunts in a war against a belligerent force hellbent on their mutual destruction? It sort of seems like that will be the plot for Independence Day 3, based on the plot of the sequel.

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That I'm aware of, "A Hymn Before Battle" has almost exactly this premise. I haven't read this book though so I can't speak to it's actual quality

not belonging, the post

don't bother, if aliens show up and actually want to invade and colonize the planet, there is nothing we can do
if I were a ayyydmiral and I wanted Earth relatively intact, but get rid of the bald monkeys, I'd:
>sprinkle some space super-AIDS crossed with flu over all major cities
>blow up couple of nukes in upper atmosphere, frying the entire Earth's infrastructure
>wait until 99.99% of humans died off
>settle in
>kinetically bombard anything that resembles a surviving human community capable of anything more dangerous than suicide bombing a self-driving tractor

or if you are extra lazy and think Earth life in general is stupid
>sterilize planet with gamma rays
>settle in

My plan is as follows.
>keep .32 up my ass with the safety on
>get abducted
>pretend to play ball
>wait until they decide to probe the nether regions
>reveal the tactical Ruger LCP and show them how kinetic energy is better then their gay ass lasers
>seize control of ship
>become lord king of the moon

Gib more

I had an idea for a vidya like this

>Aliens want to get rid of humans so they can settle on earth easily
>want to create a superplague to depopulate earth
>need biological samples of humans to begin the testing program, which means abducting humans
>the problem is, most of the earth is covered in radar and cell phone video cameras and that sort of thing
>they decide to attack only the most rural, uncivilized areas of earth to get patients
>there was only one thing they didn't realize
>third world countries may not have communication, infrastructure or government, but they have a shitload of guns
>nobody who has any power in any government actually believes rural tribes when they say that they're being attacked by mysterious beings from within the forest
>enter you, a naive college friend who signed up for some charity and finds himself commanding a bunch of third world jungle people in their war against the ayys
>everything from pipe shotguns to antiaircraft cannons on the back of trucks
>XCOM meets Far Cry