It doesn’t matter which side you carry your gun on. 99% of firearms self defense situations are not going to require some cowboy western fast-draw. You are going to have plenty of time to figure out what’s going on, decide if you need to draw your gun, and then do it. If you carry concealed, the element of surprise is going to afford you plenty of time. It has always annoyed me that people ask about my left handed holsters. I carry at 7:00-8:00 even though I am a right handed shooter. I simply pass the gun from my left hand to the right hand. I find it more comfortable to do this, and taking the little bit of extra time isn’t really a big deal to me. In fact, I think it can be advantageous to take a moment to switch hands. Sometimes I will appendix carry left side also. I like doing this so I can reach my phone and other pocket items on the right side more easily. Needless to say, I access my phone many times per day but never need to reach the gun. Does anyone else carry opposite strong side? Do you really believe it matters very much? I had some guy basically laugh at me over this at my LGS today...
It doesn’t matter which side you carry your gun on...
Thomas Baker
Caleb Bell
Hudson Miller
dude what
Angel Williams
It won't matter until the exact moment it does. Go watch some vids of CCers drawing and you tell me if you want to fumble around with your spaghetti first.
Landon Nelson
I wonder what the scope bite will look lile
Logan Walker
I don’t fumble.
Jacob Barnes
>It doesn’t matter which side you carry your gun on
Oh it's a leftie struggle post
>I simply pass the gun from my left hand to the right hand. I find it more comfortable to do this, and taking the little bit of extra time isn’t really a big deal to me.
No he's just retarded.
Eli Sanchez
not an argument.
Jeremiah Perez
You will under stress.
Ethan Gomez
I had to take my holster off earlier to fuck your mother and I didn’t fumble at all