Awright Jow Forums, you are stuck behind the wall. You gotta meet shady people and do shady things. Who you work for is your business and your problem. What handgun are you packing?
But just beware, not everyone plays fair...
Awright Jow Forums, you are stuck behind the wall. You gotta meet shady people and do shady things. Who you work for is your business and your problem. What handgun are you packing?
But just beware, not everyone plays fair...
Other urls found in this thread:
my choice
I join the border police
I’d say with good confidence I could carry 9 or so .32 or .25 pistols
Or maybe a S&W Model 39
CZ-82 or CZ-83 for concealed carry, CZ-75 for gunfighting.
I behave myself and keep my head down until 1990 and go live in West Germany happily ever after until 2015 when another former East German allows the moors to invade our homeland , then I activate the genocide machine.
OMG here are the rules:
1. You are behind the Wall (side irrespective. reason irrespective) because you were sent there to do business. You have a method to cross to whichever side you have allegiance with once you are done with your grim work.
2. You can only stay relatively safely for a year. Meaning, no large entities are fully dedicated to finding you yet.
3. You cannot make contact or ally yourself with whichever side's military/police. You can trust no one. If you try, your identity is discovered and you get executed.
4. You can start out with only one gun. It was hard arranging it for you. You are that deep. You can always souvenir guns as you go but you only start with what you go in with.
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