What is Jow Forums's opinion on derringers?
What is Jow Forums's opinion on derringers?
Is gun
they're good for colon carry.
Fun range toy, impractical for use otherwise, especially with revolvers of the same size existing
Unless you're on a steamboat, whore, are wearing nothing to conceal a regular subcompact it's a meme but if you want a meme go for it
It's a gun for hookers.
Would still buy one to keep I'm my cigar box.
I inherited one of these along with some .410 shells from my great-uncle. Would it be decent for a bedside gun?
If you have nothing else yes, but the 2 shot restriction is a big negative in the home defense area.
It's a min-maxed weapon. All the pro's and cons of a pistol amplified to absurdity.
It's for shooting snakes, ground squirrels, etc; carry it while you're out mowing the grass and shit.
You could hardly pick a worse defensive gun, but as says, if it's literally your only gun, it beats the fuck out of no gun.
I'm embarrassed to admit I've had one of those 7.62x39 derringers in my cart more than once. I'm either going to buy one of those, or Obrez my POS Mosin. Something deep within me desires an impractical noisemaker.
They're a lot of fun. Bond's got one that shoots .45 Colts and .410 shells.
This. You need high dexterity and either the quick aim or cowboy traits.
>keeping your derringer in your cigar box and your cigars in your hooker
Just get the derringer. No Mosin deserves to be fucked around with like that.
Small Iron
That's what I thought a CCP was-- Colon Carry Permit. Got a lot of weird looks the first day of class.
They are for women.
Old fudd trash
Hearty kek ensued
Unironically love the heizer 45 two shot. Would wear as ankle gun
They have their uses.
El paso is a better song then big iron.
The 45-70 govt. Derringer
>fuck wristbones
The derringer is a workable design for DIY guns. It can do what a zip gun does but four bullets are a lot better than one.
>45-70 govt. Derringer: When you hate yourself at least as much as your opponent
So is this basically Jow Forums's gun?