How fucked am I?

Semi blog but I promise it ropes back in. LEO's please respond.
>drinking with the boys
>get feed harder then ever before in my life
>try to drive home because "nah i'm fiiiiiiine"
>wake up to sirens
>hard to remember much after that but feel someone tugging on my arms and torso to pull me out of my vehicle
>muscle memory and FOF response kicks in and I pull my carry pistol
>again do not remember much but I do remember only pointing the pistol at myself for fear of being shot to death by cops
>surrender and wake up in hospital
>let go the next day like nothing happened

It has been a few weeks now and nothing. No bench warrants. My licence is still good. They took my gun and I have not tried to get it back. Can a LEO shed some light on my situation? I had my blood drawn but was never processed by police for finger prints or brought into the cop shop. I've not tried to buy a gun since then. Am I now unable to purchase a new firearm? Did I just somehow get lucky and avoid a DUI charge by pulling a gun on myself? It was a terrible mistake. It has even made me really question if I should carry if I did some dumbfuck retardation such as that but I'm in a hellish limbo. I'd like some insight into how much I have fucked my gun rights.

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M8 you’re gonna lose you’re guns and you’re not even responsible enough to own them.

You should just buy a tank of helium and use it to kys

You fucking tard. I'm more upset you drunk and drove than pulled a gun on yourself. If you got ventilated it'd be a godsend.

You're dead William, I'm sorry

OP, I'm sorry but you need to accept the truth. You died that night by the side of the road. You need to come to terms with reality. You need to let go.

You live in a major city?

Not LEO, EMT. The only thing I can think of is you were given over to EMS due to the level of intoxication and the cops were too busy/didn't care enough/ forgot to follow up with it. You were too drunk to be breathalyzed, so they wouldn't have much to establish you had been drinking unless they got a warrant for a blood draw. The smell of alcohol alone isn't enough to legally establish it because it can be mimicked by a diabetic emergency. The hospital can't tell them shit without either your consent or a warrant.

Was your car impounded?

It was for 2 days. Cops were very courtesy when I picked it up. The nice lady at the cop shop asked how I was feeling. At the impound the cops checked my insurance while I was about to drive out. Was missing my card but was able to contact my insurance provider for a digital copy. Was let go without further interference.

Yes, but then who was phone?

Are you white?


Op was this you?

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Extremely fake incredibly gay

I fucking wish. I go to work every day in a cold sweat wondering if today is the day police fucking raid us and drag me out in hand cuffs.

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This is either a lie or white people really do get away with anything

Do you still have your gun? What does the hospital discharge paperwork say? Did any of the nurses say anything about how you got there?

>white people
I am native american you racist fucking nazi

You were concussed. By the time they bothered to check your blood alcohol you were legal. You got lucky.

Gun is missing, assume taken. Only local hospital says discharge by ICU. Nurses said little. I protested being restrained at hospital. They forced drugs upon me and catheterized me against my will. I vocally protested being drugged and having my liquids taken. They strapped me down and injected me.

It's looking likely that this is what happened. Or maybe alcohol poisoning if you were in ICU

If you're intoxicated, suicidal, or have some other alteration in normal mental status(head injury, stroke to name a few), your protests don't mean shit under implied consent. You get blood and urine pulled, and you'll get strapped down if you're combative

>you are a massive faggot for driving drunk
>you've thoroughly proved the fact you are not capable of good judgement and a faggot
>the cops should've shot you when you drew
>you're guns are going to get taken away you retarded faggot
>did I mention you're a faggot for drunk driving?

It's a shame you didn't rid the world of your faggotry and wrap your car around a tree or something.

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You're a fucking idiot and are too irresponsible to own firearms. That being said, state to state Dui laws vary. The constant with all 50 states is that working dui's are fairly procedurally complicated. Saying one wrong word can get a can thrown out where I work (georgia). There's a thousand things that could be happening that range from you got horrendously lucky and are getting out of this incident without any charges, or they're waiting on blood results to get back or something and you'll get either a warrant or served papers telling you to be in court on a certain day.
t. Cop

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I'm shocked they didn't initiate the Backer Act on you user. I had to care for those that were baker acted for just saying that they felt like offing them self.

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They did Baker Act you user, but I'm shocked you didn't get an evaluation at a psychiatric facility once discharged from the hospital. You must've spoken to the attending psychiatrist and was deemed stable for you to return home. Also, they will shove pills down your throat, start IV fluids giving you about 3000ml, and catheterized you against your will. Your will doesn't mean shit once you are Baker Acted. Your patient rights are taken away, and you will receive care whether you like it or not under constant 1 on 1 surveillance with 15 minute checks. Some patients will accept their fate once they understand that they're hopeless under the act, but you sounded like the asshole that refuses to come to grip with the reality. You can talk shit about how the nurses strapped you down and drugged you", but you were the dumbass that put yourself in that situation in the first place.

>going out drinking armed and then driving home blackout drunk
lol you don't deserve to own guns

>isnt white

Oh I hope they Trail of Tears your ass straight to Big Tyreese in the Big House showers then. Fucking piece of shit skraeling, drinking and driving like a ficking retard cause youre pos kind has zero self awareness when it comes to alcohol. Letting your kind exist past the 19th century was a mistake.

>Still drinking
Stop drinking.

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You're probably wondering how you got here, user.

best post fully agree

>native american
>not anglo
lmao fuck off prairie chink. can't wait until you're even less relevant than you are now. don't you have raping or passing out in the ditch to do?

>weebfaggot isn't responsible enough to own guns
>weebfaggot drives so drunk that he passes out behind the wheel, putting my family and loved ones in danger due to it's selfishness and lack of intelligence
>weebfaggot blog posts on Jow Forums about it's feelings and tribulations
remind me why you fucks are allowed to live?

Get a lawyer before you say or do anything else if you give a fuck about keeping your rights. Might seem like lots of money to spend now, but think of a life time without shooting.

>Native American

>Problem with drinking

You don't say?

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don't help this tremendous faggot, any subhuman who drinks and drives should be executed on the spot and it's family billed for the hazardous waste disposal and towing of the car which is auctioned off.

faggots...never actually had to say this but these are noguns Jow Forumstards. Please stop shitting up our good Christian board

Op how does it feel being a dumb-dumb?

yeah, don't bully it because it isn't white, bully it because it's a subhuman piece of garbage that drinks and drives.

Not either of them, don't give a fuck about OP's ethnicity or whatever
But fuck the OP for drinking and driving, LET ALONE WHILE FUCKING ARMED
He deserved charges

> guns
Nope. /arg/ tripfag here. Just pointing out some chink who never founded or even had a word for America calling himself a "native American" is blasphemous.

If you arn't Anglo, you're trash desu senpai.

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>mentions white people
>omg this guy must be a nazi
Fuck off

totally agree. completely and utterly. but why just be a racist POS about it? It degrades the entire 'conversation' and OP will never learn anything

jesus christ what a delusion you live in...I hope a nigger breaks into your house and shoots you with your own gun.

I swear to God it should be punishable by death to drink and drive. I'm sexdoll user and even I think you're a degenerate. My uncle had been slammed and shredded into beef by ramming into a semi going the opposite way because he was drunk driving.

>let me decide to drink now and then worry about how I'm going to go home
>not having a designated driver
>not waiting until you're physically home to drink if you're out and have no DD
>pulling a gun on yourself when you're getting pulled out of the car by a LEO and having no memory of it
The only thing that probably saved you was the fact that they felt pity that you are a Native American. Well I don't. Stop drinking, get a job and start being productive. And put away your guns for now until you fixed the reason why you pulled a gun on yourself and almost became a statistic.

this, if you blow over the limit the officer who pulled you over should be mandated to doubletap you with his service pistol.

>Getting fucking plastered drunk
>Getting fucking plastered drunk and then driving
>Getting fucking plastered drunk and then CARRYING
>Getting fucking plastered drunk and then threatening to kill yourself
>Getting fucking plastered drunk and then SHITTING ON THE COPS FOR IT
Buddy, trust me when I fucking say this - be happy that you lost your gun and consider getting rid of the other ones that you've got. You're a fucking danger to yourself and others, and we're all exceedingly lucky that you didn't cap some unfortunate soul literally only trying to help you.
You did some nigger-tier shit, dude. The EMT's probably fucking restrained you and cared for you, and you just shit all over them.

I hope a gun breaks into your house and shoots you, nigger

What's delusional is some Siberian chink thinking he's native in a country he never founded.

>I hope you get niggered.
>White people have no culture! Wow look at these guys who literally couldn't even the wheel! So beautiful!
>Remember to not be a racist goys!
Fuck off Shlomo.

I live in an area that's 99.7% White. Don't even lock my doors anymore lmao. Enjoy living in a shithole though!

t. grew up in South Dakota and dealt with the chinks doing nothing but passing out on the highway. drove past a few dead ones too who did it in the winter. :) Fuck em.

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me too honestly. end my suffering senpai

I was joking, don't let them kill you, nigger :[

>m-muh Jow Forums

I dont hate you because Im from Jow Forums. I hate you because natives are fucking alcoholic garbage and they shit up my town, and you being a fucking dumbass drinking and driving and pulling guns on cops and shit are a PRIME example of why your people are subhuman pieces of shit.

Also get fucked, goober, I probably fire more bullets in a week than you do in a year, not even including the work related shit.

Drunk skraeling garbage deserves permanent ethnic displacement into the sun.

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just wait til Crystal Methany runs out of her fix and robs you blind while you're at work

>What's delusional is some Siberian chink thinking he's native in a country he never founded
what did you personally do to 'found' America? be born here? wow

people are garbage. not because they're white or not white.

I blame the handouts they get. I remember when growing up some of my greasy friends flat out told me they planned to live off their monthly checks in native housing. There's little incentive to try despite them basically getting paid to go to college they drop out.
At least they're not violent and aren't really known for being thefts though, theyre good people just with some bad habits like throwing trash out all over the road.

I think everyone's missing some odd questions to ask.
Are you related to LEOs in anyway?
Are you white?
Are you from a small country-ish town or more urban area?

What's with all the pussies on this board?

im not OP. I was born in Kiev and moved to the US when I was 2. I do shitty shit. maybe not like OP, the stupid bastard, but im not perfect because I'm white
*insert slav shit smearing*
yeah,yeah whatever. nothing new

yes, you go shooting more than I do. You are a real man, saying things on an anonymous Icelandic cave painting website that you would never dare say in real life.

OP you're a fucking idiot and give up your guns for all the reasons already said.

Don't have a meth problem here since it's not profitable to market to a town of less than a thousand people who are all spread out on million dollar ranches.

>what did you personally do to 'found' America? be born here? wow
Be born as an ethnic white American. What did prairie niggers who never had the wheel or an empire spanning across the continent do to earn the title of "native american" besides being born?

>people are garbage. not because they're white or not white.
>Genetics don't exist!
Lmao. People being dumb niggers with poor genetics are why poor white (Irish) trash waste money instead of investing in their families future. Blacks are ridiculously more prone to violence and are more likely to have genetic indicators of such behavior. Same reason why prarie chinks are raging alcoholics who are willing to curl up and die on the middle of a highway in -10f weather drinking Listerine.Genetic disposition to alcohol intolerance and dependency.

>drove drunk
>cops approach
>pull gun because FOF
>FOF turns into pointing the gun at yourself
user, get rid of your guns, step back, and take some time to review your life. Consider getting a psychological assessment since it sounds like you are making immature and impulsive decisions that typical adults should not be making.

>hurr durr what did you do PERSONALLY

I hate retards who spout this weak ass shit.

"Yeah man my dad built this house and gave it to me. Yeah lol, I just let all the crackheads move in and shit, I didnt build it personally, so who gives a fuck, its not really mine. Nah Im not proud of my old man or anything either, who gives a fuck what he did, or that Im an extension of him the way he was of his ancestors. That shits pointless, who gives a fuck about old peoples sacrifices for the future, lol.

Yeah the crackheads shit on the floor and stole my TV. Oh well, its their home too, right?"

>being so retarded you unironically think that

Natives + alcohol = brainlet

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idk. i thought I could talk some common sense into someone but i forgot where i was

Yeah, I mean pandas arent really a threatening species, but theyre still an evolutionary dead end that should just go extinct. If you get what im sayin.

>Your inheritance isn't yours.
>Slavery is your sin, even if you're some guy whose family immigrated from Europe in the 1900s.
Keep up user.

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I mean, you didn't do any of it though right? You just benefited. You're allowed to be proud for things you never did, but you can't take credit for them. As weak as his statement was, responding with "muh pride" is pretty weak as well.

Just waking up. Pretty shitty but I am the one who drove drunk so I deserve all the heat. I made two huge mistakes in a row. I am not normally that drunk or that godamn retarded. It was a once off. I've stopped drinking. At this point the anxiety isn't worth it.

You've been given more chances than you deserve. Turn your life around now, give your guns to someone to hold onto until you can demonstrate that you're a responsible adult worthy of the responsibility of gun ownership.
If you decide to fuck up again I hope you end up dead in a ditch.

>why the fuck do people even consider themselves American, French, or even German at all?
>Nothing they did was really their accomplishment. Isn't it a bit dumb to claim your ancestry?
>Why not be a global society with no distinctions, borders or language barriers?
You're a fucking brainlet trying to sound intelligent. Being a shit bird globalist won't get you love here.

No, native so white with a heavy tan?

Get a fucking lawyer moron

Bud, not everyone you disagree with has the same ideological slant. Stop assuming that. Putting words in people's mouth makes you look stupid.
People consider themselves certain national identities because they are born there, share the culture, or are of that ancestry. You are perfectly allowed to claim that ancestry. You are allowed to be a happy little *identity group here*.
But you're not your dad. You're not your grandfather. And you're not any of your ancestors. You didn't do what they did. I don't pretend that I served in World War Two or that I need any recognition for what my Grandfather did in the war. My settler ancestors went through all kinds of struggles, I take credit for none of it.
Are you American? Forge your own path. It's the American way. Don't be a faggot who has to make himself be important because his ancestors did stuff.

Yoooo another sodak native I’m from Sioux Falls. How these podunk cops didn’t light your ass up is beyond me. If I were you I’d switch states to avoid any bullshit coming.

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If you were really proud of your old man, you'd follow in his footsteps and build your own house.

I agree with your analogy. That;s fucking retarded, but look at any white teenager and see that 90% of them fit that bill. Just replace house with America. but there are two completely different realms of thought. What makes one more American? Have nationalist pride for this country or pride for the very dirt you walk on?

Native American is a label made up by humans that doesn't mean shit. It's just what people decided to call other people whether it be right or not. If one has pride for this country then they belong here just as much as anyone else whatever you want to fucking call them

the meth thing was a joke i'm just trying to say white people will fuck you over quick as anyone else if they wanted to.That's fine that you were born here. so was OP probably. but if a native american sees shit like riots and looting, cops shooting kids, and dirty politicians and it pisses him off that the country is getting to this, does that not make him more deserving of the title of "American" than anything else?
btw, there's a reason Eugenics is a scrapped science

>get btfo
>'s fine to claim your ancestry but don't comment on their achievements
lmao. you're an embarrassment and a result of women being allowed to enter the workforce and infect our youth with fantasy.

in addition, like I said I was born in Kiev but don't consider myself Ukrainian. I'm an American because I love this country and the shit that goes on here
on point

>not born here, identifies as Ukrainian yet claims to be an AMerican
Fuck off back home slav nigger. We don't want your shit slave genes.

This is bullshit we got like 3 Natives in this bitch and ones trying to suicide over a fuckin dui. Seriously tho you shouldn’t have guns-doesn’t matter if you live in some tiny prairie town it’s a big responsibility. Also don’t ever hit the bottle and drive it’s fucking retarded if you can’t afford lyft or a taxi don’t drink.

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lyft/uber isn't everywhere.

I don't identify as Ukrainian. I feel a connection to my heritage but when i speak of Ukraine I say they, not we. And i'm entitled to build my own definitions of things -for myself- and if you dont agree thats fine but maybe stop being such a close minded faggot

Well no wonder you were drunk then

I wouldn’t even try to get that shit back. If it’s sodak I’d move to Iowa or MN to keep my guns. But then again I’m not full retard over here pulling my gun around cops because I sleep in cars. 25% Sioux here letting you know yer dumb as hell mane. There’s like 0 Native cops here so I have no idea how you didn’t get obliterated by service pistols. Srsly tho you should not have guns. You sound like the type of jumpy retard that would shoot someone for threatening to fight you or some other massive fuckup.

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Lyft has made it to SE South Dakota and northern Iowa. I use it often.

"Yeah man, fuck having pride in your family and their accomplishments, I mean what kind of retard is proud of their in-group history and legacy, besides families, clans, nations, high schools, colleges, noble houses, tribes, military units, sports teams, etc etc. Only dumb insecure nazis have collective pride in each others accomplishments and history. Lol. Nothing matters anyway were all just star stuff its all meaningless we're all gonna die haha. Im Pickle Riiiiick!"

Fucking an hero yourself, soulless retard.

Tonto like firewater.

Your name wouldn't happen to be Freedom Crawford would it?

>if you ACTUALLY were proud, youd do sonething needless and insipid just to impress retards on the internet who dont know what the fuck theyre talking about.

You are a dumb fucking retard of the highest caliber. Instead of just copying him without a reason, why not improve the house, or otherwise apply your efforts and resources towards other ventures that you can also leave to your children so that they have even more than you did?

Either way, build another house or not, its still fucking yours and the crackhead trash squatting in it needs to fucking go, so yiur argument is double the stoopid.

Suck an exhaust pipe, bozo

>living in your old man's shadow
>limiting yourself to only maintaining what he made
Sell the house and make your own way.

>tell others theyre not americans
>when asked what you've done to be more american scream and go off on a rant to change the subject
Y-you sure told them user. Good work...

>man builds house for his family that will last generations
>son sells it to build a house for himself like a selfish twat wanting his offspring to do the same
t. boomer faggot

their generation really is fucking cancer. look at how many youngfags fall for their garbage thinking boomers were ever traditional.

Know what another word for boomers is?
Washed out doper hippie. That's their true legacy. Can't wait for them to die off so we don't have their sodomite loving agenda in politics.

eh, from what I understand, suppliers/manufacturers got wise to the exit bag.
I think they started filling them with an oxygen - helium mixture to prevent suicide?

oh well, there's always rope.

>while playing the dangerous drunk injun card perfectly

Seriously OP go against what everyone does around you and get out of the fuckin bottle. Your dumbass will be walking miles on the highway from the res to the nearest liquor store like the rest if you don’t shape up.

The real truth is that the son sells the property for a smaller house that won’t fit a family in a new part of town or city and fucks himself when he has more kids than rooms.

im and have made no other posts in this thread.
That being said I do know some native americans here on the east coast. Crazy fuckers do meth and hard drugs just to prove how badass they are. All have serious drinking problems and smoke weed until they're brain dead by 13 years old. Wait outside of bars to beat up drunks and tons of other illegal shit...

Seriously OP stop drinking. But you didn't need us to tell you that. You've been telling yourself that for a while probably.
You have to find that inner voice that says 'im done,'

No joke a friend thought that being able to 'hold your liquor' just meant that you could drink and drink and drink and not puke; not drink and retain yourself. Shits embarrassing, you're embarrassing your race. Stop it.

>u-uh uh... uh... y-you're changing the subject! I mean... im a retarded brainlet and cant see the direct relevance... s-so it must be unrelated...

Eat glass, dipshit.

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Niggers are too dumb to function, its why they'll always be poor

>using what your ancestors left you and trying to better it and do more for your children instead of playing pissing contest with dead grampa and starting some new unproven shit from scratch for no reason except muh daddy issues = "limiting yourself and living in their shadow"

T. Fucking Singularity IQ level brainlet

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OP probably got arrested and his guns taken while writing his reply. They can’t hold your carry gun for no reason so I’m guessing you’re going to get hit with a charge of some sort. They all know your retard ass shouldn’t be carrying.

Native americans are called so because theyre the original immigrants to america. Just because you have some sense of what does or doesnt make a man doesnt mean you have a say in who is or isnt an american.

Everything you're saying is opinion based. Others disagree with you. When your own argument was turned on you; you went off on an emotional post about what it is to be a man.
Cmon user. I'm going to work.

glad I clicked this shit thread

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>everything you have is opinion based

So uh... wheres this country native americans built? Im curious. I mean, idk anything after all, just opinions, so please show me the great prarie nigger empire or whatever, I'd love to see it and apologize to OP for being so wrong by hating such a proud and successful and industrious people.

I'll wait, my guy.

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>all this talk about SD
Hi frens. Also: everyone should stay the fuck out. We apparently have drunk natives driving down the road pointing guns at people. Just stay the fuck away from this state and never come here. Stay in your shitty states.

>everyone who hates prairie chinks is one person
nigger there's at least 3 in this thread